Monday, September 30, 2019

Being Honest The Night The Day

Being honest can seem very hard to do, but will make things very easier in the end. Babbles Nicole proves this very effectively and makes It very evident by the end of her short story. She shows that lying only causes stress, trouble and places a very large wedge between friendships. It's generally assumed that being honest the first time around will prevent that. Lying causes stress, trouble and separates friends, being honest at first will prevent that and make you a better person for the future because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.KOOK and Bendable, two main character of Absinthe's short story, become curious one day before school and decide to start a lab experiment of their own with the schools stuff. Upon doing this, they break a thermometer and decide to hide It from their teacher, Mr.. ABA. Once discovered, Mr.. ABA gave all the kids in the class a chance to be honest so they could avoid punishment, but to no avail. â€Å"Since no one has owned up; I'm afraid I shall detain you all for an hour aftershock† (Nicole 3). Mr..ABA wants to teach the kids honest and is using peer pressure to do so. With KOOK knowing this, he begins to feel the unbearable pressure of those around him and wants to confess of his crimes to relieve the burden that's been haunting him. ABA, decides to do a Bible and Key ritual to catch the liar, he selects Kook to hold the bible for him because of his honest face, and this Just petrifies Kook even more. â€Å"Trembling and shivering as if ice-cold water had been thrown over him† (Nicole 5).This causes Kook to have a reality check in his head because he was selected to hold the bible and he as a arson doesn't really seem like he can go on much longer keeping up that lie. Lying not only causes stress, but self-inflicted mental wounds to the liar as well. Not only does lying cause stress and pain In the liar, but It can also cause pain and stress among others as well. The kids in the c lassroom begin discussing amongst themselves trying to determine and deduce the culprit from among them.They begin to suspect a kid named Bass and begin to ridicule him because of it. â€Å"Someone threw and book at Bass and said â€Å"Confess†¦ Yes, He must've done it† (Nicole 7). Bass immediately became the prime target of the other students because he was early to the class that day, and although not said, It might be because of his Armenian ethnicity as well. Even the teacher will show some prejudice later on. Anyway, after constant ridicule from the students, Bass gets a Cut across his forehead from all the thrown objects mixed in with all the yelling and taunts. A small cut had appeared on his temple, he was bleeding â€Å"now they will hate me even more† Base is in tears because he already has trouble fitting in amongst the kids, but now that they think he s responsible for them missing the game, the will dislike him for even more than Just his Armenian he ritage. So not only does It hurt the liar, but It affects others In negative ways as well. Lying is a big wedge between friendships as well. Kook is the more mature of the two, whilst Bendable is a child. Bendable wants to just lie and forget about the incident but Kook has other ideas in mind and it begins to tear them apart. . 0 need to shout, old man. After all, it was your idea† m{o started the argument, don't be childish† (Nicole 8). Kook wants to tell the truth because he's beginning to realize It's the right thing to do and Bendable objects strongly. KOOK begins to progress morals. When KOOK informs Bendable of his intentions to tell the truth, Bendable threatens him like a child. â€Å"He told Bendable that he was going to confess Bendable had said threateningly that he better not mention his name† (Nicole 8). KOOK is not only learning honesty is better, but it is beginning his progression into the future but Bendable wants to hide like a coward.This pries apart KOOK and Bendable even more ND thus shows that honest is better than lying than being a child about life because you will never progress into the mature future. Lying causes trouble, stress and pain in the liar and in others. Being honest will prevent most of those negative outlets and will even further you as a person much more than you would think as shown in Babyish Insole's As the Night the Day. KOOK realized honesty is best and progressed into his mature future and away from childish Bendable because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Discuss the social problems that result from the widespread availability of cheap alcohol Essay

