Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Ncaa vs. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma Essay
Facts: Years ago members of major conferences in college football formed what was known as the College Football Association. The idea of this was to promote the interests of major football-playing schools within the NCAA structure. The University of Oklahoma was a respondent in this particular case. Issues: In 1979 the CFA member schools began to advocate that colleges with major football programs should have a greater voice in the formulation of football television policy than they had in the NCAA. CFA tried to negotiate a television agreement of its own, developed a plan, and was offered a contract by NBC. This would have allowed the member schools more television appearances, and would have increased the overall revenues realized by CFA members. As a result the NCAA publicly announced that any school participating in this agreement would be punished in all sports at that school. Holding: On September 8, 1981 respondents commenced this action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma and obtained a preliminary injunction preventing the NCAA from initiating disciplinary proceedings of otherwise interfering with the CFA’s efforts to perform its agreement with NBC. Notwithstanding the entry of the injunction, most CFA members were unwilling to commit themselves to the new contractual arrangement with the NBC in the face of the threatened sanctions and therefore the agreement was never finalized. Reasoning: The challenged practices of the NCAA constitute a â€Å"restraint of trade†in the sense that it limits member’s freedom to negotiate and enter into their own television contracts.
How I Believe America has changed since 9/11
The 9/11 incident is a unique one being considered as one of the worst catastrophes not only in America but all over the world. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and of the Soviet Union in 1991 a period of extreme optimism opened, with markets triumphant and globalization as the universal panacea (Evans, 2003, para.3). Such nations who experienced failure in one way or another have shifted and depended on their sanguinity for success and advancement through the United States of America.However, after the 9/11 terrorist attack, the world was in shock that even the world’s greatest superpower has met some vulnerable moments against an uncertain force. The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known as al Qaeda (Bush, 2001, para. 13).Following the 9/11 disaster, one aspect of change which should be analyzed is how Americans perceive freedom now after this event. U.S. President George W. Bush has applied an aggres sive and one-sided approach in dealing with the terrorist issue.The Bush administration is presently the prime mover of the long running â€Å"war on terrorism.†Everything has changed in the sense that the war on terrorism has given U.S. foreign policy a focus not seen since the height of the Cold War (Garrett, 2002, para. 1). The invasion and occupation of Iraq is a result (politically, of course, not logically)†¦(â€Å"What has changed since 9/11?,†2006, para.2). Undaunted and unapologetic, the Bush administration continues to argue the virtues of staying the present course (Connetta, 2006, para. 6). Can the Americans live in the real essence of freedom with this road the Bush leadership is taking?Will the Bush Administration sacrifice civil liberty for the sake of national security? America has always takes pride of being a free nation embedded with dignity and glory. But after 9/11, the Americans have lived in fear, ambiguity and doubt.ReferencesBush, G.W. ( 2001). Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People. Retrieved July 28, 2007, from, C. (2006). Pyrrhus on the Potomac: How America's post-9/11 wars have undermined US national security. Retrieved July 28, 2007, from, L. (2003). America and the World: What Has Changed Since 9/11? Retrieved July 28, 2007, from, G. (2002). One year after 9/11: What Has Really Changed? Retrieved July 28, 2007, fromâ€Å"What has changed since 9/11?†(2006). Retrieved July 28, 2007, fromÂ
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Global Market Place Activities Essay
Internet America is a wireless ISP (WISP) that operates within the southern United States. Currently we have been expanding the use of WiMAX hardware to provide our customer base a better user experience with fewer issues. Our older hardware has become unusable due to the vendor being restricted from sales in the United States so we made the recent decision to utilize WiMAX hardware developed by an Israeli company. This has brought on the added challenge of maintaining the hardware in the event of a Middle East conflict that potentially could choke off supplies of the equipment in the United States. This ongoing conflict has no foreseeable end in sight so the CEO made the decision to negotiate into the contract with the Israeli company to provide us onsite spares for all major hardware to mitigate the chances of service interruptions to our customers in the event of an escalation of events in that region of the world. Risk Sources The first identified risk for Internet America is the potential loss of our climate control systems that cool our corporate data center location. This location has a large number of temperature sensitive devices that are currently cooled by systems that are aging (8-12 years old) and are heavily utilized most of the year due to the location of our corporate offices in Houston Texas. This location necessitates that we run these systems continually for nine to eleven months of the year. This heavy utilization and the hardware’s age pose a very real risk to the serviceability of our corporate structure and support of our customers. Being a WISP, the company relies heavily on the ability to move data to and from the customers. Our corporate headquarters are fed by a point to point fiber connection to our datacenter at Cyrus 1 in Houston TX. As with any buried cabling there is the potential for a cabling cut due to construction or as is more likely for our current location road repairs. The access streets in our location are in disrepair and are being constantly serviced due to the heavy trucks that utilize them constantly. Attacks to our core devices and support structures are common and attempts to breach our systems occur on an almost daily basis. We have determined that most of these attempts are mainly just beginner computer enthusiasts that are trying out something they read on the internet or inadvertently tried to access our systems. This is evident in the amateur attacks that are attempted, however several times a month we get attempts from more advanced hackers that really test our abilities to detect and stop the attack. A large number of these more advanced hacks are initiated from China. Being located in Houston TX our fourth identified risk would be damage to our Cyrus 1 datacenter location. This building was chosen due to its design and the lengths that the facilities owner has gone through to provide a stable and reliable infrastructure. Even with the most adept preparation there is no way to fully prepare a location in the event of a major natural disaster. Houston is well known for being impacted by hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding. All of which could potentially destroy any structure in the city if the conditions are just right. The fifth identified risk is the potential for our WiMAX vender to be unable to provide hardware support in the event of an escalation of tensions in the Middle East. The conflicts in this region are well documented and have lasted for many decades with little to no end in sight. In the event of an escalation of terrorist activities against the Israeli nation we may see our hardware support be limited until the activity recedes or peace talks begin again. As with any service industry, Internet America in not immune to the possibility of personnel loss due to the turndown in the economy. Internet service for most people would be considered a necessity in today’s society so the effects of a bad economy do not affect us as hard as other industries; however our core customer base is in rural areas and those customers do not have as cemented a need for internet service. This leaves the company vulnerable to revenue loss and possible staff reductions in a bad economic environment. The availability of commercial power is fairly ubiquitous across the United States, and most companies take for granted that the service will stay on when needed. This however is not always the case and eventually most businesses will be afflicted with the loss of power during business hours. For Internet America this could be catastrophic as the loss of commercial power would render the customer support teams unable to service our clients and detect/resolve any outages that occur throughout the network. The final and least likely risk Internet America faces is the possibility that we may fail a fire code inspection in the corporate offices. Due to the installed fire suppression systems in the datacenter, the company is required to undergo an annual fire safety inspection. In the event of a failure the facilities would not be usable until the needed repairs are completed. This could potentially disrupt our ability to service our clients properly.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Discuss a dilemma from a legal and professional viewpoint Essay
Discuss a dilemma from a legal and professional viewpoint - Essay Example Assessing Capacity f. Key Points about Mental Capacity Act (2005) g. UK Statutes of Law 3. Professional Implications of the Case a. Mental Capacity in Medical Profession b. Consent to Treatment c. Principles of Medical Laws d. Medical Principles 4. Conclusion Mental Capacity and Consent Scenario in Clinical Practice Alexander James is a 19 years old deaf teenager admitted in a mental institution for paranoid personality. Alexander was born deaf and abused by his siblings and friends because of his disability. He grew up believing that everyone is trying to plot a mischief against him. James’ parents admitted him in the mental institution because his paranoid disorder affected his academics, social life and relationships with other people. While at the mental institution, Alexander’s mental disorder intensified when he saw doctors communicating and laughing. He thought that they were laughing at his disability and were plotting to harmful activities against him with thei r medical practice. James became violent towards the mental health providers and other patients. He was sedated and kept in isolation while his mental health treatment began. During his treatment, James was diagnosed with early symptoms of leukemia. Doctors summoned his parents and informed him that immediate treatment would eliminate the cancer. However, James refused this treatment because he believed that God intentionally planned for his deafness and leukemia, which means that he wanted the cancer to take its own course. The doctors respected James wishes in the presence of an attorney and he received hospice care for the remaining months. In 1994 in England, a similar case of mental capacity and consent occurred when a 68 years old man refused treatment. The case is referred to as Re C (Adult: Refusal of Treatment) [1994] 1 WLR 290, where Mr. C was confined in a mental hospital because of a prolonged paranoid schizophrenia (Tan 4). He further explains that Mr. C had a gangrenou s foot that threatened his wellbeing if untreated by amputation. However, Mr. C refused treatment and filed a case to deter doctors from amputating his foot in future. Justice Thorpe ruled in his favor because his delusions and mental illness did not affect his capacity to listen, understand and make solid judgments about his desires (Tan 4). Legal Implications of the Case In the case of James and the medical professionals in the mental institution, his wishes and beliefs were granted after a thorough consultation. Below is a discussion and analysis of the impact of James’ case on UK’s legal system. Capacity in Law Capacity is legally defined as individuals’ ability and freedom to make their own decisions or take necessary actions that will affect their own lives (Law 2). She further explains that the Law Commission of UK implemented a Mental Capacity Act that empowered and encouraged people to make their own decisions about important issues in their lives. Pati ents in the UK that refuse emergency treatment must be legally competent by exhibiting a high capacity. The wishes of these patients are respected after proving to the court that they have mental stability to reason clearly and deliberate (Buchanan 2). They should hold appropriate objectives and values concerning their refusal of treatment. The law requires patients that refuse emergency medical care to appreciate and acknowledge their current