The drinking of alcohol is completely acceptable in many if not most parts of society and, in the UK, it is legal to be bought by anyone over the age of 181. This is a well-known fact but a lesser known one is that in the UK, alcohol can be legally drunk on private premises by anyone over the age of 52 and youths aged 16 and over may drink alcohol3 in restaurants from the age of 16 if with an adult4. Apart from religious reasons, most people do not see a problem with a temperance attitude towards the consumption of alcohol, indeed research suggests that the occasional and moderate consumption of alcohol may have benefits to health. The problems arise when a culture adopts a heavy or binge drinking culture. Such a culture is encouraged and, in a lot of cases, made possible by the availability of cheap alcohol. Just looking at the website for Tesco today5 shows advertisements for discounted beer, for example 12 x 440ml cans of Fosters for ? 9 or a saving of ? 3 for 24 cans at only ? 15. That is beer at only 62p each for a large can, something which would cost a person approx. ?3 – 3. 50 each in a public house. It is not just supermarkets which offer cheap deals on alcohol, in my city tonight there will be countless bars offering ‘2 for 1’ deals and half price drinks during their ‘happy hours’ which normally last from 6pm until 9pm. This short time period when drinks are 50% cheaper leads to people being tempted to drink a lot of alcohol during the ‘happy hour’ period to take advantage of cheap drinks when they are available. Happy hours have become so popular that there are ‘Happy Hour Guides’ online so people know where to go for cheap alcohol6 . Although it may appear, on the surface, that the availability of cheap alcohol is harmless, unfortunately, a number of social problems have arisen as a result of it. These problems have reached such a crisis that for the past 3 years, the government has been attempting to address the availability of cheap alcohol from both shops and licensed premises and the length of opening hours in those licensed premises. The social problems that have arisen are widely publicised by the media by showing town and city centres on a Friday or Saturday night, awash with drunken teenagers and those in their 20s having partied on ‘cheap’ alcohol. This invariably leads to public order offences in the centres, a higher rate of sexual offences and, at the bottom end of the scale, centres left at the end of the night covered in broken bottles and kebab wrappers. Another lesser known fact is the binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to drive while impaired compared to people who drink sensible amounts†7. Slightly further behind the scenes, but also quite well publicised are the results seen at the A&E departments following binge drinking at a weekend when such departments are run off their feet trying to deal with genuine serious cases whilst, at the same time having to attend to a steady stream of drunk with alcohol related injuries. Such problems are quite well publicised and the public at large are well aware of these results of freely available cheap alcohol being abused. There are, however, more problems below the surface. In 2010, Sir John Stoddart, Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary spoke to Channel 4 about the affects cheap alcohol was having within his jurisdiction. He claimed that the problem is far larger than binge-fuelled bad behaviour and that his men and women on the beat saw a range of alcohol-related crime and social breakdown. In 2009, his constabulary and two neighbouring forces tackled nearly 6,500 incidents of domestic violence where alcohol played a part. The Chief Constable was quoted as saying that he was in no doubt that it was the cut prices and easy availability of alcohol that were to blame. 8 Other social problems that arise from freely available cheap alcohol include a general rise in crime, in fact, almost half of all victims of violence report that perpetrators were under the influence9. Also, the general health of those who abuse alcohol declines and it often leads to an early death. One reason for bad health from alcohol is chronic liver disease. From 1970 – 2000, deaths in the UK from cirrhosis increased by 900%. The primary cause of cirrhosis is drinking too much alcohol. In conclusion, there are numerous social problems which result from freely available cheap alcohol. These problems include health issues, domestic problems, a rise in crime and a general degradation of our town and city centres. II. Expand on the other issues that have made alcohol a significant social problem In the answer above, as well as the main, obvious social issues I did touch on the problem of health and crime resulting from the consumption (or rather, over consumption) of alcohol. I will now expand on these issues in more detail. During a time of austerity institutions such as the NHS are extremely hard pressed to provide an adequate service to the population. The NHS in England currently has to make ? 20bn of efficiency savings (between 2011 and 2015). These savings of 4% a year are needed if the NHS is to meet rising demands and maintain quality, with funding effectively frozen in real terms during the current spending review period. The last thing it needs is for a social issue to increase the number of patients that it has. In 2010, the NHS published a report on the cost of binge drinking, ‘Too much of the hard stuff: what alcohol costs the NHS’. It cited that consumption of alcohol in the UK had increased by 19 per cent over the previous three decades and that reports indicated that 10. 5 million adults in England drink alcohol above sensible limits and around 1. 1 million have a level of alcohol addiction. It also confirmed that alcohol was the third leading cause of disease burden in developed countries and, as a result, the cost of providing alcohol-related services was escalating. It emphasised that over a quarter of the population in England was drinking at hazardous levels and that treating alcohol-related conditions cost the NHS approximately ? 2. 7 billion in 2006/07, almost double the 2001 cost. Furthermore, the pressure to react to drinkers’ urgent and increasing health needs made it difficult for preventative measures to keep pace. Alcohol has always been an issue in relation to reported crime. According to the Home Office, the incidence of crimes committed under the influence of alcohol is rising steadily. During 2011, in England, almost half of all violent crimes were thought to have involved alcohol. Additionally, just under 40% of all domestic violence was attributed to drunkenness. Additionally, research by the British Medical Association suggests that between 60 – 70% of all murders were committed by those under the influence of alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has always been linked to crime levels and the reason for this is the fact that alcohol is classed as a ‘disinhibitor’. A disinhibitor is a drug that tends to remove a person’s inhibitions. In essence, alcohol can literally give people the â€Å"courage† to do things they might not otherwise do. So what makes people drink to excess? There are many factors attributed to heavy drinking of alcohol, these include the fact that those from families with a history of drinking are more likely to drink to excess, as are people with a history of abuse. Also cited as a blame for heavy drinking is peer pressure. Another factor, all the more relevant in a time of high unemployment and austerity is the fact that stress both at home and at work and unemployment are known factors to increase the consumption of alcohol. As with the NHS above, during these times of austerity, policing the population is strained almost to breaking point. Recent cuts on the budget for forces have led to a 17% cut in police staff with 13,500 fewer police officers and nearly 3,000 fewer PCSOs. During the period 2011 – 2015, UK police forces have to make a saving of ? 2. 7bn. In 2012, Her Majesties Inspector of Constabularies confirmed that as many as three different forces within in the UK were failing due to spending cuts and that others may fail in the near future. With such facts and figures, then with an increase of alcohol abuse, then there is likely to be an increase in reported crime. In such a climate, the last thing that UK forces need are high levels of alcohol related reported crimes. III. Why is cocaine considered the main drug of choice for the wealthy? The history of cocaine goes back many hundreds of years. Indeed, over 1000 years ago, indigenous South American people used to chew the leaves of cocoa plants for its nutrients. It has been known to the Western world since the mid-16th Century, since which it was been used as a drug of leisure and as a medicinal compound. For the majority of this time, the use of cocaine was legal, indeed during the early 20th-century, cocaine was being sold in US drugstores, costing 5c – 10c for a small boxful. It was commonly used by ‘stevedores’ along the Mississippi River, who used the drug as a stimulant. During the same period, again in the US, white employers encouraged its use by black labourers in order to increase their work rate. Even as recently as 1916, Harrods were selling a kit described as â€Å"A Welcome Present for Friends at the Front† containing cocaine, morphine, syringes and needles. However, later that year cocaine was made illegal following reports of ‘drug crazed soldiers’. It is currently a class A controlled drug listed on Schedule II of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. During modern times, traditionally, cocaine was always the drug of the rich. This was purely due to its price being relatively high in comparison to other controlled drugs. Indeed, during the 1990s when I was working undercover in the drug scene, cocaine was rarely encountered on the street due to its high prices. Other, cheaper drugs such as LSD, Ecstasy and Amphetamine Sulphate (speed) were far more easily available and much cheaper. More recently, due to a higher supply of the drug, in accordance with the age old adage of ‘supply and demand’, the price of cocaine has dropped drastically. To illustrate this, in 1999 a gram of cocaine would cost in the region of ? 70. By the mid-2000s, that same gram would only cost about ? 35. It suddenly became affordable and therefore its usage increased. In 2007, the UN claimed that 2. 4% of adults in England and Wales use cocaine10. IV. What are the attractions of readily available recreational drugs? Recreational drugs are used by people to either create or improve a recreational situation rather than for medical or spiritual purposes. Recreational drugs include alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, together with a number of commonly used controlled drugs and, lately, a ‘group’ of what have been referred to as ‘legal highs’. The attractions of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, together with legal highs11, such as ‘gocaine’, ‘ching’ and ‘AMT’ to name but a few include the fact that they are legal, easily obtained, relatively cheap, all are quite sociable drugs and, to differing degrees, all of them ‘lift’ a person’s spirits. Controlled (illegal) drugs are also regularly used recreationally. The most common types of recreational drug includes cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy and cocaine. As above, the main attractions of recreational drugs are that they are relatively cheap, especially if compared to the price of alcohol, in particular if one wants a similar level of effect. They are a sociable pastime with very few recreational drug users using them in isolation and the majority (with the exception of cannabis) are designed to lift a person’s spirits and energy levels. Cannabis on the other hand has the opposite effect allowing a person to relax and it is often used by recreational drug users to help them ‘come down’ after an episode of using an ‘upper’. The fact that such drugs are illegal and even the mere possession of them could lead to a person receiving a criminal record is very little deterrent to those who wish to use recreational drugs. V. Explore the range of options for resolving the problem of frequent use of recreational drugs The options for resolving recreational drug use vary depending upon the drug in question. There is no control over the use of a drug such as caffeine, a child of any age can walk into any shop in the UK and purchase a jar of coffee, caffeine laced sweets or can of coke. This is because of the perception that caffeine is harmless and it is socially acceptable to be consumed, normally in a drink such as coffee or coke. Despite the public perception of it, however, caffeine is not quite as harmless as people believe. For example, just today it was reported that a 40 year old man died of an overdose of caffeine after eating too many mints with caffeine in them12. Having said that, in the majority of cases, caffeine does not cause any major adverse reaction to its consumption and it is not considered to be a recreational drug which requires resolving. Nicotine on the other hand has slipped out of popularity due to its most popular form of consumption being by smoking tobacco. Smoking was once popular and acceptable in the majority of places and situations, however, in the UK this has changed as a result of the health issues associated to it. The method used to resolve the recreational use of nicotine in the form of smoking tobacco has been to heavily tax it in order to make it unaffordable to the majority and to ban its use in public places. Alcohol is another recreational drug which has recently fallen foul of those in authority and its use is currently seen as something which requires resolving. This has resulted from an increase in ill health of drinkers, huge media interest in what they describe as ‘binge drinking’ and statistics which show that the UK is very high on international statistics as far as alcohol related crime is concerned. This is being done by good education programs regarding the ill effects of alcohol, overt advertising on the ill effects of alcohol use, heavy taxation and overt, strong policing of areas when alcohol is used recreationally. In addition, the government is exploring licensing hours with a view to reducing them in order to make alcohol less accessible and to introduce a minimum price per unit for alcohol in order to make it less affordable. The recreational use of legal highs are slightly harder to resolve. Although such drugs have been available for some time, it is only recently that their use, and indeed the sometimes fatal consequences of such use, has been advertised widely. Such drugs are frequently used by young people who either do not want to break the law and purchase illegal drugs, or by those who cannot afford controlled drugs (which invariably are more expensive). It is very difficult to resolve the use of recreational drugs that are freely available via hundreds of internet sites and shops around the UK. Most of the legal highs are basically vitamin pills laced with high levels of caffeine or herbs containing the (legal) chemical ephedrine. With their popularity, designers have started to produce a new generation of legal highs, many with effects more closely associated with stronger drugs like cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine, some even contain the amphetamine-like drug BZP, an artificial chemical originally used as worming tablet for cows. It is very hard to control such sales as, in a similar manner to designer drugs such as those originating from the original MDMA, as soon as a drug is made illegal, the designers just change its chemical make-up so it remains legal. Although this is easier to control with the UK drug laws than in countries such as the USA, it is still very difficult which is why in the UK, specific legal highs are not made illegal much sooner. The way to resolve the frequent use of such legal ‘drugs’ is to publicise the ill effect of using them, to investigate their make up and ban those containing dangerous or illegal ingredients. Education beginning early in life is another way to attempt to curg the use of such recreational drugs. I have left to last the ways to resolve the frequent use of controlled recreational drugs. My reason for this is because I do not think that there is a method which will be successful. Firstly, we made the drugs illegal so that no-one would use them. This did not work. We have had a no tolerance policy on drug offenders which also did not work. We have had extensive multi-media drug education programs made in an attempt to show people the ill effects of such drugs but this has not worked. Some employers have introduced compulsory drug testing in order to identify drug users to make the workplace a safer place. People are still caught regularly which again shows that this does not work. We spend literally ? billions around the world, destroying crops of illegal drugs, funding international drug enforcement initiatives and strengthening our borders but still, the demand is so high that such drugs still manage to make their way into our country. As I said above, I do not think we can prevent such drug use, however, the methods described above will hopefully at least control the use of illegal recreational drugs, if not eradicate it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Basking Sharks Essay Research Paper The Basking

Enjoying Sharks: Essay, Research Paper The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. 1. Using C dioxide 2. Dissolving minerals 3. Roll uping sunlight energy B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. 1. Sea worms 2. Jellyfish 3. Crustaceans D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. 1. Giants 2. Sharks E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. 1. Food is plentiful. 2. Water is warm. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. 1. Fish 2. Crustaceans III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks 1. Not a bony fish 2. Skeleton made of gristle IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks 1. Whale sharks # 8211 ; rhincodon typus 2. Cookie-cutter sharks # 8211 ; Squaliolus laticaudus 3. Bull tiger shark # 8211 ; Galeocerdo Cuvier 4. Spiny dogfish # 8211 ; Squalus ancanthias 5. Great White Shark # 8211 ; Carcharodon Carcharias 6. Hammerhead shark # 8211 ; Sphymidae 7. Blue Shark # 8211 ; Prionace glauca 8. Basking Shark # 8211 ; Cetorhinus maximus B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. 1. Can be strenghened by sedimentations of minerals in countries of emphasis a. jaws b. vertebrae 2. Lighter than bone since sharks have no swim vesica 3. Material that is flexible for swimming and turning 4. Grows throughout life of shark IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface 1. Seen sunning near top of H2O 2. May be in assortment of places a. back b. side c. high in H2O D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big 1. Wide 2. Small-toothed G. Gill slits 1. Lined with long, bristle-like rakers 2. Five sets 3. Trap nutrient of plankton H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment 1. Upper, dorsal surface is gray brown 2. Lower, ventricle surface is white 3. Seen less by enemies K. Fusiform organic structure 1. Rounded and tapered at both terminals 2. Reduces H2O clash 3. Requires minimal energy to swim L. Placoid Scales 1. Regular form 2. Reduce clash 3. Different from centoid graduated tables of bony fish M. Characteristics of the caput 1. Fives formed in lunula form 2. Mouth on bottom of caput 3. Wide separation of anterior nariss N. Characteristics of the dentitions 1. Small 2. Great in figure 3. Formed in parallel rows 4. Not meant for carniverous intents 5. Rows of dentitions develop continuously as replacings for functional dentitions 6. Not used for onslaught intents Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks 1. 23 pess long 2. 6,600 pound. C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks 1. 30 pess long 2. 8,600 pound. D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries 1. North # 8211 ; Nova Scotia and Newfoundland 2. South # 8211 ; Mediterranean Sea 3. West # 8211 ; North Carolina Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. 1. Immunoglobin ( IgM ) in shark? s blood onslaughts occupying substances. 2. Shark gristle may defy incursion by capillaries, shriveling tumours. 3. Drugs of gristle may command spread of blood vass that feed tumours. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer a. Studied in clinical tests at U.S. Food and Drug Administration B. Stops formation of new blood vass c. Prevents cancerous tumours through procedure of antiangiogenesis 2. Jing Chen in 1989 a. Oil emulsion from the Cetorhinus maximus is trade name new medical specialty. B. Improvement of patient? s status ( 1 ) Weight addition ( 2 ) Tumor shrinking ( 3 ) Life extension 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. a. Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced malignant neoplastic disease instances. ( 1 ) Breast ( 2 ) Colon ( 3 ) Lung ( 4 ) Prostate gland B. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. The Basking Shark: Hope for Cancer Cure? The Basking Shark: Hope for a Cancer Cure? The oceans of the universe are populated with distinguishable but interconnected signifiers of life. The nutriment for all ocean life originates in the sunstruck surface beds, where microscopic workss called phytoplankton usage C dioxide, dissolved minerals, and the energy of sunshine to synthesise nutrient. Small fish and zooplankton floating animals such as sea worms, Portuguese man-of-war and crustaceans # 8211 ; browse on these minute workss, and the nutrient value therefore provided moves through consecutive stairss of predation, up the Marine nutrient web to the largest sea inhabitants ( Whipple 132 ) . Most of the giants, fish, and calamaris gather at the top beds of the ocean where the nutrient is plentiful and Waterss are warm. The fish and crustaceans of the deepnesss are fed by organic dust body waste and corpses # 8211 ; that drifts down from the surface Waterss. The ocean nutrient concatenation Begins with the little plankton and ends with the largest of the giants and sharks. Interestingly plenty, some of these largest species feed on the smallest of ocean animals ( Whipple 132 ) . The shark is a member of the three hundred 40 species of fish that along with skates, beams, and Chimeras are aggressively distinguished from the huge figure of cadaverous fish species by their skeletons made of gristle. Sharks are chiefly marine fish found in all seas and are particularly abundant in tropical and semitropical Waterss. They vary in size from the largest, the giant shark, which is 49 pess in length to the cookie-cutter shark which is less than 19 inches long. Sharks are best known as agressive carnivores that even attack their ain species. They eat about all big Marine animate beings in both shallow and deep seas. Two of the largest of the species, nevertheless, eat merely plankton ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The sharks that exist today have non changed much from those in the Cretaceous Time period which occured more than one hundred million old ages ago. This ability to populate without much alteration over many centuries is caused by their great diverseness in behaviour and in size, demoing first-class version accomplishments ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Sharks belong to the category Chondrichthyes along with the beams, skates, and other cartilaginous fish. The whale shark is classified as Rhincodon typus, the cookie-cutter shark as Squaliolus laticaudus, and the bull tiger shark as Galeocerdo Cuvier, the spinous bowfin as Squalus ancanthias, and the great white shark as Carcharodon Carcharias. Hammerhead sharks make up the household Sphymidae. The bluish shark is named Prionace glauca. The basking shark is classified as Cetorhinus maximus. It is this last shark species on which this paper concentrates ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Chondrichthyans differ from osteichthyans, or bony fishes, whose skeletons are to a great extent calcified. A shark? s skeleton is made largely of gristle that can be strengthened by sedimentations of minerals in countries subjected to particular emphasis such as the jaws and vertebrae. Cartilage is an ideal tissue for sharks for several grounds. First, gristle is lighter than bone, of import for sharks which have no swim vesica # 8230 ; Second, gristle is a comparatively flexible stuff, giving tensile force to swimming and turning motions # 8230 ; Lastly, gristle can turn throughout the life of a shark ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . The basking shark is the common name for the tremendous fish belonging to the shark household. It is found in all temperate oceans and can make a length of 43 pess. The basking shark normally swims near the surface of the H2O and provenders on plankton that is strained through its broad, small-toothed oral cavity and five braces of tremendous gill slits. Each gill is lined with long, bristlelike rakers that trap the plankton. The basking shark was one time hunted for the big measures of oil contained in its liver, but this pattern has been stopped. This shark is non known to be unsafe, but its size demands respect ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The basking shark is a immense, gray fish that is merely 2nd in size to the giant shark. Like most sharks, it is characterized by a fusiform organic structure which is rounded and tapered at both ends. This streamlined, cylindrical form reduces the clash of the H2O and requires a lower limit of energy to swim. In add-on, the placoid graduated tables which are arranged in a regular form cut down the clash of the H2O by imparting the H2O flow over the organic structure. These are really different from the comb-like graduated tables of bony fish which overlap to supply both protection and lissomeness ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The colour of the upper surface of the basking shark is a gray brown, slate Grey, or even black. The lower surface is normally white ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . This countershading, a type of colour in which the dorsal side is darker than the ventral side, enables the shark to intermix with the environment and be seen less easy by marauders and quarry ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . Observations from scientists have recorded a assortment of measurings from 35 to 50 pess in length. The babes are normally five to six pess when they are born. Estimated weights for smaller 23 pes enjoying sharks from the Pacific Ocean are 6,600 lbs where the larger 30 pes enjoying sharks from the Atlantic weigh every bit much as 8,600 lbs ( Bigelow and Schroeder 147 ) . The fives of the basking shark are shaped in a half Moon form, the oral cavity is positioned on the bottom of the caput, and there is a broad separation of anterior nariss from the oral cavity. The gills are so big that they surround the cervix of the basking shark with the first brace about meeting below the pharynx. On the interior border of each gill are found a great figure of thorny, bristle-like rakers directed inward and forward. The oral cavity is really big and can open at the corners with easiness. On big specimens, the olfactory organ is short and conic with a rounded tip ( Bigalow and Schroeder 147 ) . The dentition of the basking shark are formed in parallel rows like those of other shark species. These dentitions are really little and great in figure to fit their map. These sharks have no demand to turn big, serrated dentition of the more carnivorous assortments. ? Several rows of replacing dentitions develop continuously throughout life behind the outer row of functional dentitions? ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The basking shark is a big non-threatening fish that is frequently seen sunning itself on the surface of the H2O and that is why it is named? basking. ? Because of its minute dentition, it is helpless to assail. Often the shark suns itself with its dorsum and dorsal fin high out of the H2O, on its side, or even on its dorsum ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Sometimes it loafs along with the neb out of the H2O, its oral cavity unfastened, while garnering its repast of plankton. The shark spends so small clip paying attending to boats that it can easy come within harpoon scope of shark huntsmans. These sharks besides have been seen leaping out of the H2O ( Bigelow and Schroeder 62 ) . Enjoying sharks are normally seen in the Gulf of Maine going entirely. Sometimes, nevertheless, they are seen in the northeasterly United States and in the northern portion of their scope in the Atlantic in loose schools that include every bit many as 60 to a 100 members. During the warm portion of the twelvemonth, enjoying sharks are often seen in the northeasterly United States. In the winter, they frequently move to deeper H2O where the temperature of the H2O does non fall so low ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . The most interesting distinctive feature of the basking shark is its funny diet. This big animal chows entirely on bantam oceanic animate beings. It sifts these out of the H2O with its greatly developed gill rakers, precisely like other plankton-feeders. Their tummies have been found packed with minute Crustacea ; digestion is so rapid that the nutrient swallowed is shortly reduced to a soupy mass ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Enjoying sharks produce unrecorded immature like other sharks in their species although really small is known about the construction of the genteelness forms. The female is known to hold ovaries incorporating six million immature eggs alternatively of the few that are prevailing in other sharks ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . The basking shark was originally thought to be an Artic species. Now, nevertheless, it is known that it is an dweller of the North Atlantic and the thermic belts of the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The Northern boundary of the normal scope of the enjoying shark of the North Atlantic appears to be Nova Scotia and Newfoundland ; the Southern boundary is every bit far as the Mediterranean Sea. North Carolina appears to organize the western boundary ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . At one clip, enjoying sharks every bit good as sperm giants were normally caught off the seashore of Massachusetts. Their cherished oil was treasured as a beginning for lamp oil by the settlers. However, their Numberss were shortly depleted by overfishing ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . During the last 20 old ages, sharks and their relations have been the object of serious survey peculiarly in the hunt for a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease: Sharks and their relations, the skates and beams, have enjoyed enormous success during their about 400 million old ages of being on Earth. One ground for this surely is their eldritch ability to defy disease # 8230 ; tumour incidence in these animate beings is carefully monitored by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. ( Luer 1 ) . In surveies at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, scientists are experimenting to find whether tumours can be produced in sharks and skates by exposing them to potent cancer-causing chemicals. No alterations in the tissues of the sharks or their familial stuff of all time resulted in cancerous tumours to be formed. After 10 old ages of research, the scientists have concluded that the resistence to disease can be explained by the immunoglobin ( IgM ) which ? circulates in the shark blood at really high degrees and appears to be ready to assail invading substances at all times # 8230 ; This information may someday take to improved methods of immune cell ordinance in worlds, particularly malignant neoplastic disease patients? ( Luer 1-2 ) . In the 1980? s, surveies conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and at Mote Marine Laboratory tried to verify the value of utilizing shark gristle for both malignant neoplastic disease and arthritis: These surveies of cow and shark gristle were designed to understand how gristle is of course able to defy incursion by blood capillaries. If the footing for this suppression could be identified, it was reasoned, so it might take to the development of a new drug therapy. Such a drug could command the spread of blood vass feeding a cancerous tumour, or the redness associated with arthritis ( Luer 2 ) . The primary advocate of the benefits of shark gristle has been Dr. I. William Lane. In his book, Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer, Lane claims that? usage of whole shark gristle has proven so effectual as an alternate malignant neoplastic disease therapy that it is now being studied in human clinical tests conducted under the protections of the United States Food and Drug Administration? ( 6 ) . The benefit of shark gristle is touted as a therapy which stops the formation of new blood vass and, hence, prevents the growing of cancerous tumours. This procedure was named antiangiogenesis ( anti = against, angio = blood, generation = formation of ) ( 8 ) . Research continues with the enjoying shark as a topic. In 1989, it was reported by Jing Chen that an oil emulsion from the? Cetorhinus maximus is a bran-new anti-carcinoma medical specialty made from marine beings. Marked betterment of the patient? s status such as weight addition, partial shrinking of the conceited ball and life extension constitute the distinctive characteristics of oil emulsion of Cetorhinus maximus? ( 41-45 ) . Consequences of the largest current survey announced in May, 1997, by the non-profit Cancer Treatment Research Foundation in Arlington Heights, Illinois, were dissatisfactory. The research found that Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced instances of chest, colon, lung, and prostate malignant neoplastic disease. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease after 12 hebdomads ( Environmental Nutrition 7 ) . Although Lane? s work continues to be followed, research efforts to verify his work has non been satisfactory. It was during a feature narrative on 60 Minutess when Mike Wallace interviewed Lane in Cuba that the narrative became well-known in America. The consequences of the study were inconclusive but the involvement of the American people had been whetted ( Braun 5 ) . The value of the shark has yet to be to the full determined as a medical intervention for homo disease. However, the current probes surely have opened new countries of survey for these monolithic animals of the warm oceans who have existed for 1000000s of old ages. The shark may be the key to adult male? s hereafter. The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big G. Gill slits H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment K. Fusiform organic structure L. Placoid Scales M. Characteristics of the caput N. Characteristics of the dentitions Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer 2. Jing Chen in 1989 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. Plants Cited ? Basking Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. Bigelow and Schroeder. ? Fishs of the Gulf of Maine. ? United States Government Printing Office, 1953. Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bigelowand Braun, Wendy R. ? A Different Kind of Shark Attack ( Shark Cartilage for Cancer Prevention ) . ? Medical Update. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1996: 5. Chen, Jing, Weiguo Wang, Huozhong Zhang, et. Al. ? Oil Emulsion of Cetorhinus Maximus in Treating Malignant Tumors: A Clinical Observation of 45 Cases. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. 41-45. Available: J.-MAR.-DRUGS-HAIYANG-YAOWU. Lane, Dr. I William and Linda Comac. Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1996. Luer, Dr. Carl A. ? Sharks and Cancer. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //marinelab. ? Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. ? Shark Facts and Stats: General Characteristics. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? So Far, Shark Cartilage Is a Fishy Treatment For Cancer. ? Environmental Nutrition. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1997: 7. Whipple, A.B.C. Restless Oceans. Planet Earth Ser. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, 1983.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analyse the report by answering the four requirements Assignment