circumstances. Patients are required to understand the information presented by their doctors and finally communicate their desired choice,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Problem Solving & Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Problem Solving & Decision Making - Essay Example Different studies present varying models of a typical decision-making process depending on their perspectives. Some models follow eight steps, others five. For purposes of making intuitive choices, the Harvard Case Approach (HCA) following four steps would be utilized. The four steps of this natural, intuitive decision-making process are: Step 1: Define the problem; Step 2: Alternative Courses of Action; Step 3: Analysis; Step 4: Recommendation. Initially, there is a situation where one of the subordinates, a security personnel, who was scheduled for regular work on a 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM slot, requested for a change in schedule due to emergency reasons. His wife called in early at 8:00 AM and informed the appropriate channels that the security personnel had to undergo immediate surgery for appendectomy. Therefore, he would be on emergency leave for five days. The shift sergeant was immediately informed of the situation and necessary changes in shift schedules have to be reviewed to fill in the temporary vacancy. a. Recall a security personnel on scheduled vacation leave. This option calls for determining a personnel on leave during the five-day period, who can be recalled for emergency purposes and who would be requested to report on the specified 10PM to 6AM schedule for five days. After which, he can resume his leave. b. Require overtime for current security personnel. Utilize security personnel to extend their shifts to at most four hours. Security personnel from the PM shift could extend from 10PM to 2AM and AM shift personnel could be requested to report four hours early (2AM instead of 6AM). The first alternative would entail some time and effort to locate and contact the security personnel on vacation leave. This option’s viability depends on where he is spending his vacation, the time he could return, the persons to be affected
Saturday, July 27, 2019
I Sought My Brother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
I Sought My Brother - Essay Example Evans and S. Allen Counter (Harding 1). These two authors transverse the Suriname rain forests, of the independently new black republic along the South American central north coast. Driven by a deep feeling of ancestral calling, the authors went to seek ways out, in which the communities descended from enslaved Africans that rebelled against their Dutch masters and fled into the jungles in the last half of the 18th century. As a result, stunning pictorials have been presented due to the series of pilgrims. Allan counter was very interested in finding out about the Bush African Americans of whom were basically untouched by modern civilization and lived deep in the jungles of Suriname in absolute isolation (Harding 1). Counter wanted to know how much of the original African culture was retained by the Bush African Americans because he thought it is significant for all African American people. The accounts of I sought my brother are condensed experiences from 1972 to 1978. However, the two authors are successful in conveying the feeling of strong emotions as well as the spiritual experience that were considered central to the adventure of courage. For example, during the last several days of the perilous boat ride on the first adventure, the authors eventually met the people they were looking for, and were overwhelmed by the thought of having traced their living ancestors, their pre-slavery bloodline of whom were still alive. In addition, Evans and Counter documented very well the totality, vitality as well as life of the mostly remote African American river communities in Suriname (Harding 1). Viewing the numerous pages of photographs, in both black and white and in color format, it is easily understandable why the authors said, â€Å"our eyes continuously told us we were in Africa, while our minds knew we were in South America.†One interesting thing about the villager’s traditions
Friday, July 26, 2019
(Human Resourse) Darkside report abot US Class Action Lawsuit Essay
(Human Resourse) Darkside report abot US Class Action Lawsuit - Essay Example According to David Garrison, one of the counsels representing the women, Johnston law firm was representing hardworking and courageous women who represented thousands of others to fight against Wal-Mart practice of discriminating its female employees (Miles, and Harry, 1969). Being the third discrimination case against the store, Phipps v. Wal-Mart involved three plaintiffs who were employed in the region 43. The three women included Cheryl Phipps, Bobbi Millner and Shawn Gibons. One of the major complaints that were aired by the women is that they have waited for more than 10 years since joining the store without getting any salary increment or promotion. According to this case, women employees who were working on hourly positions were receiving far less wages as compared to men holding similar positions. Despite the regular reports that the senior management was receiving from women employees, there was no step that was taken to reverse the situation. In addition, women complained that they were promoted less frequently as compared to their male counterparts. On her part, Cheryl Phipps stated that despite her long time service in the stores and representing the stores manager while he was away, the management did not allow her to join Wal-Mart Management Trainee Program. As a result she lacked adequate skills to join the management team. This resulted to acceptance of a less experienced male employee to the program. Bobbi Millner complained of being paid far less annual salary as compared to a male assistant manager who was less experienced. Shawn Gibbons on the other hand complained of been denied chances to join Wal-Mart Managemen t Trainee Program despite her six years experience as the store’s employee. Wal-Mart v. Dukes is another notable case that was lodged by Dukes, one of the current employees. According to Dukes, there was sex discrimination in Wal-Mart that entailed denying women reasonable
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Project Management - Research Paper Example The secondary challenge is based on the optimization of resources in a well organized manner (Larson & Gracy, 2003). We are living in the world of modern technology where execution of different software applications has made the complex methods simpler. Similarly, there are many software tools available that have made the process of project management much more effective and efficient. For fulfilling this purpose, Microsoft project is one of the basic tools that have captured the most of the importance these days. It has helped in the costs reduction, improved productivity, enhanced collaboration as well as it provides the facility of connected platforms. There are Ten Commandments of using MS project: 1. Thou shall save incremental versions of one's work. 2. Thou shall provide the right level of detail to the right project participant. 3. Thou shall not waste time trying to get MS Project to do things that a good spreadsheet would do. 4. Thou shall change today's date to the appropr iate time when creating a status report. 5. Thou shall check to make sure the program is doing what you want it to do. 6. Thou shall be patient in using the tutorial and help function to learn MS Project. 7. Thou shall save forests by printing only those pages one needs. 8. Thou shall help each other in mastering this program. 9. Thou shall not go insane by working with this software for more than 1 hour at a time. 10. Thou shall always remember that you are in control, not the software. Most Important Commandment Providing right level of detail to the right project participant is the key element or the soul of any successful project therefore, it is the most important commandment among the 10 commandments. For this commandment, information is the basic component that is required to attain the desired results. Information related to planning, execution, implementation, controlling, resources, time, budget, scheduling plays an effective role in pre-decision making process (Larson & G racy, 2003). It is also very important to discuss in detail and in-depth, each and every characteristic of the project with the project member to run it effectively. On the other hand, it is very important that each member of the project should be updated with the relevant information according to the role and project specifications. For example, the higher the role is, the greater would be the amount of information provided. However, the basic reason in the failure of any project depends on the lack of information provided by the management to any project member. 11th commandment can be added to use Microsoft Project i.e. Thou shall be tested rigorously to check the functionality of it with respect to the requirements laid down during the start of the project. Advantage of Using Project Management Software Application overshadow the disadvantages The advantages overshadow the disadvantages because the chances of project success increase by the successful implementation of these app lications. It manages the overall budget of the project, evaluates the risks associated with it, calculation of the costs and lastly, the business forecasting. It also helps in developing the performance reports and charts. It is a user-friendly software overall ( Mochal, 2006). What you need to know about the software is the approximate project management software market share that it takes to be sure that this tool is quite popular and it holds a majority of its customer
COMMUNICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
COMMUNICATION - Essay Example In a group situation, I will listen mostly and will intervene only when someone is providing misinformation. When I know that the person with whom I am conversing is more knowledgeable, I prefer to listen and will not like to give suggestions, unless specifically asked to do so. Do I ?nd it necessary to use many descriptive terms when speaking, or do I prefer short, succinct sentences? I prefer to use short sentences. Being a listener by nature, in my style of conversation ears will be better engaged than the tongue. In my replies I prefer to be crisp, may not be witty, but I will answer to the point, nothing more, nothing less. Time is precious and I will not like to waste the time with whom I am conversing, nor like to allow him to waste my time. I will not sermonise on a topic on which I do know much about. I like to be brief. Do I prefer cause-and-effect situations as opposed to creative, ambiguous dilemmas? I do prefer cause and effect situations and I do not like dilemmas or co nfusion. While conversing, I have in the back of my mind invariably that I need to concentrate on the essence of the issue, and not talk in a roundabout way. When I say something and answer about a particular issue, it must be based on reasoned premises. I hate creating dilemmas and confusing situations. The purpose of a conversation (unless it is a formal and casual talk) is to find an acceptable solution, and as such there is no point in getting more and more confused. Do I prefer to be alone or be with others? I prefer to be alone. I do not like promoting myself, speaking up and networking. My philosophy of life is to ‘talk less, work more and walk more’. I am an introvert. I do believe that brazen confidence is not the exclusive property of the extroverts and introverts too are entitled for that. I entirely agree with the observation â€Å"introverts prefer less stimulating environments and tend to enjoy quiet concentration, listen more than they talk and think bef ore they speak†. (Jenna Goudreau, n. p.)Historical information provides strength to my position as some of the ideas for big innovations and great leadership come from introverts. Unless there is a cause or a common purpose, engaging in directionless and destination less conversation is waste of time, and as such I enjoy my solitude. Do I prefer to make decisions alone, or do I prefer to work things out with others? I do like to work things out alone, but I do also like to ask others for opinions, as I believe that a person should not make important decisions alone. The wise saying goes ‘Two heads are better than one’. Decisions taken by sharing knowledge are likely to fructify and give positive results. Each individual may have expertise in a particular area, and in the environment of a big hospital, one has to work in different situations. So, when a critical decision needs to be made, that has bearing on the life of the patient, I consider it my professional du ty to take a decision in consultation with my experienced colleagues. Sharing information and taking counsel from others has only advantages and no disadvantages. Summary of my communication style I have my nursing job; I have a family to take care; I have my friends circle; I am part of the society, a cultural and religious group. As such my communication