Analyse the report by answering the four requirements - Assignment Example This report, also points out issues related to the environment, safety and health, in addition to how the corporation engages people and the community. Further, the 2011 report is structured in a way that details GRI reporting and provides information on previous reports that is essential in making comparison on the corporation’s sustainability development (Orica Report, 2011). Orica, indicated their 2011 sustainability report, reflected on application level B in relation to GRI reporting among organizations. According to the standards set by the GRI reporting guidelines, application level B, is suitable for intermediate reporters who, already have an existing policy of implementing sustainability performance. This involves reporting on profile disclosures, reporting on the approach embraced by the management and reporting on not less than 20 performance indicators. The performance indicators focus on Labor practices, human rights, product stewardship, community or society, ec onomic and the environment. As indicated in page 134 that reports on the corporations GRI Index for the year, 2011, Orica achieved level B by reporting on all the parameters required for this level. However, this is not the appropriate level for Orica; the corporation should meet the application of level A since, reporting on Orica’s sustainability, is advanced and it requires consultation with stakeholders. ... The terms that describe the process of independent assurance vary and may include external assurance, verification, assurance and certification (Manetti and Toccafondi, 2012). Further, independent reviews may vary, and similarly, the information provided by organization also varies in terms of scope related to information intended for assurance. The assurance process reviews, the data quality, how the data was collected, with an intent of improving the final disclosure. In essence, information considered to be of high quality is regarded as trustworthy, and relied on by organizations and others interested in the information. Organizations often seek out assurance for various reasons aimed at improving confidence and trust in areas related to governance, maintaining stable shareholder relations and management process. Other benefits related to assurance include improving an organization’s reputation or recognition, and instill confidence among stakeholders (Manetti and Toccafon di, 2012). Further, assurance serves to limit risks for an organization, in addition to improving value. Assurance, also aids in improving the engagement between organizations CEOs and the board, as a result of the need to work together to achieve credible sustainability disclosures. In addition, assurance improves internal reporting and various management systems within an organization. On the same note, external assurance, assists in affirming the robustness of systems responsible for internal controls and provide recommendations for further improvements. The process of assurance also plays a role in enhancing stakeholder communication since, the sustainability report are relied on for

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cognitive Psychology take-home final exam Essay

Cognitive Psychology take-home final exam - Essay Example Perception not only helps a person in gathering the information regarding the objects, patterns, people and events around him, but also helps in making sense of the gathered information by attaching meaning to it (Galotti, 2008, p.56). In the process of perception, it is mind who gives meaning to sensed objects. Hence, as mind of a human being functions on the basis of past information, there are also chances of occurrence of errors in perception. It is important to note that people are highly influenced by the past learning and experiences they have. The past experiences have a great influence on the interpretation of the information that people gather through sensory stimulus (Galotti, 2008, p.57). Visual and spatial errors take place as people, due to the influence of past experience, sometimes perceive what does not exist in the environment and other times, they are not able to recognize the object which is right in front of them (Sternberg, 2009, p.76). In the process of perception, mind plays an important role as it is the mind that gives the meaning to the spatial and the visual objects that are sensed by human beings. According to Peterson (1999), the perceptual illusions that lead to visual and spatial er rors occur because the mind has a tendency to manipulate the information provided by the sensory objects and provide different meanings to â€Å"objects, properties, and spatial relationships of our environments† (Sternberg, 2009, p.77). According to Tarr and Bulthoff (1998), the viewpoint developed from the previous experiences affect the process of perception of the objects (Sternberg, 2009, p.77). Hence, as the mind has a tendency to manipulate the information provided through sensory objects, human being makes error in visual and spatial perceptions. Answer 2 :The cognitive aspects of language acquisition are â€Å"receptive comprehension and decoding of language input and expressive

Portfolio on my communication adequacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Portfolio on my communication adequacy - Essay Example Portfolio on my communication adequacy Towards the beginning of the task, we chose as a gathering that every colleague would be in charge of one piece of the presentation. My part was to incorporate the distinctive parts into one firm presentation. To comprehend why this critical incident happened and how comparable circumstances can perhaps be kept away from later on, I will utilize the media richness hypothesis (taking into account Lengel & Daft (1988). As indicated by this hypothesis, diverse structures or "mediums" of correspondence have distinctive abilities to convey and transmit data. The hypothesis contends that convoluted messages, or messages that convey a great deal of data, ought to be transmitted utilizing rich mediums, for example, video conferencing or face to face, while simpler messages can be viably be conveyed utilizing more straightforward mediums, for example, email and pamphlets. Case in point, a basic message in regards to the area of a meeting can be sufficiently conveyed utilizing an email or pamphlet, while a more unpredictable message, for example, the justification for a departmental rebuild ought to be conveyed up close and personal. The hypothesis additionally contends that none- routine messages o ught to be conveyed utilizing media-rich channels. As depicted in Table 1, my message determined an assignment due date for my fellow team members. Figure 1 demonstrates that my message was not suitably set on the media l richness model, clarifying why my colleagues did not precisely decode it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Applied Information Technology Project Part2 Assignment