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married Article
Policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married should be introduced - Article Example The cohort, which has been found to exhibit high chances of getting divorced after few years of marriage, is the youth who fall between the ages of 25-29 years old. When these young couples take mandatory marriage classes, the causes of divorce in many marriages can be reduced or eliminated. These mandatory classes will enable the couples to understand obligations of mutual respect, fidelity and support for each other. The couples must know that they must be able to support themselves and their spouse, which also applies to biological and adopted children. The absence of such support may lead to civil actions or criminal charge for non-support of dependents (Ross 1). The couples should also know the importance of establishing themselves financially to maximize their wealth. Therefore, without proper training or counseling before marriage then a couple may not be able to identify this as something they must put in place before marriage. The couple must plan how to succeed in marriage by taking some time to look forward and to survey this field of marriage keenly by taking up mandatory marriage classes and understanding fully what marriage entails (Ross 1). Pre-marriage counseling and classes help in the making of transition from one kind of relationship to another. Through such informative sessions, couples get to understand the major issues that break marriages before engaging to marriage. In the article, Ross mentions that the change in which society and people have gone through, in turn, has led to change in the way that people view the concept of marriage. In a Christian marriage, the couple must undergo a mandatory counseling before marriage, which is conducted by Christian counselors. Ross states that most young people get divorced at a higher rate compared to the rate in which the old generation used to get divorced. It is advisable for young couples and divorcees to be taken
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Wage setting model of unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Wage setting model of unemployment - Essay Example Wage setters cannot factually set the actual wage. In fact, the real wage weighs the purchasing power of those earning wages and is thus equivalent to the cash wage divided by the level of consumer prices. Wage setters can therefore set the money in their firm or in their economic sector. These wage setters set cash wage as per their expectation of the price level of consumers. Consequently, they set an expected actual wage in relation to the level of unemployment. Using the wage setting model of unemployment to explain and discuss the following statements: a). Competition between the employed and the unemployed is critical in Maintaining a low natural rate of unemployment A natural rate of employment refers to the unemployment rate when the labour market is at its equilibrium. NRU can also be the difference between people who would wish to get a job at the present wage rate and the people who are willing and at the same time, able to take a job. It is caused by supply side factors a s opposed to demand side factors. In connection to the wage setting model, it can be argued that, competition between the employed and the unemployed is critical in maintain a low natural rate of unemployment because it enables the wage negotiations to be more decentralized. This takes place at a smaller economic unit level. The lower the specified unit, the more competition it faces, which makes the labour demand more flexible (Blanchard & Katz 1970). To maintain law natural rate of unemployment, there must be competition of the unemployed and unemployed so that there can be at one end, an individual’s level and infinite elasticity on the other. Since an employed person fears the risk of being replaced with another person who is ready and willing to take up the job, thus lowering the equilibrium wage. If the centralization level of wage bargains goes up and if trade unions are inclusive, then an economy that is highly unionized can attain low unemployment rates. Nations with very decentralized wage-setting obtain a low rate of employment because of competition in the labour market. In an economy without competition the employed and unemployed, there might be a two-tier society, having a class of unstable workers who may be forced to wonder between poor-waged jobs and unemployment. As far as this is concerned, the bottle tends to be half full/half empty. While the labour market is actually dual when one looks solely at the jobs, one should also look at the unemployed individuals. At one extreme, this may imply that only specific people would always hold specific jobs, but on the other hand, the unemployed may have better skills and ready to work but with no opportunity to do so. Competition is therefore important in maintaining low natural rates of unemployment because it gives firms an opportunity to effectively screen and pick employees, an option that is vital in determining the amount of wages to be allocated in accordance to the work experience and skills, thus ensuring that there is a balance between the employed and unemployed (Burda & Wyplosz, 2013). It is also important to note that competition is crucial for the reason that, the employed personnel working on contract terms may wield pressure on the benefit systems of the unemployed, in case they are eligible to do so. The increase in job turnover may adversely raise the number of qualified claimants and place wage pressure on the unemployment benefit administration.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Commentary on Transcendentalism Throughout Moby Dick Essay Example for Free
Commentary on Transcendentalism Throughout Moby Dick Essay It is quite possible that nothing runs deeper through the veins of Herman Melville than his disdain for anything transcendental. Melville’s belittling of the entire transcendentalist movement is far from sparsely demonstrated throughout the pages of Moby-Dick, in which he strategically points out the intrinsic existence of evil, the asperity of nature and the wrath of the almighty God. To Melville, transcendentalists became a â€Å"guild of self-impostors, with a preposterous rabble of Muggletonian Scots and Yankees, whose vile brogue still the more bestreaks the stripedness of their Greek or German Neoplatonic originals†(â€Å"Herman Melville†2350). Transcendentalists went beyond denying the doleful possibilities of human error and suffering, and it is this ignorant altruism of transcendentalism in its looser grasps which prompted Melville’s scorn. Within the Emersonian school of thought lies the belief that â€Å"[the] ruin or the blank that we see when we look at nature, is in our own eye†(Emerson et al. 81) and that â€Å"the evils of the world are such only to the evil eye†(Emerson et al. 174). Melville, however, believes that on our planet lies an inherent evil, going as far as to say, â€Å"A perfectly good beingwould see no evil. But what did Christ see? He saw what made him weep†(Thompson 2350), pointing out that not only does evil exist, but it exists within Christ, the ultimate symbol of good. Moby Dick, the white whale itself, is the prosopopeia of evil and malevolence in the universe. All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. (Melville 154) Moby Dick is also a depiction of Leviathan, Job’s whale created by God as a malicious symbol of God; Ahab â€Å" sees in Him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice sinewing it†(Melville 138), and if God is a representation of the spirit of the world, then within the world must exist â€Å"an inscrutable malice. †Transcendentalists made nature out to be this wondrous, awe-inspiring creation of God whichseeing as he believed God to be more evil than goodis an idea Melville blatantly rejects as a fallacy. Where Emerson says, â€Å" Nature satisfies by its loveliness, and without any mixture of corporeal benefit†(Emerson et al. 107), Melville says, all other earthly huesevery stately or lovely emblazoningthe sweet tinges of sunset skies and woods; yea, and the gilded velvets of butterflies, and the butterfly cheeks of young girls; all these are but the subtle deceits, not actually inherent in substances, but laid on from without; so that all deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within. (Melville 164) When sent out to sea, the Pequod and its crew were faced by the nature of which Melville speaksa nature that, at times, seems to â€Å"gild the surface of the water with enchantment, and causes even the wary hunter to have a land-like feeling toward the sea†(â€Å"Herman Melville†2351), but is actually veils behind which God hides and constantly threatens to unleash his ambiguous animosity. It is the whale, a product of God and nature, that has reaped the leg of Ahab, that lashes out with the force of a thousand men. It is the beguiling call of nature that lulls the absent minded youth into an opium-like reverie by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts until he loses his identity and takes it upon himself to take the ocean at his feet for the deep, blue bottom that pervades mankind (Melville 134-135); calms are crossed by storms, a storm for every calm. Furthermore, Melville ridicules the transcendentalists for their blindness to the rest of the world. The transcendentalists saw only the world through the â€Å"dimensions of a sturdy window in Concord†(â€Å"Herman Melville†2394). Melville could depict the true attributes of nature in a more scrupulous manner, for he had left his home in New England and sailed around the world. When Emerson claimed that the poet â€Å"disposes very easily of the most disagreeable facts,†it prompted Melville to respond, â€Å"So it would seem. In this sense, Mr. E is a great poet†(Thompson 443). Though a seemingly of a seemingly different nature, passions, desires, appetites, and senses of the flesh are a part of nature nonetheless: they are instincts, a natural part behind the drive of man. â€Å" [All] deep, earnest thinking [that] is but the intrepid effort of the soul to keep the open independence of her sea; while the wildest winds of heaven and earth conspire to cast her upon the slavish shore†(Melville 95). It is this natural drive that keeps man from falling under the spiritual drive, this tyrannous and brutal enslavement of this wrathful God, for â€Å"natural or carnal men are without God in the world†(Alma 41:11). It seems as though Melville has an everlasting quarrel with God. Throughout Ahab’s quest for the white whale, Melville has shown his own personal independence from the authoritarianism of Christian dogma. It is apparent that religious conventionalism was Melville’s favourite target for satire, but largely because he saw himself in competition with it. His own genius was deeply religious and the Bible seemed to serve the deepest purpose in Moby-Dick. Melville was caught in a vicious battle that he created and could not win. He started by loving God, then moved to hating God, progressed into a complete detachment from Godfeeling neither love nor hate. He grew to hate his detachment and decided that God might indeed be lovable, and so the vicious cycle repeats (Thompson 148-149). Thompson concludes, â€Å"The underlying theme in Moby-Dick correlates the notions thatGod in his infinite malice asserts a sovereign tyranny over man and that most men are seduced into the mistaken view that this divine tyranny is benevolent and therefore acceptable†(242). Melville agreed with the transcendentalists that the spirit is substance, but he began to diverge from the transcendental conclusion that its effect on man was benevolent. Moby-Dick tells not only the story of the ventures of the Pequod and its crew, but also of Melville himself. It captures all of Melville’s personal contempt toward the entire transcendentalist movement, and demonstrates his realistic recognition of evil through the symbolism of the whale, his struggle with religion through the use of ontological heroics, and his less-than-altruistic ideas of nature through the use of sheer logic. It is the perfect emblem for his gratitude for rationalism and respect for realism. â€Å"Oh, the rare old Whale, mid storm and gale In his ocean home will be A giant in might, where might is right, And King of the Boundless sea. †WHALE SONG Works Cited. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Atkinson Brojoks, Edward Waldo Emerson. The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: Random House Digital, Inc. , 2000. Print. â€Å"Herman Melville. †World Literature Criticism. 1st ed. 1992. Print. Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick. Mineola: Dover Publications, Inc. , 2003. Print. Myerson, Joel, Sandra Harbert Petrulionis, and Laura Dassow Walls. The Oxford Handbook of Transcendentalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print. The King James Bible. Susan Jones. New York: Doubleday, 1985. Print. Thompson, Lawrence. Melville’s Quarrel With God. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. Print.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effects of stress on undergraduate academic performance
Effects of stress on undergraduate academic performance Studies have identified that the sources of stress, which influence the performance of students, change because of the wide extent of stressors whilst at university. Stress is one of the most common emotions that are experienced by human beings (Alansari, 2006). There can be a number of reasons why students develop stress, personal factors that are unique to the individual are categorised by the demographic classification. Students can have an increase in stress because of the year in which they are in (Naidu et al, 2002) (Sanders et al, 1999)) this may relate to the increased workload from the progression of the course. Age can be another contributing factor, with older students having more pressure to achieve a higher standard of academic performance when compared to younger students (Naidu et al, 2002), (Sanders et al, 1999)). When starting university there may be changes taking place that are new to the individuals thus leading to stressors that can include an impact upon the health of the individual. According to Liu, Shono Kitamura (2009), The concept of well-being refers to optimal psychological functioning and experience. This shows that when a person has a positive wellbeing, it will reflect in their day-to-day living, such as doing housework, maintaining good personal hygiene and completing tasks on time. Naturally, if a person is not in optimal mental shape, they will not be performing to their best potential, possibly having a negative effect on their lives. If this happens during University, there will be a high amount of risk of failure. People attend a University to better themselves academically so they can be successful in the future, providing a safe environment in terms of money and lifestyle. University is also a big financial obstacle in modern times, so adverse grades would ultimately b e a waste of money. An increase in depressive students in counselling, in the UK has led psychologists to wonder whether the financial hardship that some students face, may be severely influencing students mental health (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2003). In a study by Andrews Wilding (2004), nearly 10% of the first year students, who had answered the survey, became depressed during their first semester, whilst 20% became anxious during their studies. The prime reason for these depressive episodes was due to financial difficulties and relationship problems (separated from significant other). This ultimately led poor performance during the end of term examinations. The personal factors that students experience can have adverse effects on their health through stress. These include the financial implications that can arise from the nature of being independent at university (Garbee et al, 1980), (Grandy et al, 1989) which can relate to the social class (Fredericks et al, 1967). Family issues have been proven to contribute towards the stress of students whilst they are staying away from home if a problem occurs (Garbee et al, 1980). An increase in depressive students in counselling, in the UK has led psychologists to wonder whether the financial hardship that some students face, may be severely affecting students mental health (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2003). In a study by Andrews Wilding (2004), nearly 10% of the first year students, who had answered the survey, became depressed during their first semester, whilst 20% became anxious during their studies. The prime reason for these depressive episodes was due to financial difficulties and relationship problems (separated from significant other). This ultimately led poor performance during the end of term examinations. Sell Robsons (1998) study into student life at the prestigious Oxford University found that out of the 318 respondents to the Questionnaire, a third felt that they were discriminated against due to their social class (not being invited to balls) ,despite enjoying the overall experience. In addition, 1/3 of female undergraduates had been sexually harassed or discriminated against during their time at university. Their overall learning experience had been stopped abruptly due to differences in gender, which would be an extremely troubling experience. The study also found that there was a large prevalence of Class A drug taking and overuse of Alcohol during the respondents time at university, providing a possible solution to stressful experience or a route provided by peer pressure (Kosviner, Hawks Webb, 1973) If the student is from another country there may be a language barrier can cause stress through an increased workload, a lowering of the conceptual understanding of the learning content and being unfamiliar with processes (Acharya et al, 2003). Although, in Li, Lin, Bray and Kehles 2005 study, it was clear that the some of the reasons for stress may vary cross culturally. Their study found that the main cause of Anxiety among Chinese undergraduates was because of competition with other students and inadequate learning facilities, where as the factors affecting American students usually were due to relationship problems between the student and their significant other or parent. The poor learning resources provided to some Chinese students would of course impair learning, yet is overshadowed by the constant need to perform better than any other student is. This shows that possibly in eastern cultures, money and time management are not as central to learning as in the West. The housing where the student resides can influence health by introducing stress because of financial worries ((Naidu et al, 2002)). Some studies do report that stress is higher amongst those who live away from home (33) as opposed to those who live with parents. Yet on the other hand, other studies show that people who live at home are more stressed (Omigbodun et al, 2006). The academic factors which contribute towards the stress of students can vary depending on the personal factors indicated above including the lack of confidence that the student will perform to their full potential (Heath et al, 1990), (Acharya et al, 2003) this can be influenced by the competition which is within and between peer groups (Rosli et al, 2005), (Goldstein et al, 1979). Examinations can influence the amount of stress that a student is exposed to (Rosli et al, 2005), (Sanders et al, 1999) and the general fear of unemployment after graduating, especially within the current economic climate (Al-Omari et al, 2005), (Morse et al, 2007) A 2007 study by Henry Chow measured the achievement and psychological well-being of students from the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He found that the most common factors affecting academic performance were the amount of time spent studying, the physical health of the student and the struggle to attempt a balance between their social life and work time. Chows study found that those students who were of good physical health (regular exercise/ good diet), were financially secure and set out goals for the future fared better during their undergraduate years. In regards to the latter statement, the fact that the students knew what they were aiming for academically, meant that they were not preoccupied during their work, thinking about their forthcomings. The academic factors, which influence the levels of stress of students, can fluctuate according to their level of study (Naidu et al, 2002), (Sanders et al, 1999). However, the main factors remain significant in their contribution towards stress. These factors include the fact that during examination periods students are under more pressure to perform to their full potential (Rosli et al, 2005), (Sanders et al, 1999), yet on the contrary the opposite can occur because of the influence that stress could have on memory. The influence that stress has on memory is that the Hippocampus is extremely vulnerable to long term stress, due to the high numbers of Glucocorticoid receptors. It is also extremely vital in terms of memory consolidation. During a stressful period, the Hippocampus is bathed in Cortisol, shrinking it, which will impair memory retrieval, particularly of facts. For example, if an individual needs to hastily remember a lot of information for an exam, but has left it to the last minute, they will probably be fairly stressed. In turn, this will mean that any revision that they will do the night before will be not remembered, due to the deactivation of the hippocampus. The Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum, which are vital for remembering skills, will not be affected, meaning day-to-day activities such as driving or showering will not be impaired during stressful times. Although, social matters do not necessarily always affect Students stress levels; it is possible that the course itself is the cause of anxiety. An Australian study into the academic performance of nursing students (Lo, 2002) found that the main cause of stress during study was because of the challenging medical curriculum. Finance, family issues and healthy living surprisingly followed this. In addition, it was found that depression was much more prevalent among second year students, than first or third year undergraduates were. Likewise, a similar study into medical undergraduates in Pakistan found that stress was linked to curriculum, but also to parental expectations. This shows that there may be a possible link to stressful periods with high academically demanding degrees i.e. doctors and nurses being associated with being more academic than others, thus providing a level of honour among families (Shah, Hasan, Malik Sreeramareddy, 2010). Jones, Dean Los (2002) study found that physical inactivity resulted in the students who were more anxious developing high blood pressure, due to the stress from university. Although, it can be seen that due to the high amounts of anxiety, the student would be less likely to take up exercise, possibly due to financial difficulties or simply just a lack of time. Chapel, Blanding, Silverstein, Takahashi, Newman, Gubi McCann (2005) examined specifically Test Anxiety and its effect on academic performance through high or low Grade point averages. It was found that females with low-test anxiousness had significantly higher average grades than females who are highly stressed around the exam period. Out of the 4,000 undergraduate sample used, females had significantly higher grades than male undergraduates did. Although, it was found that females also had the highest amount of test anxiety in the run up to the examination period. A 2008 study by Bayram Bilgel focused on a recent international concern that the mental health and general wellbeing of students was rapidly becoming more negative. Using a 1,617 Turkish student sample, they found that first and second year undergraduates reported the highest amounts of stress. In the questionnaire (Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale), students were asked to rate the level of satisfaction they had with the course. The majority who were very satisfied with the course also had a low depression level. Similarly, Chambel Curral (2005) gave 825 Portuguese students a questionnaire designed to measure the levels of academic work, amount of peer support and satisfaction with academic life. It was found that levels of overall happiness had a direct impact on positive or negative academic performance. If a person is not satisfied with their course, their future options may be constantly on their mind, diverting their attention away from their current studies. The symptoms that stress has on student academic performance can be explained through a number of pathways. These different pathways include Anxiety (Grandy et al, 1984), (Heath et al, 1990) Depression (Grandy et al, 1984), (Heath et al, 1990) Sleeplessness (Tisdelle et al, 1984) which can lead to Memory problems (Davis et al, 1989).The Hippocampus is extremely vulnerable to long term stress, due to the high numbers of Glucocorticoid receptors. It is also extremely vital in terms of memory consolidation. During a stressful period, the Hippocampus is bathed in Cortisol, shrinking it, which will impair memory retrieval, particularly of facts. For example, if an individual needs to hastily remember a lot of information for an exam, but has left it to the last minute, they will probably be fairly stressed. In turn, this will mean that any revision that they will do the night before will be not remembered, due to the deactivation of the hippocampus (Rosli et al, 2005). The Basal Ganglia a nd Cerebellum which are vital for remembering skills will not be affected, meaning day to day activities such as driving or showering will not be impaired during stressful times (Ng et al, 2003). Conclusion