Applied Information Technology Project Part2 - Assignment Example By sustaining a narrow profit margin, the grocery proved to be successful and by 1926, M.B. acquired 322 Safeway stores and incorporated as Safeway Inc. the merger saw the incorporation of the grocery to Safeway Inc. before joining the New York Stock Exchange. As a form of improving the quality of products, Safeway introduced product quality assurance through a â€Å"sell by† date on the perishable products for the assurance of quality and nutrients labelling. As of 2013, Safeway Inc had an operating income of U.S. $17.219 billion and employed approximately 138,000 employees. According to Someville (n.p), today Safeway controls about $25 billion in private equity from New York Security Exchange. Since 1928, Safeway Inc. has been listed on the New York Stock exchange, and its headquarters are situated in Pleasanton, California. The retail store’s mission is to ensure that its employees establish loyal relationships with its clients, while its mission emphasizes the use o f employees’ talents and passion to grant customers the best experience. Although Safeway Stores are in the process of merging with Albertsons Grocery Stores, their name while remain while business will proceed as usual under new management. Owing to the merger, some Safeway stores expect great improvements, including better customer services and cleaner stores. In addition, Alberterson reveals that its aim of acquiring Safeways was to put a shine on it through improved customer service and memorable customer experience. However, there is little hope that Safeways will remain given that Albertsons has a history of demising acquired firms such as Hayward-Based Mervyns that was declared bankrupt in 2008. Another controversial aspect of the merger is that Albertson is known for its stake in car, and guns and military and not supermarkets or grocery operations. The acquisition of Safeway places it in a company that has 27 distribution facilities, 2,400 stores, and 20

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Christian Philosophy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Christian Philosophy - Research Paper Example ristian faith, and this paper will consider just two famous thinkers who made health care one of their top priorities: the medieval scholar and abbess Hildegard of Bingen (circa 1098-1179), and the modern liberation theologist and priest Gustavo Gutierrez. Both base their commitment to the sick on sound Biblical premises, and both have written extensively on why they have made healthcare one of the major concerns of their lives. Hildegard of Bingen was a German noblewoman who was given to the church by her parents at very young age and who grew up to be a Benedictine nun and prioress. Alongside her busy work in the community where she lived, Hildegard was a writer of music, letters and literature, a seer of visions, and a very keen botanist and naturalist. She wrote two important books which we would nowadays label as â€Å"scientific†, though at the time Hildegard would have regarded them just as much religious texts as all her other writings. Her books Physica and Causae et Curae are Latin treatises on the properties of the physical world, as they were understood in her day and age. The Physica concentrates on rocks and minerals, with some descriptions of animals and elements as well, while the Causae et Curae focuses more on plants and medical cures for the ailments that were common in that period. Hildegard herself titled the Physica as â€Å"Subtleties of the Diverse Qualities of Created Things † which reveals a very medieval attitude whereby everything which God created has deeper meanings. Just as the Bible has a surface story and deeper religious meanings, so the medieval world believed that the visible animals, plants and natural surroundings have their physical and visible qualities, as well as deeper meanings and messages which only the initiated can understand. Hildegard labors to make plain these hidden messages so that they can be of benefit to people around her. There are two main underpinning world views behind Hildegard’s presentation of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Employment Resourcing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employment Resourcing - Coursework Example It is one of the most prestigious awards in the hospitality industry and was awarded to the Taj Group in 2002 for the best practices in employment resourcing found in the hospitality industry. The management formulated the Taj People Philosophy (TPP) which incorporated the strategies implemented in employment resourcing. The key components of employment resourcing The management at the Taj Group recognized that employees were the company’s most important assets. In alignment with this prioritizing, the management formulated the TPP. This philosophy provides a framework in which the strategies in employment resourcing can be aligned to the strategies focus of the company, which is to provide the best customer service in the industry. Unless the employees are motivated to work for the company, they will not be willing to put their best efforts forward in providing the best possible customer service in the industry. Therefore the management has to pay attention to the fact that t he organizational objectives related to customer service are aligned to the employment objectives of providing the best workplace for the employees to work in. ... For example, the employees accumulated points for their acts of kindness and hospitality. Employees who gained the highest points reached the highest level. The STARS program motivated the employees to perform to the highest level possible so that they could gain the points to reach the higher levels of recognition. This program acted as a motivational tool for the employees to go beyond their usual duties and responsibilities and provide extra care in customer service. As a result the company attained enhanced service standards which enabled the company to generate repeat customers. The STARS program serves to illustrate that strategies in employment resourcing can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage from building a loyal customer base. The strategies of employment resourcing motivate the employees to perform to a higher level, thus enhancing the reputation of the company. The Taj Group also implemented the Balanced Scorecard System. This was a performance management system which was implemented even at the lowest levels of the organizational hierarchy. This performance management system enabled the employees to perceive how their work was linked to the strategic focus of the company. As a result the employees were able to take their own initiatives in enhancing the service standards. Because the employees were motivated to improve their own performance, the management could lower spending in formulating training and development programs. This was a positive outcome from employment resourcing because it is difficult to estimate the return on investment in training and development programs. Therefore the management’s objective is to minimize spending in training and development since the return from this spending is difficult to quantify. The

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Role of Education in Society Essay Example for Free

Role of Education in Society Essay Society has certain requirements which must be met if it’s to survive; hence the role of education in society is examined in terms of how it helps to meet those needs. Firstly, society needs a certain degree of social solidarity or unity. People must feel a sense of belonging to society and a sense of loyalty to the social group. Common norms and values provide this. Secondly, every society requires a system for socializing new members. In an industrial society in which occupational status is largely achieved, young people must learn to value individual achievement. Thirdly, every society requires a system for placing people in roles best suited to their talents and abilities. This is particularly true in industrial society with a specialised division of labour. The right people must be matched with the right jobs. Lastly, for society to operate efficiently and effectively, its members must possess the necessary skills to perform essential tasks. (Harambos et al, 1986) Education attempts to develop the personality of the pupil and prepare him for membership into society. This function corresponds to the double role a person has to play in life, both as an individual and as a member of society. Schools in western societies emphasize individual achievement. The student achieves his/ her status based on their ability, talent, determination and effort. Achievement is measured by the student’s performance in examinations. Education can be seen as a system for sifting, sorting and grading people in terms of their ability. Students leave school having been thoroughly tested. In theory, the most talented will achieve the highest qualifications; the least talented will come away with little or nothing to show for their efforts (Harambos et al, 1986) The vision for the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocation Training and Early Education (MESVTEE) is â€Å"to guide the provision of education for all Zambians so that they are able to pursue knowledge and skills, manifest excellence in performance and moral uprightness, defend democratic ideals and accept and value other persons on the basis of their personal worth and dignity, irrespective of gender, religion, ethnic or any other discriminatory characteristic (Ministry of Education, 2000) The Ministry of Education emphasizes that the child is placed at the center of the entire education process which exists solely for the sake of the learner. It also recognizes that each child is unique. This contributes a rich diversity to the whole education system. The aim of school education is to promote the full and ell rounded development of the physical, intellectual, social, effective, moral and spiritual qualities of all pupils so that each can in turn develop into a complete person, for his/ her personal fulfilment and the good of society (Ministry of Education, 1996) The education system in Zambia is divided into four major parts. These parts include lower and middle basic school; upper basic school; high school; and higher education. The education system for the lower and middle basic levels is concerned with the pupils’ complete needs: those of the body, mind, affective, social; moral and spiritual needs. The system at this stage allows for adaptation of some aspects of the curriculum to match local needs and circumstances. This stage provides pupils with a substantial and recognizable preparation for life. Ministry of Education, 1996) The upper basic system builds on the foundation laid at the lower levels, though the programme of activities is just broadened and balanced to allow for treatment at an in-depth appropriate for the level of education, age and experience of the pupils. Education at this level includes issues like Education for democracy, which allows these young Zambians to acquire an understanding of the values that have shaped society and the practices that have preserved it; literacy and numeracy which allows them to read and write correctly, clearly and confidently in both their Zambian language and in English, and to acquire basic numeracy and problem solving skills for them to function effectively in society; science and technology helps the pupils develop processes of scientific thinking. This ability to think scientifically and understand scientific processes has become a condition for survival in society; practical and technical subjects provide compensation for traditional knowledge and practical skills that students would have acquired if they had not been attending school. They also provide a way of experiencing and dealing with the physical world. (Ministry of Education, 1996) Since upper basic education may be the only formal education the majority of pupils will likely get, the basic education system should adequately prepare the pupils for life after school; hence issues such as health and personal well being, Sexuality and personal relationships are tackled at this level. This is coupled with helping the students to develop socially acceptable habits. In these studies, effort is complemented by the home, community and society at large. This enables the pupils shape for themselves their own personal philosophy of life, by internalizing and adopting their own set of values and attitudes which would direct their own lives. (Ottaway, 1962) Performing and creative arts helps the pupils develop knowledge of and a deeper appreciation for Zambia’s rich cultural heritage and thereby contribute to the preservation and development of this heritage. Co-curricular activities also help pupils develop life skills which equip them with positive social behaviour and coping with negative pressure. High school builds on the foundation laid in upper basic school. High school aims at the integrated and comprehensive development of each pupil’s potential, enabling the pupil adopt adult life and make a useful contribution to society. It also develops the intellectual skills and qualities, foster creativity, imagination resourcefulness and innovativeness and provide occasion for their practical exercise. It also promotes extensive knowledge, exact skills and accurate understanding of areas of study. (Ministry of Education, 1996) When progressing from one level of the education system to the next, evaluation and assessments are conducted. This is in order to determine whether the education system is achieving its objectives, and that it is producing the right caliber of graduates expected by society. Society’s interest is on the public exams that mark the end of one stage of education and serve as a selection instrument for the next stage. (Ministry of Education, 1977) In conclusion, the education system in Zambia is inclined towards the new sociology of education because emphasis is placed on the individual development of the pupil’s potential. Throughout the whole progression from lower basic to high school, focus is placed on the development of the pupil’s skills individually. Pupils therefore develop knowledge of and a deeper appreciation for Zambia’s rich cultural heritage and thereby contribute to the preservation and development of this heritage throughout the whole education system.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Presentation on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Reflection