Milk Brands In Mauritius
Milk Brands In Mauritius Literature review is a critical and an evaluative summary of the themes, issues, and arguments of a specific clearly defined research topic. The aim of this chapter is to review the points of findings about the title how milk brands affect the purchasing decisions of consumers. 2.1 Brief History on Milk Brands in Mauritius Mauritius imports milk powders from Australia and New Zealand. The milk powders have different brand names such as Farmland, Twin cow and others all depend the countries, which it come from. Once it reaches the home country, it is being channeled to two or more industries in Mauritius for its packaging. Then, it is being sold in bulk to shops, super and hypermarkets. Companies such as Innodis Ltd, ISO Pack Ltd, Eden vale Distributors Ltd, and other pack the different milk brands and distribute them. However, Mauritius imports milk from other countries because its consumption has rapidly been increased. In addition, importation of milk is becoming necessary for Mauritius due to increase in demand of branded milk by Mauritian clients. Regardless to the price and quantity, quality of the product has always been the main factor for customers in their product selection. Branding plays a key role in the recognition of the product. The annual consumption of milk in Mauritius is approximately nine millions litres which is equivalent to 12% of the total consumption of different brand names (Hulman et al., 1990). There is a rise in the demand for milk in Mauritius. In 2013, the Mauritian customers are moving towards mostly Farmland due to its quality and advertisement on T.V and radio. In our island, the brand names for milk have substitutes due to the different brand names available on the market. Thus, if we are not satisfied with a particular milk brand, we always have the choice to opt for another brand. According to AGA Webmaster FOA (2013), the aim is to ensure milk brand marketed in Mauritius are affordable and the emphasis on Human Resources Development (H.R.D) and provision of inputs and services to enhance production and milk brand processing to facilitate marketing in Mauritius. In the year 1971, the Milk and Meat Project Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) interpreted that, there is a lack of supplement limited milk production. Furthermore, it was not determined whether it was energy or protein in the supplement that was important, and the basal diet of cane tops and grasses was not evaluated. The FAO has proved that milk yield could be increased significantly by better feeding and management. 2.2 Elements That Influences Consumers Towards Milk Brand Through advertising, design and media commentary milk brands have made its place in the market in Mauritius. This leads branding to give an image of the product to consumers to make a purchasing decision. As per Pearce (2013), the elements that influence consumers are as follows: NAME LOGO TASTE FONTS COLOR SCHEME PACKAGE GRAPHICS SHAPES These points above shared an advance information about implicit values, ideas, benefits and as well as it developed the personality of the consumers while buying the product. Consumers face purchasing decisions nearly every day. Hence, they established a willingness to purchase brand products. Consumers purchasing decisions of brand milk have created certain attributes and interactions in recent years using several methods by means of both qualitative and quantitative (Anon, n.d). 2.3 The Importance Of Branding When Consumers Take Purchasing Decision According to Kotler (1994), Branding is the best way to establish the authority, niche and credibility and authority of individual and business. In other words branding is not only convenient for business or for repeated customer but also easier for others to filter out the countless generic items. The bargaining power of Mauritius is limited. Recently, in an article published on the website businessmega, it was found that about 10,000 metric tons of milk powder is imported on a yearly basis depending on demand and consumption, which is less in quantity in comparison to other countries. The Executive director of La Trobe ltd, Mr. L. Wong and the supplier of Snowy milk stated that local distributors have the entire influence over the prices (Anon, 2011). The importance of branding is as follows: Branding communicates information about the business. Share all types of information about the product to the market. It establishes an identity in order for consumers to recognize the product very well. Branding gives consumers the assurance that the entire products they buy are trustful and enable positive responses from the latter. Branding gives a strategic position in the market and through this, company eventually leads to increased profits. Branding shows an advance details for example: Cost of the products Packaging Marketing and advertising strategies Distribution channels and so on. Branding is the powerful factor in marketing, which helps consumers in taking purchasing decision. When the client is satisfied with a given branded product, they tend to revert to the same brand supplier, (Badgujar (Roll No.04)). 2.4 Brand Awareness To Consumers Donald (2010) defined brand awareness as the customers ability to recall and recognize the brand under different conditions and link to the brand name, logo, and so on to certain associations in memory. That is brand awareness encompasses both brand recognition and brand recall. It helps the customers to understand to which product or service category the particular brand belongs and what products and services are sold under the brand name. It also ensures that customers know which of their needs are satisfied by the brand through its products. Brand awareness is of critical importance since customers will not consider a particular brand if they are not aware of it (Donald, 2010). However, Epstein (1977) argued that human and brand personality traits share the same conceptualization but they differentiate in terms of how they are created. There are three types of brand awareness, which are as follows: Top-of-Mind Awareness occurs when the companys brand is what pops into a consumers mind when asked to name brands in a product category. For example, when someone is asked to name a type of facial tissue, the common answer is Kleenex, which is a top-of-mind brand. Aided Awareness occurs when a consumer reads a list of brands, and expresses familiarity with companys brand only after they hear or see it as a type of memory aide. Strategic Awareness occurs when the companys brand is not only top-of-mind to consumers, but also has distinctive qualities that stick out to consumers as making it better than the other brands in your market. These three types of awareness above inform consumers about some objectives that a good brand of milk product will achieve include: Motivates the buyers Concretes user loyalty Delivers the message clearly Connects the consumers target prospects emotionally Confirms the consumers credibility In Mauritius, almost everyone consumes branded milk such as Anchor, Farmland, Snowy, Red Cow, and others on a daily basis. 2.5 Milk Brand Production And Milk Pricing Branding can result in higher sales of other types and varieties of product associated with a specific branded product. Branding should also analyze by more than the difference between the actual cost of a product and its selling price and they represent the sum of all valuable qualities of a product to the consumer. The branding concept here is taking into account complexity of human behavior and benefit of consumers. Our country import milk from various countries that increase the consumption and the productivity of dairy product in Mauritius. Other countries such as Europe, Australia, and New Zealand and so on are also the exporters for Mauritius. Europe produces milk, New Zealand produces Red Cow and Australia produces Snowy milk, Farmland, Dolly and Anchor. Furthermore, the price hike of imported milk is forcing people to diminish consumption. Multiple actors show the situation will not improve and local production is the only way out. 80% of the milk consumed in Mauritius comes from Australia and New Zealand by Olivier Masson, 2 July 2007 Port Louis. According to Lake (n.d), branding is ones identity in the marketplace. She stated that, it is crucial to realize that packaging always either has a negative or positive influence on the buyer. A negative impression can detour a potential client, just like a positive reaction can influence a customer to buy. She also said that one should pay special attention to packaging when a new brand is launch. This is because many people often do not pay close attention to the packaging if it is a popular brand. How can you package your brand so that it is an integral part of your business and represents a strong identity? Keep in mind that we are not speaking that packaging has only a box, which contains a product, but as a medium, that reflects your companys brand and image. The following common business tools represent packaging: Business cards and stationery Web site Answering system Email address Food packaging is packaging for food. It requires protection, tampering resistance, and special physical, chemical, or biological needs. Milk plays an important role in peoples goal of eating healthily and having an active lifestyle. Milk manufacturers therefore are riding this trend by introducing milk brands that are aimed at health-conscious people. Extracted from the Inspiration Hive, Daily Inspiration on July 9, 2012. With the statement, packaging is a way of formulating a feasible marketing strategy for milk brand. The products presentation leads to a competitive pricing policy and a well-planned advertising campaign will convince consumers to purchase the branded milk. 2.5.2 Preservation In Mauritius, almost everyone consumes branded milk such as Anchor, Farmland, Snowy, Red Cow, and others on a daily basis. Thus, branded milk imported in bulk from other countries and conservation plays is a major factor during these periods. The process of Ultra-high temperature takes place. That is, milk preserved by UHT processing does not need to refrigerate before opening and has a longer shelf life than milk in ordinary packaging. It is sold unrefrigerated in the UK, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. This process helps trade to take place and fulfill the choice, needs, and wants of consumers. 2.6 The Objectives Of Brand In Purchasing Decision Branding is a way to communicate to consumers about the types of products available in the markets. This gives rise to some objectives that should be taken into consideration while dealing with consumers, (Kotler et al. 2001). The objectives that branding should achieve include: Delivers the message clearly Confirms consumers credibility Connects consumers target prospects emotionally Motivates the buyer Concretes user Loyalty Therefore, to succeed in branding, companies must understand the needs and wants of customers and prospects stated by Kotler and Armstrong, 2008. Therefore, by integrating the companys brand strategies through the company at every point of public contact will lead to an increase in demands of products stated by Laura Lake. Taking into consideration the objectives of brand milk in purchasing decisions, marketers also focus in marketing strategies which are; promotion and promotion mix, tools of promotion, advertising and gaining the market share. 2.6.1 Promotion And Promotion Mix Based on Kotler, 1994, promotion is the fourth marketing mix tool. It is the different activities that companies undertake to communicate and promote its products to the target market. Nowadays, companies hire advertising agencies to develop effective advertisements, sales promotion specialist to design buying-incentive programs, direct marketing specialists to build database and interact with consumers and prospect by mail and telephone, public relation firms to supply product publicity and finally develop corporate image of the brand. Furthermore, the promotion mix consists of five major tools referring to Kotler, 1994, are as follows: Advertising Direct marketing Sales Promotion Public Relation and Publicity Personal Selling McCharty 1982, p.37, stated that promotion is concerned with telling the target market about the right product. Promotion includes personal selling, mass selling, and sales promotion. Through the statement of Kotler and McCharty, the aim of purchasing brand milk will lead to an effective measure to make better purchasing decisions. 