Presentation on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Reflection INTRODUCTION As a part of my Overseas Nursing Programme, I had to conduct a seminar presentation on any topic of my interest in front of students. I was given the date of presentation. Knowledge expands through communication and presentation is a means of communication and best applicable when delivering knowledge to a group. Presentation means A speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience (Oxford dictionaries. 2014). The aim of any presentation is to motivate, to communicate, to persuade to inform, to teach or to help you express your ideas and get others to understand it(Bradbury, 2007). The content of your presentation have its own aim or purpose, normally its related to the outcomes you desire from the presentations communication. Before presenting ensure that you understand what your task is and the time available (Bradbury, 2007). During the presentation the speaker may use various aids of communication such as the audio visual aids li ke power point, graphs, various recordings. diagrams, flowcharts or models (Theobald, 2013). Reflective practices enables the health professional to bridge that gap between the theory and practice. Reflective practice is a process by which you stop and think about your practice, consciously analyse your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice (Jasper, 2003). Therefore I chose Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to reflect on my presentation. Gibbs model of reflection include six different steps which are Description, Feeling, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Action Plan (Gibbs, 1988). DESCRIPTION As a part of our Overseas Nursing Programme, we had to conduct a seminar presentation in the class in front of our batch mates. Presentation is a means of communication which can be used at various situations including a formal meeting, talk in a group or team briefing. (SkillsYouNeed (2014)). Seminar is a group meeting in which there is information or training given on a topic. Thus a seminar presentation is a method of communicating information on a topic. Selecting the topic was the toughest part. With the short time of presentation and considering the effective delivery of information, the topic of presentation had to be brief and simple. I chose Urinary Tract Infection as my topic of presentation as it was one of the most common condition seen in my area of practice. I did an extensive literature review for the topic to obtain wide data for my presentation. Aliterature review is the data obtained from scholarly paper, which consists of the most recent information including essential findings as well as methodological and theoretical contribution to a specific topic of interest (Baker, 2000). In my presentation, I included a brief description of UTI and stated that it is a type of infection which involves various parts of the urinary tract which includes the urethra, the bladder, the ureters and the kidneys (Amdekar, Singh and Singh, 2011). Urinary tract infections occur more commonly in women than men. Its estimated half of all wome n in the UK will have a UTI at least once in their life (Colgan and Williams, 2011). UTI diagnosis can be done via urine dip test and urine culture. Antibiotic treatment is necessary to clear the infection. Prevention being better than cure, good fluid intake and good personal hygiene can help reduce chances of getting urinary tract infection (Juthani-Mehta, et al. 2009). I also included in the content, how their behaviour was affected by this condition. I combined those with the practice and guidelines followed in the diagnosis and treatment in the UK and prepared the slides. I used power point technology to perform my presentation using texts, pictures and graphs. I used simple language and included only the main points. As the group for which the seminar was aimed at was educated in medical field and knew almost as much as I knew regarding the topic, discussion method was used. FEELING Initially, I was a bit anxious and nervous as I had to present in front of a gathering. Stage fright was bit of a concern. But regardless of that, I was able to present my topic well as there was a positive environment to support me. Great reflection also results from the positive environment offered to the presenter (Brookfield,1995). I felt more and more confident as the discussion started and I was able to answer all the doubts. My assessor also helped me. At the end of the seminar I felt satisfied with my work and happy that I was able to complete the task given to me. EVALUATION Even though with all the hassles, I was able to provide a brief description of the topic. It covered most of the areas and provided a clear picture regarding Urinary Tract Infection to the people gathered. Interactive secessions were carried out providing group involvement thus making the secession interesting. The various queries were dealt with proper explanation providing the accurate knowledge. ANALYSIS I got positive feedback from my assessor. By conducting the presentation, I was able to offer a brief description about the Urinary Tract Infection, its definition, occurrence, epidemiology, types, pathophysiology, its symptoms and management. I got good support from my assessor and audience who prompted me to do the presentation well. They were able to acquire knowledge regarding UTI and for some it offered a boost to their knowledge. CONCLUSION This presentation offered me an opportunity to develop my talent and skills in presentation. The group was able to understand and comprehend the information offered to them. Experiences were shared which brought in new information and made the discussion and thus the seminar more interesting. The assessors offered a positive feedback for my presentation. This experience helped me overcome my fears and gave me confidence to perform more presentation in my work place or future carrier pathway. ACTION PLAN After performing the reflective presentation, I came up with the following action plan. Firstly Expand my knowledge regarding various presentation methods and new trends in nursing. I will attend training and perform self motivated studies to update my knowledge regarding Urinary Tract Infection and its latest managements. Practice the information acquired for the safe management of UTI in my place of work. I will also do similar presentations in my area of work to expand the knowledge to my co workers and boost my skills in presentations as well. REFERENCE Amdekar, S; Singh, V, Singh, DD (2011). Probiotic therapy: immunomodulating approach toward urinary tract infection..Current microbiology63(5): 484–90. Atkins, S. and Murphy, K. (1994).Reflective Practice, Nursing Standards, 8(39)49-56 Baker, P. (2000). Writing a Literature Review.The Marketing Review1(2) 219-47. Bradbury, A (2007) Successful Presentation Skills. 3rd Edition, MPG Books Ltd; 4:60-68 Brookfield, S (1995), Developing critical thinkers: challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting. Milton Keynes: Open University Press Colgan, R and Williams, M (2011). Diagnosis and treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis.† Family physician84(7): 771–6. Gibbs G (1988), Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods,5:30-40 Jasper, M (2003) Beginning Reflective Practices, Foundation in nursing and health care. Nelson Thornes Publishers, 1-6 Johns, C. and Grahanm, J. (1996). Using a Reflective Model of Nursing and Guided Reflection, Nursing Standards 11(2) 34-38 Juthani-Mehta M, et al. (2009). Clinical features to identify urinary tract infections in nursing home residents: a Cohort study.J Am Geriatr Soc;57:963–970. NHS CHOICES. (2014) Urinary Tract Infection in Adults [Online] July 2014. Available from: . [ Accessed : 22 july 2014] Oxford dictionaries. 2014 Definition of presentation. Avaliable from: (Accessed on 19/08/14) Theobald, T (2013) Develop Your Presentation Skills 2nd Edition, Kogan Page Publishers, 161-168. SKILLS YOU NEED. (2014) Presentation Skills [Online] 2014 Available from : . [ Accessed : 22 july 2014] Smyth J (1989): Developing and sustaining critical reflection in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education 40(2)2-9

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Of Nightingales That Weep by Katherine Paterson Essay -- Of Nightingal

Of Nightingales That Weep Chapter 1 This chapter is about Takiko and her first family home. It tells a lot about her family. They talk about the war In this chapter also. Takiko’s mother decides that she will remarry after her father dies. Takiko’s finds out that her father is died. Chapter 2 This chapter the book tells about Goro who is Takiko’s stepfather. Takiko finds out that Goro is a injured man. She thinks it will be very hard to live with Goro because of his problem. Chapter 3 This chapter tells about Takiko living with Goro for a few months now. It tells how the family has a party for the new year, and they hope that the family will work out. Chapter 4 This chapter is about the child that Takiko’s mother has. She has the baby with Goro. This is when Takiko thinks about her future and she wants to leave the farm and go on into the city and start a new life there. Chapter 5 This chapter is about when Takiko starts her new free life in the capital. She finds a job with the Emperor and makes money to survive on. The job is that she is a servant for the Emperor. She also plays as a musician playing her Kyoto. Chapter 6 In this chapter Takiko plays the Kyoto in from of a large audience that gathered just to here her play on it. This is a trial or a test to see if she belongs at the capital. Chapter 7 In this chapter a war becomes abrupt into the capital, and it forces everyone to leave. Takiko’s mother hears about it and tells her husband t...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay example --