2.6.2 TOOLS Of PROMOTION The four main tools of promotion are advertising, public relation, direct marketing and sales promotion which convey the message to the consumers. Advertising includes any paid forms of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. In contrast, public relations focus on building good relations with the company by obtaining favorable unpaid publicity. Direct marketing is any form of personal presentation by the firms sales force for the purposes of making sales and building customer relationships. Firms use sales promotion to provide short-time incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of products or services, stated by Armstrong and Kilter, 1999. Tools of promotion encourage and motivate consumers to purchase brand milk along the benefits providing to them. 2.6.3 Advertising According to Armstrong and Kotler (1999), regardless to the budget size, advertising can succeed only if commercials gain attention and communicate well. Good advertising messages are especially important in todays costly and cluttered advertising environment. Two steps are involved: Firstly, creating effective advertising strategies begins with identifying customer benefits that can be use as advertising appeals. Secondly, to develop a compelling creative concept that will bring the message to life in a distinctive and memorable way. Advertising is also the integral part of our social and economic system. In other words, it is a co commitment of modern marketing, which helps the consumers at least in three ways to purchase brand milk, which are as follows: It acts as driving force in decision making. It ensures better quality products as reasonable prices. It saves good deal of time. 2.6.4 Gaining The Market Share Referring to Kilter, 1988, gaining market share is a key factor in reaching a leadership or number one position in any industry. However, gaining significant share requires careful planning, thoughtful well-executed market strategies, and specific account-by-account practical plans. Gaining market share is an extremely important component in the promotion of marketing strategies. Thus, it is difficult for a company to obtain loyalty without gaining high market share. Kilter (1988) also suggested that the five major strategies, which consist of price, new product, service, strength, and quality of marketing, advertising, and sales promotion, are important for a company. 2.7 Factors Of Brand Positioning Positioning is how a product appears in relation to other products in the market. It is one of the main factors that affect consumers perceptions of the milk brand. Brand positioning can help make or break a product depending on the effectiveness of its execution, (subtracted from brand by social). The factors of brand positioning are as follows: 1. Brand Attributes What the brand delivers through features and benefits to consumers? 2. Consumer Expectations What consumers expect to receive from the brand? 3. Competitor attributes What the other brands in the market offer through features and benefits to consumers? 4. Price Price is an easy quantifiable factor and as well as the prices to compete with other companies. 5. Consumer perceptions The perceived quality and value of the companys brand in consumers minds (i.e., does the companys brand offer the cheap solution, the good value for the money solution, the high-end, high-price tag solution and so on ), mentioned by Aaker and Keller 1990, Aaker and Keller 1992, Sunde and Brodie 1993, Dacin and Smith 1994, Bottomley and Dolye 1996. So, this take some time to create a thorough picture of the current market and how the companys brand fits in that market to determine the companys brands current position. If that is not the position you want for the companys brand, take the necessary steps to change it based on the gaps defined when the company analyzed the five factors above. 2.8 Milk Production In Mauritius Currently, in Mauritius we are producing 12% of our local milk production that is 12million liters per year. The government of Mauritius has been encouraging farmers to engage in milk production by providing loans facilities of up to Rs 50,000 per head (with 5% interest). Through this initiative, local milk production has increased slightly over the past years (local milk production was 2% in 2003). However, there are still several challenges faced by breeders and entrepreneurs in the diary industry: the main challenge is the high cost of production, mention in 2013 Nawsheens World, templates: Monday, October 31, 2011. Mauritius produces a few milk brands, which are as follows: Island Dairy Ole Twin Cows Candia Maurilait Over the past years, the cost of production has been continuously increasing mainly because of the price of animal feeds, hence reducing profitability in the business. Milk production will mainly depend on: Management of feeding programs Calf and heifer management Reproductive management of dairy cows Milking management Other husbandry practices related to animal health and welfare, housing, environment and bio-security measures, (2013 Nawsheens World, templates: Monday, October 31, 2011). However, as long as local suppliers cannot sustain our domestic market, no other stuff than milk is more linked with the drawbacks of globalization. 80% of the milk consumed in Mauritius comes from New Zealand and Australia, explains Jean-Cyril Monty, the officer in charge of the diversification desk at the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture. The latter also suggested that, now that the price has risen by 40% since the beginning of the year 2007, people are diminishing their consumption. This rise in price, which he believes will continue with another 30% by the end of the year, is related to multiple factors outside our control. 2.8.1 Findings On Production Of Milk In Mauritius The quantity of milk produced by the village cows in this experiment (9.2 kg/d during 300 days) is higher than the average production of between 3.5 and 9.2 kg/d reported for the Government stations where cow feed is fed at the rate of 0.5 kg/kg milk. It is also relevant to compare it with the milk production of unsupplemented village cows (4 to 5 kg/d for a lactation period of around 225 days). Although there were only 23 (about 25%) Creole cows in the study their milk production potential appeared to be equal to the more exotic genotypes with a daily mean of 9.6 and 8.3 kg per head for a 301- day lactation in the Vacoas and Mapou areas respectively. This indicates that under these village conditions the Creole breed has a similar performance to the imported Friesians or their crosses. Mauritius milk production can sum up in the following ways: The village cattle breeders own about 11000 females over one year of age. This represents about 65% of the female national herd in this age group. The cattle are a side-line activity of the family. There are normally one to two cows per farm No forage is specifically cultivated for the cows. Forage sources include sugar cane tops, and shrubs and grasses, which are found on roadsides and on common land. The housing and shelter of the tethered animals is often rudimentary. Milk is sold to neighbours or to small scale (20 25 l/d) milk sellers who then distribute the milk. There is little or no use of concentrate feeds as supplements to the hand-collected forage. The cattle are a mixture of the local Creole breed and Friesians. Artificial insemination is subsidised by the Government and is widely used. Milk production is generally low (1200 1500 liters per lactation). There are generally relatively short lactations (about 225 250 days) and long calving intervals (15 18 months). On the basis that the small breeders make a major contribution to national production of fresh milk the work reported here was designed to investigate the extent to which productivity in this sector could be improved. As far back as 1956, Bennie reported that the local Creole cattle could double their milk production with improved feeding. In 1971, an FAO project on Milk and Meat Production suggested that the most important factor limiting milk production was the supply of a protein concentrate to the cow. This FAO project also demonstrated that milk yield could be increased considerably by better feeding and management. (By A A Boodoo, R Ramjee, B Hulman, F Dolberg* and J B Rome*). More recently, Dolberg and Rowe (1984), in reviewing experimental work done by the Mauritian Ministry of Agriculture on milk production, concluded that under local conditions greatest responses in milk production would be expected from protein supplementation. They referred to the work of Mapoon et al (1977) which showed that ground nut cake was more efficient then either a balanced concentrate feed, or a molasses/urea mixture, as a supplement for milk production; and to that of Gaya et al (1982) who reported that supplementation with cottonseed cake increased milk production more effectively than the formulated concentrate [emailprotected] In fact, similar increases in milk production were achieved with about half the level of cotton seed cake as commercial concentrate. A second advantage of cottonseed cake as a supplementary feed is that it requires no mixing. The project described here was designed to investigate and compare the effect of two types of supplements: the commercial concentrate [emailprotected] and the protein-rich cotton seed cake. In addition to the measurements of milk production the study provided the opportunity to investigate, the nutritive value of the most commonly used feed resources (see Boodoo et al 1990). Factors Influencing Brand Preference Kotler (1988) identified affective means of increasing market share as a primary means of achieving competitive advantage in both existing and new customers and stagnant markets. Brand preference is also known as brand adoption. Lalit S. Badgujar (Roll No.04) stated that, people begin to develop preferences at early ages. Brand preference represents which brands are preferred under assumptions of equality in price and availability. Cooper (1993) noted that most innovations come with high risks as most of them failed in the marketplace creating the need for marketers to have a clear understanding of success factors in brand adoption. Theories of adoption have often been used to explain how consumers form references for various goods and services (Rogers, 1995; Tornasky and Klein, 1982; Mason, 1990; Charlotte, 1999). Generally, these theories emphasize on the importance of complexity, compatibility, observability, triability, relative advantage, risk, cost, communicability, divisibility, profitability, social approval, and product characteristics in brand preference (Wee, 2003). The relative importance of each factor depends on the nature of industry under consideration, location, and social characteristics of the consumers of the different brands. In this study, we have focused on four main factors, which the customer depends upon while selecting the brand, which are as follows: 2.9.1 Price Price is a factor, which the consumer may depend while selecting a brand in any kind of product. Most of the consumers may give first preference to quality than the other factors. However, price can have an influence for the final decision of the consumer. If there are two or more brands, for a particular product, the manufacturers will reduce the price in order to attract the consumer but still the consumer must see the quality provided. 2.9.2 Quality In addition, quality of product is another key factor during product selection. Especially in the case of milk, we should depend upon than any other factors the quality. High quality will give us a good health. Pasteurization will also conduct in order to maintain the quality of the milk. The quality of the milk should be good to attract the customers, Kilter (1988). 2.9.3 Services Service is an important factor, which the customer is influenced in the modern market. Placing the orders in the right time at the right place is the part of good servicing. 2.9.4 Advertisement Advertising as a powerful technique of sales promotion has been doing wonders in the domain distribution because it is quite capable of influencing the course of consumption, affecting the process of production, enlarging the exchange and diversify the distribution. That is why it is said that advertising is the arch median lever that motivates the world of commerce and industry. It has the pride of the place in framework of dynamic marketing. The role of advertising in the modern business world can be analyzed from five distinct angles namely manufacturer, intermediaries, sales force, consumers and the society. The ultimate aim of all marketing efforts is to satisfy the needs of the consumers by transforming the benefits of productive efficiency to the final users. 2.10 Conclusion To conclude, this chapter is mainly about branding that is, its importance, concepts, positioning and so on. According to Shimp (2007), consumers represent the starting point for all marketing activities. Therefore, in this part of the project, it is viewed how to communicate with customers and send them feedback about the types of products available in the market. In the literature review, different parts have described in details to make a good analysis and choice for milk brand selection.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Curbing illegal immigration in the United States Essay examples -- Imm
Immigration, both legal and illegal, has been an issue since the first European set foot on the shores of this country. Approximately 400,000 new illegals enter the United States each year. With an estimated 11,000,000 people currently living in the U.S. illegally, the problem has reached critical mass (Haerens 18). Dealing with this, costs the country an estimated $113 billion annually: $16.4 billion in Texas alone (Barnes C1). According to the Center For Immigration Studies, tax credits paid to illegal immigrants exceeded payments by illegals by $7.3 billion during the period from 2005 to 2010 (Schulkin 2). Education, health, food assistance, police, and municipal support, also contribute to the overall cost. Many experts and politicians, on both sides of the debate, claim to have solutions to the problem. Sadly, most of them address the symptoms and not the cause. For all the rhetoric, current immigration laws and policies have done little to curtail the influx of illegals into the US, over the past ten years (Passal C2). Consequently, immigration control remains a poorly managed problem. By evaluating the reasons individuals enter this country, and how other countries manage their immigration problem, a different perspective and perhaps novel way to deal with the issue may be considered. A significant motivating factor for illegal entry to the USA is the disparity in lifestyles of their homeland compared to America. Life, for people outside the US, can be very hard. For example: indigenous Mayans in Mexico and Central America suffer severely from racial prejudice. Many peasants in Thailand, Vietnam and China, with hopes of a better life for their offspring, unknowingly ‘sell’ their sons and daughters into prostitution. Life... ...migrant-population- brnational-and-state-trends-2010/. Pomfret, James. Out of Africa and Into China, Immigrants Struggle .Reuters UK. 29 August 2009. Print. Schulkin, Peter. Illegal Immigrants Receive Billions of Dollars More From The IRS Than They Pay In. Center For Immigration Studies, 2011. Print. Slevin, Peter. Deportation of Illegal Immigrants Increases Under Obama Administration. Washington Post. Washington Post Company, 26 Jul. 2010. Web. 14 Oct 2010. dyn/content/article/2010/07/25/AR2010072501790.html. Steiner, Niklaus. International Migration and Citizenship Today. Routledge, 2009. Print. Tamny, John. Markets Solve the Immigration Problem. Forbes Magazine. 26 Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. mexico-oped-cx_jt_0126tamny.html
Friday, July 19, 2019
Evolution vs.Creationism Essay -- essays research papers
Evolution Vs Creationism People have always wondered how life originated and how so many different kinds of plants and animals arose. Stories of a supernatural creation of life developed among many peoples. The Bible, for example, tells of God's creation of humans and other higher animals over several days. Many people also believed that insects, worms, and other lower creatures spontaneously generated from mud and decay. Long after these stories became rooted in tradition, scientists began to question them. Albert Einstein said, "The scientist's religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection." (Creation 9). The first serious attack on the idea of spontaneous generation of life was made in 1668 by Francesco Redi, an Italian physician, who proved that maggots did not arise spontaneously in decaying matter, as commonly believed, but from eggs deposited there by flies. Proof that microorganisms are not generated spontaneously came in the 1860s, when Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, showed that they, too, develop from preexisting life. Evolution can be defined in many ways. One of the most respected evolutionary biologists has defined biological evolution as follows: "In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions." (Futuyma, 11) Exactly how evolution occurs is still debated but it is a scientific fact that it does occur. Most biologists believe that... ...nism vs. Evolution rages in the American popular culture. The tension between how people interpret the Bible and what people believe that they have learned through science has been with us for a long time. The fact is science and the Bible is both needed to find the truth. This complex topic presents many issues such as faith, scientific reasoning, and personal beliefs. This generation would probably be more inclined to believe in evolution rather than creationism, merely because today's educational system does not teach creationism as much as evolution. We are taught that science answers everything. Personally after researching the theory of evolution it is more real and not so fictional and fairy-tale like as creationism. Work Cited (Britannica) McHenry, Robert ed. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Delusion-Frenssen. 15th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1992. (Creation 9.) No Answers In Genesis. Darwin, Charles The Origin Of Species (Darwin) McHenry, Robert ed. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Ceara-Deluc. 15th Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1992. (Douglas J. Futuyma.) The World As I See It. New York: Watts & Co, 1975
symbolaw Symbols and Symbolism Essay - Symbolism in Kate Chopins The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays
Symbolism in Kate Chopin's The Awakening Kate Chopin's The Awakening is a literary work full of symbolism. Birds, clothes, houses and other narrative elements are powerful symbols which add meaning to the novel and to the characters. I will analyze the most relevant symbols presented in Chopin's literary work. BIRDS The images related to birds are the major symbolic images in the narrative from the very beginning of the novel: "A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over: `Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi! That's all right!'" (pp3) In The Awakening, caged birds serve as reminders of Edna's entrapment. She is caged in the roles as wife and mother; she is never expected to think for herself. Moreover, the caged birds symbolize the entrapment of the Victorian women in general. Like the parrot, the women's movements are limited by the rules of society. In this first chapter, the parrot speaks in "a language which nobody understood" (pp3). The parrot is not able to communicate its feelings just like Edna whose feelings are difficult to understand, incomprehensible to the members of Creole society. In contrast to caged birds, Chopin uses wild birds and the idea of flight as symbols of freedom. This symbol is shown in a vision of a bird experienced by Edna while Mademoiselle Reisz is playing the piano. "When she heard it there came before her imagination the figure of a man standing beside a desolate rock on the seashore. He was naked. His attitude was one of hopeless resignation as he looked toward a distant bird winging its flight away from him." (pp26-27) In this vision Edna is showing her desire for freedom, desire for escaping from her roles as wife and mother, from her husband Léonce who keeps her in a social cage. After these episodes, the images related to birds are absent form the narrative until the chapter 29. Following the summer on Grand Isle, where she had awakening experiences, she starts to express her desire for independence in New Orleans through her move to her own house, the pigeon house "because it's so small and looks like a pigeon house" (pp 84).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Chaos theory
What exactly is the chaos theory? Some believe the chaos theory is one of the many theories that will be recognized in the centuries to come. The chaos theory embodies many conditions of science, such as physics, engineering, economics, philosophy, mathematics, music, and even psychology. The chaos theory is only beginning. The chaos theory is a theory used in different categories of science that a seemingly possible phenomena has an underlying meaning. When was chaos first discovered? Edward Lorenz was the first true experimenter in chaos, he was a meteorologist.In 1960 Edward Lorenz was working on a weather prediction problem, he ad a computer set up to model the weather with twelve equations. His computer program did not predict the weather, but theoretically predicted what the weather might be. In 1961 Edward Lorenz wanted to see a specific sequence again, to save time he began in the middle of the sequence. He entered his printout number and let it run. An hour later the sequenc e had changed differently. The pattern had diverged, ending up being extremely different. His computer had saved the numbers to a six decimal place, he printed it out for three decimal places to save paper.The original sequence was 0. 506127 he had it as 0. 506. Lorenz's experiment: he ditterence between the sta rting values ot these curves is only . 000127. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141) This is how the butterfly effect became, because of the number of differences of the two curves starting points was that of a butterfly's wings flapping. Unpredictability is one of the most important element is a complicated system. Lorenz calls this unpredictability â€Å"sensitivity to initial conditions,†which is also known to be the butterfly effect.This idea means with a non-linear, complex systems, starting conditions will effect in extremely dissimilar outputs. The effect of the utterfly's movements, to predict the weather. An example is if a but terfly flaps it's wings in Tokyo, it could predict a storm in Texas in several weeks time. The dependance on initial conditions is extreme. There is a rule for complicated systems that one cannot create a model that will predict outcomes accurately. The idea initial conditions on sensitive dependance mathematical roots are powerful.If you have a circle with the points XO and Xl , this represents the starting value for a variable. â€Å"We assume that the difference between there two numbers is represented by the distance between the points on the circle, given by the ariable d. To demonstrate the importance of infinite accuracy of initial conditions, we iterate T. Atter only one iteration, d, or the distance between T ), has doubled Iterating again, we find that the distance between the two points, already twice its initial size, doubles again. In this pattern, we find that the distance between the two points, Tn(XO) and Tn(X1), is 2nd.Clearly, d is expanding quite rapidly, leading the model further and further astray. After only ten iterations, the distance between the two points has grown to a whopping 210d = 1024d. †This example determines that to close conditions begin, after only a few minor ifferences, and iterations. The exact point on the circle can only be describes with an infinite amount of decimal places, the other remaining decimal places are discarded. There will always be a decimal error even if you enter the initial numbers into the computer with precision.Chaos is deterministic, sensitive to initial conditions, and orderly. Chaotic systems do have a sense of order, non chaotic systems are random. In a chaotic system even a minor in the starting point can lead to different outcomes. Equations for this system appear to show an increase to completely random behaviour. When raphed the system, something surprising happened, the output stayed on a double spiral curve. Lorenz's equations were certainly ordered, because they all had followed a spiral. The points never ended on a single point , but they weren't periodic either, they never repeated the same thing.He called his graphed equation the Lorenz attractor. In 1963 he published a paper describing his discovery and the unpredictability of the weather. This paper also included key information about the types of equations and what caused this behaviour. Since he was not a mathematician or a physicist he wasn't cknowledged for his discoveries until year later, when there had already been rediscovered by others. Lorenz had to wait for someone to discover him, his discovery was revolutionary. Another example of sensitive dependance of initial conditions is flipping a coin. There are two variables.One is how fast it is flipping, and the other is how fast it will hit the ground? Apparently, it should be likely to control how might the coin end up. In practice, it is impossible to control exactly how fast the coin flips and how high. There are similar problems like this in ecology. This occurs with the prediction of biological population. If the population rises continually, but with predators and limited food supply the equation is incorrect. next year's population = r * this year's population * (1 – this year's population) Benoit Mandelbrot was a mathematician working at 18M, he was studying self- similarity.One ot the areas ne studying was cotton prize tluctuation. He tried many times to analyze the data of the price for cotton, but the data did not go with the normal distribution. He decided to collect data from. Mandelbrot eventually gave up, until he decided to gather all the information dating back to 1900. He IBM's computer and found a surprising fact: The numbers that produced aberrations from the point of view of normal distribution produced symmetry from the point of view of scaling. Each particular price change was random and changes unpredictable.But the sequence of changes was independent on scale: curves for daily price changes a nd monthly price changes matched perfectly. Incredibly, analyzed Mandelbrot's way, the degree of variation had remained constant over a tumultuous sixty-year period that saw the two World Wars and a depression. †dames Gleick, Chaos – Making a New Science, pg. 86) Another example of the chaos theory is the human heart. The heart has a chaotic pattern. The time between the beats is not constant. It depends on how much actions a person is doing and there also among other things.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Howard Kang