In life, people experience different situations and live different realities. It is not illogical to say that the different journeys in life sometimes give us different ways of viewing the world. This was evident upon a closer examination and analysis of Wu Cheng’en’s â€Å"The Journey to the West†, and Mary Shelly â€Å"Frankenstein†, where the two main characters of the book, a Monkey and a creature, each have a different way of viewing life. The monkey see’s life as a journey that should be explored, while the creature has no way of exploring and sees life as something he cannot enjoy. In the end, what can be taken away from the works of literature is that no matter the journey taken, it is important to remember that one’s subjectivity, built on our experiences, determines reality. A journey in life begins once a child is born. Even from the very moment of birth, an individual is very easily influenced by the surrounding environment. Usually a great upbringing means an individual has a better outlook in life, while a bad upbringing has negative side effects on the individual. Nothing proves this case more than by looking at the Monkey’s birth, compared to that of Frankenstein’s creation. The monkey’s birth in "The Journey to the West" seems quiet unnatural in that he was born out of a stone that split in half. The creature in Frankenstein on the other hand was made by a human, Frankenstein himself. The key differences in the birth is not the fact that one was made by stone and the other was made by hand, the difference lies in the intend and care of the creator. The stone that the monkey was born out of was â€Å" nourished for a long time by the seeds of heaven and Earth and by the essences of the sun and the moon, until quickened by di vin... ...portant part of life when it comes to happiness, but it may not be the answer. The Monkey had companionship and so he was able to focus on other tasks. The creature was so consumed by the idea of companionship because it was what he lacked. The bigger message to be learned from these novels is that one should seek out to find a feeling of happiness within themselves instead of looking for it from somewhere else. Had the creature perceived the beauty in solidarity maybe he would not have been so vengeful. But alas, it is natural to want what one does not have. It is sometimes even fulfilling when one achieves something that one hoped to achieve. The most important thing learned here is that the key to happiness then is not something out of one’s control. Although experiences sometimes are hard to control, action and a change in perception can make all the difference.

Comparing Dickenss View of Children in David Copperfield and Great Exp

Dickens's View of Children Exposed in David Copperfield and Great Expectations      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all Dickens' works, David Copperfield and Great Expectations are considered to be his most autobiographical.   Philip Collins writes, "Great Expectations, indeed, though overtly less autobiographical than David Copperfield, is a more searching and self-critical account of Dickens' own inner impulses" (178).   It is also true that both of these novels have children   as main characters.   Dickens had a real talent for creating child characters in his works.   In some cases, Dickens' own life history is so closely linked with his fiction, that in order to understand Dickens' interest in the child character, it is critical to be familiar with the major events of his life, as well as how he viewed childhood in general.    Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, to middle class parents.   He was the second child, and the first son, of eight children.   His father, John Dickens, was an Admiralty clerk.   He made a reasonable amount of money but was poor in handling his financial endeavors.   In 1824, when the family plunged into debt, John was sent to debtors' prison at Marshalsea Prison.   Charles, at age twelve, was sent to a Warren's Blacking House, to manufacture shoe polish.   In The Man Charles Dickens, Edward Wagenknect looks at how Charles' experience with the blacking house had a deep impact on him:    Charles seems to have been at this time, abnormally sensitive with some dim prescience of what was in store for him, and he suffered terribly, not only from his uncomfortable surroundings, but even more from the consciousness that he was getting no opportunity to develop his capacities and -... ...t drawn to portraying children beset by suffering and evil" (117).   Dickens also created these characters to testify to the mistreatment of children in Victorian society.   Due to his success as an author, Dickens, in many ways, successfully took up the plight of children by creating characters that dew attention and sympathy from his readers.   In his works he gave children a voice that they desperately needed, yet never had before.    Works Cited Andrews, Malcolm.   Dickens and the Grown-up Child.   Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1994. Collins, Philip.   Dickens and Education.   New York: St. Martin's P, 1964. Rawlins, Jack P. "Great Expectations: Dickens and the Betrayal of the Child." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 23 (1983): 667-683. Tomlin, R.W.F., ed. Charles Dickens 1812-1870. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.    Comparing Dickens's View of Children in David Copperfield and Great Exp Dickens's View of Children Exposed in David Copperfield and Great Expectations      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all Dickens' works, David Copperfield and Great Expectations are considered to be his most autobiographical.   Philip Collins writes, "Great Expectations, indeed, though overtly less autobiographical than David Copperfield, is a more searching and self-critical account of Dickens' own inner impulses" (178).   It is also true that both of these novels have children   as main characters.   Dickens had a real talent for creating child characters in his works.   In some cases, Dickens' own life history is so closely linked with his fiction, that in order to understand Dickens' interest in the child character, it is critical to be familiar with the major events of his life, as well as how he viewed childhood in general.    Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, to middle class parents.   He was the second child, and the first son, of eight children.   His father, John Dickens, was an Admiralty clerk.   He made a reasonable amount of money but was poor in handling his financial endeavors.   In 1824, when the family plunged into debt, John was sent to debtors' prison at Marshalsea Prison.   Charles, at age twelve, was sent to a Warren's Blacking House, to manufacture shoe polish.   In The Man Charles Dickens, Edward Wagenknect looks at how Charles' experience with the blacking house had a deep impact on him:    Charles seems to have been at this time, abnormally sensitive with some dim prescience of what was in store for him, and he suffered terribly, not only from his uncomfortable surroundings, but even more from the consciousness that he was getting no opportunity to develop his capacities and -... ...t drawn to portraying children beset by suffering and evil" (117).   Dickens also created these characters to testify to the mistreatment of children in Victorian society.   Due to his success as an author, Dickens, in many ways, successfully took up the plight of children by creating characters that dew attention and sympathy from his readers.   In his works he gave children a voice that they desperately needed, yet never had before.    Works Cited Andrews, Malcolm.   Dickens and the Grown-up Child.   Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1994. Collins, Philip.   Dickens and Education.   New York: St. Martin's P, 1964. Rawlins, Jack P. "Great Expectations: Dickens and the Betrayal of the Child." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 23 (1983): 667-683. Tomlin, R.W.F., ed. Charles Dickens 1812-1870. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Clothing in the Awakening

Clothes appear to have significant meaning in The Awakening, enough so that they are mentioned at almost every description of the characters. Edna Pontellier starts the novel fully dressed and appropriately dressed for a woman of her responsibilities, however, at her final moment, she is naked on the beach. Other women in the story also represent their ‘position’ and the way they feel in the way they dress. For example, Madmoiselle Reisz never changes her clothes.This could possibly symbolize her physical detachment from anything around her, including nature and any suppressed feelings. In contrast, Edna’s clothes represent her physical attachment to society. She sheds her clothes the way a snake sheds its skin when it is time for a new one and it does not fit into the old one any longer. Edna doesn’t feel like she can fit into society any longer. Madmoiselle Reisz, on the other hand, does not seem to have any desire to be more than what she has been given in the society in which she lives.Therefore, she does not change her clothes, because she does not feel the need for change in her life. Other characters, such as Madame Leburn always have new clothes to cover their bodies. This could, perhaps, represent the constant need to cover their sexuality as women in suppressed roles as wives and mothers. Ednas’ nakedness at the end of the novel symbolizes her freedom from any claims her children may have on her and shows how her lack of clothes is equal to her lack of ‘responsibility’, of her family and the 1890s’ society.Through the motif of clothes, Kate Chopin suggests that although society can be restricting, in order to have discipline, rules can be necessary. Can be destructive, lack of rules can lead to destruction of self. The symbol of clothing in the story shows the development of her freedom from the harsh rules of the Creole society. In the beginning of the novel, Edna is accustomed to wearing the same clothes as the Creoles. Throughout the story, she is found loosening her collar and trying to remove articles of clothing.After her awakening, Edna becomes restless and starts to neglect the rules placed upon her. As Edna progresses throughout the novel, she discards more and more layers of the confining clothing that surrounds her body and soul. By taking off her clothing, one piece at a time, she is disobeying the rules placed upon her, and in doing so, she exerts her independence. The clothing symbolizes the constraints on the social behavior of women in this era. It restricts Edna and doesn’t allow her body to move. At the beginning of the novel, Edna is fully dressed and in proper clothing.However, when Edna and Adele walk together on the beach, Edna wears less clothing In one example of rebellion, Edna begins to care less about her duties as a woman in a Victorian society and chooses to not wear what society expects of her. â€Å"Mrs. Ponteiller did not wear her usual Tuesday reception gown; she was in ordinary house gowns. † (59) The house gown are less elaborate and involve wearing less clothing than reception gowns, and to Edna, is more comfortable. Although those around her do not approve, she chooses to do what she feels and does this witho5ut hesitation or guilt.

Monday, September 16, 2019

What are the factors that have caused British political parties to change their policies on the EU since 1970?