In salient construct, be it monologue, dialogue or full theatrical scene, the author can non t wizard of voice into the action to comment or comprise for us, as he can in a novel. We must(prenominal)iness draw our make conclusions from what we see and hear, and this makes for powerful effects, as a character reveals him- or herself to us by what he or she places or does. In the monologue, My brook Duchess brown misleads us with great(p) skill before we realize that we ar listening to a criminal lunatic. The dramatic effect lies in the surprise we heart as the truth fin ally emerges.In sour IV, scene iii of Othello t present is over again an agonizing irony for the viewer, who get it ons much(prenominal) than Desdemona and is of course impotent to help her. Shakespe are whole caboodle like a dentist with out(a) an anesthetic, and the distressingness of the au move overnce comes from the unbearable innocence of the infernal Desdemona, who is surely more or lessth ing like the Duchess in Brownings poem, helpless and bewildered in the wait of the implementationous insanity of her keep up. The Duke in Brownings My Last Duchess sounds so sane still what makes him more eery is that he is wonderfully gracious and excogitate Willt please you pose and look at her? (5).As he tells his story he bes to weigh his speech with great caution, as if he is kind of free of the distorting power of anger or perpetuallyy other passion, and is keen to rid of any unfairness in his judgment She had / A heart how shall I say? too soon made blissful (21-2), solely thanked / Somehow I save a go at it non how as if she ranked (31-2). He never raises his voice, and speaks with a measured reliance that quite takes us in. At depression we might be tempted to believe that his attitudes are sourceable Sir, twas non / her husbands presence only, called that spot / Of joy into the Duchess cheek (13-15).His manner is restrained even as he hints at her infidelity. The painter flattered her most her appearance, as of course he would, beingness a Renaissance artist and whole dependent on patronage, tho she was enthralled by it foolishly, the Duke suggests. She liked whateer / She looked on (23-24). She was delighted by the beauty of the sun make up ones mind, and the flyspeck tribute from the man who gave her the cherries, just as much as My favor at her breast (25). What he seems to be objecting to is her visitation to be properly selective and blueish in her tastes.This is a rather total sort of snobbery, but perhaps not unprecedented we may not generate it attractive, but we may accept it as a feature of a sublime man. In Brownings My Last Duchess, the execution is implied. It is not described in explicit terms as in Othello. In the lines, Paint/Must never hope to reproduce the faint /Half-flush that dies on her throat, the speaker adores the faint half-flush on his wifes suit that no paint could re-add and at the akin clipping leaves a slight hint that she had been throttled to death.The able monologue is enough to make the allude overt and covert at the like time. All the time, Browning is luring us up the garden path. We begin to detect the problem. The Duke is immensely high-minded, a man of great heritage, eyepatch she is free of snobbery, charmed by the delights of the demesne and valet kindness, and genuinely innocent. (Infidelity does not seem to be the Dukes concern presently) and then we begin to see how pathologically proud and arrogant he really is. veritable(a) had you skill / In speech (which I arrive not) (35-36), (he lies, of course) to explain your objection to her demeanour which is clearly quite normal it would remove biasing, and I distinguish / Never to patronise (42-3). So, rather than speak to her about his dissatisfaction, which would embarrass impossible condescension by him, he chose to solve the problem rather more radically This grew I gave commands / Then all smiles stopped altogether (45-6). It takes a scrap for us to register what he did, so unbelievable is it and so evasively phrased.She thanked men, skillful but thanked /Somehow. I know not how . as if she ranked /My confront of a nine-hundred-years-old name /With anybodys gift,- the know(a) part of the speech clearly brings onwards the envy rankling in the speakers heart The unbending pride of the Duke comes out through the turns of phrases of this part of this long monologue, . and if she let/Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set/Her marbles to yours ,forsooth and made excuse,/-Een then would be some stooping and I choose/Never to stoop. The Duke can hardly chose to stoopto overturn in to the childish demeanors of his charming wife. Again, green-eyed monster seems to be prevalent in the tone of these lyric poem .. Oh, Sir, she smiled no disbelieve, /Wheneer I passed her but who passed without /much the same smile? Then having confessed to murder, or, rather, boasted of it, he continues his negotiations for his side by side(p) Duchess, celebrating, incidentally, one of his favorite art works, Neptune Taming a sea-horse (54-5), the precise image of the brutal tone down that he has himself exerted over his innocent e spillually Duchess.The willow scene from Othello works differently, of course, because it is a dialogue, though it is in the inner workings of Desdemonas mind that the dramatic form is revealed here, just as much as is the case in Brownings poem There is an almost unsufferable pathos about this scene because Desdemona is so helpless. She has a good idea of what is pass to happen If I do die before thee, prithee shroud me / In one of those same sheets (24-5) and is impotent in the face of her fate.There seems to be no falsifying against the ruthless execution of Othellos wild will. She is in a sort of glamour a hypnosis of shock. All she can do is wait for the end, and the pathetic simplicity of her refle ctions here is the sign of a wounded marrow in retreat from reality. The tragic melodic line is given additional poignancy by the occasional interruption of the universal flesh out of undressing for bed, the habitual continuing of everyday animateness because at that place is nothing else to do in the face of the worst Prithee unpin me (21).She continues to pretend that this is just an ordinary shadow This Lodovico is a proper man (35), not a comparison of Othello with her country forms, but a pathetic attempt at gossip. But her real thoughts emerge in the obsession with the willow nisus, which she cannot resist. It is the perfect reflect of her own fortune And she died singing it that melodic line tonight / Will not go from my mind (30-1). Like a dilate from a psychoanalysts standard comes the unprompted line in the song that gives a route(p) the deepest thoughts of the wailing dupe. Let cryptograph blame him, his scorn I ap take the stand, Nay, thats not next. Hark Whos that knocks? It is the wind. (51-3) She corrects herself, but the absolute terror of realisation goes through her. Compared with Desdemonas helplessness in the face of the corruption of Othello, Emilias jokes have an immensely remedial health. It is not a criticism of Desdemona, but it is a besotted placing of trust in a human being by Shakespeare.In Shakespeares Othello, the wharf can hardly be blamed for his rash decision of murdering Desdemona, who had been black-painted by his undecomposed Iago and it was Iago again who had sown the seeds of jealousy in his mind. Desdemona pleaded her innocence at farthermost and asked to call for Cassius but Othello ran berserk enraged by sexual jealousy. Othello could hardly be blamed for his attitude, as he was a Moor and unfamiliar with the ways and courtesy of the Venetian culture. Naturally, he fell victim to Iagos insinuations and committed the murder of his delightful wife, Desdemona, who was actually, innocence epitomized.I n influence IV, sc ii, Othello in reply to Desdemonas plead innocence disgustingly cried out, O Desdemona, away away away Desdemona, being all told unaware of the handkerchief she had lost attempt to reason with her husband, Am I the creator of these tears my Lord? It might have been possible that Othello could have turned desensitize ears to Iagos vitriolic comments or aspersions unload off on Desdemona, but as he was new to their society and culture, it became easy for Iago to set him against his wife, who was a paragon of beauty.By way of rejoinder, when Othello speaks out, Had it pleased Heaven/To try me with melancholy had they rained/All kinds of sores and shame on my ransack head/Steeped me in poverty to the very lips/Given to captivity me and my utmost hopes/I should have found in some place of my soul/A drop of patience. and at last turns to the promontory of tortuousion, Turn thy complexion thee.. Ay there look as grim as hell , we find Othello a dejected, s cotch , lost soul feeling minuscular for being a Black Moor who was alien to the Venetian cultureThe complex of Culture and Identity assails him, no doubt Othello decided to put an end to the life of his unfaithful wife at last and as he uttered the nomenclature in Act V, Sc ii, Yet, Ill not shed her blood /Nor excoriation that whiter skin of hers than snow/And smooth as monumental alabaster/Yet she must die, else shell betray more men, Did he not sound the same as the Duke of My Last Duchess who had been driven mad by sexual jealousy? The murder could not be justified, but, Othello was quite a punter lover and a more forgiving person than the Duke.He needed turn up to prove Desdemonas betrayal he had to fight immensely with his own moral sense to come to the decision of murder. As a person, the Duke was cold-blooded, but Othello was emotional and irrational at he same time. If this had not been so, I will kill thee, / And love thee after. unrivalled more and this the last. /S o sweet was neer so fatal. I must weep/ But they are brute(a) tears this sorrows heavenly /IT STRIKES WHERE IT DOTH LOVE, could he utter such(prenominal) words?The Duke of My Last Duchess was never so overpowered with emotions to give a slight indication of trade good that is if he had any. In Act V, sc i, Othello is making his mind up to vent his rage upon Desdemona. Here he again finds enough reason to slaughter Desdemona. On hearing the footsteps of Cassius, he blurt forth, Tis he-O brave Iago, honest and justminion your pricey lies dead/and your unblest fate hies, strumpet I come Till Lines 31 of Act V Sc ii, we find Othello rave and railing on about the murder of Desdemona.Othello seemed to give a chance to Desdemona to prove her innocence by saying, If you bethink yourself of any crime/Unreconciled as only heaven and grace /Solicit for it straight. But he meant the murder and perpetrated it In Act III, Sc iii, when Othello grows in a device rage is provoked by honest I agos words, he finds every reason to kill Unfaithful Desdemona and utters, Monstrous, monstrous On hearing Cassios dream-mutterings on his inscrutable affair with Desdemona, Othello got green with jealousy and anger. He saw betrayal from the cruelest possible angle.He found it terribly monstrous to be treated like that. When Emilia came talking of Desdemonas profound love for her husband after she had been murdered, Othello lost his emotional dimension and blurted, O cursed slave / scald me ye devils/From the possession of this heavenly sight/ muck up me about in the winds, roast me in sulphur/Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquidity fireO Desdemona, Desdemona, DEAD Act V, Scii Could we ever expect the Duke speaking in such touchy, sentimental terms after committing the murder? No, never
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