Abstract There are a number of different factors that have caused British political parties to change their policies on the EU, yet it is often very difficult to determine what these are. Whilst some may suggest that it is down to a change in public attitudes (Ladrech, 2001, p. 4), others would argue that party position changes occur as a result of â€Å"environmental incentives with party organisation† (Schumacher et al; 2009, p. 1). Regardless, EU integration is one of the main issues that has divided British political parties since the 1970’s and Britain’s EU membership has had a significant impact upon political parties. Hence, the two main themes that have run through the main parties with regards to the EU are division and fragmentation, which has led many to believe that ‘Europe’ has essentially become a â€Å"cause of political cleavage† (Smith, 2012, p. 1277) that has widely impacted mainstream political parties. This study will therefore anal yse the changing approaches of British political parties since the 1970’s in order to determine what factors have led to a change in policies. Introduction Introduction to the Study Since the United Kingdom became a member of the European Union, there has been a significant amount of controversy that has surrounded the move. The UK had been trying to join the EU since 1961, yet its membership was rejected by the French President. It wasn’t until 1973 when the UK finally became a member and although a referendum was held two years later, which resulted in the public voting in favour of the UK’s membership, many have continued to question whether it was in fact a good move. Accordingly, some have argued against further EU integration, whilst others have argued for complete EU withdrawal. This so-called Euroscepticism has existed since the very beginning and has had a significant impact upon the policies of British political parties. In accordance with this, it will be considered what factors actually caused British political parties to change their policies on the EU since 1970.Research Objective The objective o f this research is to consider what causes British political parties to change their EU policies and to determine what parties are cautious of further EU integration. It will also allow an assessment to be made as to whether there are any parties who support the withdrawal from the EU. Thus, it will also be shown that debate surrounding the EU has not been sustained and that many challenges still exist, causing many to question Britain’s EU membership.Literature ReviewIntroduction When the UK became a member of the EU, every political party was in agreement, yet many debates have subsequently been made as to whether it was the right decision to make. Hence, the debates between Eurosceptics and EU supporters are still ongoing in British political parties today, though there the views of the Conservative and Labour parties are diverse and appear to change frequently. Accordingly, during the 1970’s and 1980’s the Labour party appeared to be more Europsceptic than the Conservative party and thereby pledged â€Å"to extricate ourselves from the Treaty of Rome and other Community treaties† (Politea, 2007, p. 1). During the 1990’s, however, the Conservative party appeared to be moving in the same direction by making a pledge not to co-operate with the EU. Nevertheless, public support for the EU began to grow since it was believed that the EU would be a good thing for Britain, especially after the Thatcherism era. As such, â€Å"Europe app eared to be fundamental to the government’s attempts to revise the Thatcher settlement and symbolized a modification of some of its less palatable elements† (Gifford, 2008, p. 114). Literature Review Regardless of the EU’s initial support, Eurosceptiscim is still rife in Britain today and many questions have been raised as to why British political parties have continued to change their policies on the EU since the UK’s integration in 1970. Whilst some argue that material factors, such as anti-market and anti-capitalist, are the reason why the policies have shifted, others believe that ideology, such as national sovereignty and anti-immigration is the reason for the shift. Nonetheless, as put by Kopecky (2002, p. 297); â€Å"ideology is the dominant explanation for both types of support, although strategy at times plays a role in explaining specific support.† Regardless, it has been argued that â€Å"the Chevenementists’ shift away from left-right positioning has not paid off electorally† (Milner, 2004, p. 59). This is widely due to the mistrust the public will have in political parties who frequently change their stance and although there may be a number of different factors as to why this happens the public will be fearful of neo-liberal policies. Still, others believe that the changes in policies are primarily the result of Britain’s desire to maintain independence and sovereignty (Harmsen and Spiering, 2005, p. 14). Whether Britain’s current policies will be maintained is doubtful, especially in light of the recent policy changes: â€Å"The last two and a half years have seen the biggest change of Britain’s European policy in its four-decade membership of the European Union† (Teasdale, 2013, p. 1). Theoretical Approaches A Culturalist theory of political change will be used in this study in order to explain why political change occurs. This appears to be the most appropriate way to determine what factors have caused British political parties to change their policies on the EU since 1970. This is because; Culturalist theory is based on the idea that people do not respond directly to situations they face and that instead situations are seen through orientations (Eckstein, 1988, p. 790). Hence, orientations are how information is processed and can be changed depending on what is being taught. Accordingly, as noted by Eckstein (1992, p. 281); â€Å"a cogent, potentially powerful theory of political change can be derived from Culturalist premises.† Research Question What factors have caused British political parties to change their policies on the EU? How have attitudes towards Europe shifted amongst the two main parties? Proposed Methodology In obtaining the relevant information for this study it will be necessary to use a secondary research approach. This is because, already existing data will be capable of being collected and then analysed in order to reach an appropriate conclusion. This is the most cost effective and efficient way of collecting data and is more feasible than using primary research. Hence, it would be difficult to gain access to political parties in order to obtain their views. Therefore, for the purposes of this study; it would be impracticable to use primary research. Opinions will thus be acquired from relevant scholars, theorists, politicians and academics in order to allow a general overview of the topic to be provided. These will be obtained from textbooks, journal articles, online legal databases and governmental reports. References Eckstein, H. (1992) Regarding Politics: Essays on Political Theory, Stability and Change, University of California Press. Gifford, C. (2008) The Making of Eurosceptic Britain: Identity and Economy in a Post-Imperial State, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Harmsen, R. and Spiering, M. (2005) Eurosceptism, Rodopi. Jansen, J. J. and Jansen, S. J. M. (2011) Fiscal Sovereignty of the Member States in an Internal Market: Past Future, Kluwer Law International. Kopecky, P. (2002) The Two Sides of Euroscepticism, Party Positions on European Integration in East Central Europe, European Union Politics, SAGE Journals, Volume 3, No. 3. Ladrech, R. (2001) Europeanization and Political Parties: Towards a Framework for Analysis, Keele University, [Online] Available:†¦/†¦ [05 April, 2013]. Milner, S. (2004) For an Alternative Europe: Euroscepticism and the French Left Since the Maastricth Treaty, [Online] Available: [02 April, 2013]. Schumacher, G., de Vris, C. E., and Vis, B., (2009) Why Political Parties Change Their Positions: Environmental Incentives & Party Organisation, [05 April, 2013]. Smith, J. (2012) The European Dividing Line in Party Politics, International Affairs, 6. Teasdale, A. (2013) Will Eurosis Condemn Britain to be an Outsider Looking InEUROPP, [Online] Available: [03 April, 2013].

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business Plan For Sunshine Bakery Essay

Sunshine Bakery will be specializing in visually attractive cupcakes and cakes. There has been a significant increase in demand for whimsical, overindulgent and visually stimulating cakes, and Sunshine Bakery will target special events such as weddings, birthdays, christenings, bachelorette parties and stork teas. The Products Sunshine offers a wide range of speciality cakes. All the flavours will be available in both cupcakes or cakes. The different flavours on offer are: vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Customers Sunshine will focus on three distinct customer segments. The first group is the wedding group. This segment is growing at 15% a year with 32,000 potential customers. The second niche is the parties group. This segment is also growing at 15% with 14,200 potential people. The last group is the individual buyer (walk-in) group. This niche also is growing at 15% with 48,000 possible customers. Management Team Recognizing the importance of human capital, Sunshine has assembled a strong management team. The team is led by Merlin Hull. Merlin comes to Sunshine with 10 years of baking experience. In addition to her industry specific experience, Merlin has had 2 years of management experience. Robert Morgan brings financial skills to Sunshine after a 15 year CPA career. Marlene Hendricks will lead the marketing efforts having participated in her own PR firm. Lastly, Debbie Reitz will be on the team as an assistant baker with over five years of experience. Objectives To establish a working storefront for Sunshine Bakery. To develop the strong presence in the community needed to support sales goals. To develop a full menu by the end of the second quarter. Mission Sunshine Bakery aims to be a cornerstone in the community creating a  neighbourhood atmosphere where customers feel comfortable and become instant regulars.We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate owners and investors for their money and risk. Company Summary Sunshine Bakery will be located in downtown Mellville in a historical building. This downtown district is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists. Company Ownership Currently Sunshine Bakery is a sole proprietorship owned by Merlin Hull. Eventually, as the company becomes established, Sunshine Bakery will apply to be incorporated. Start-up Summary The primary expense to establish the Sunshine Bakery is the mortgage loan estimated at R1,750,000 to purchase the vacant space on 7th street. The building was previously used as a bakery and we plan to buy the used equipment along with the space. This cost is also calculated into the loan estimate. Merlin Hull intends to invest R70,500 of her savings to cover the other cost of start-up. These costs include: Advertising brochures. Bakery ingredients. Insurance. Bakery accessories, i.e. paper bags, cartons, etc. Products Sunshine Bakery provides specialized cakes and cupcakes at premium prices for special occasions. The following flavours will be available vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Market Analysis Summary Our focus will be to target weddings, birthday parties, Easter celebrations, bachelorette parties and stork teas. Market Segmentation Our target market consists of three groups: The Wedding Group The wedding industry is booming and Sunshine bakery will focus on this group for whom a premium price can be charged for specialized and custom made cakes or cupcakes. The Parties Group This group will probably pre-order a variety of flavours, and it is not such a labour intensive order, because they will probably go for the less expensive option of choosing our standard products. The Individual Buyer or â€Å"Walk-in† Group Sunshine’s premises in the Bellville area, is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists, which makes this segment a lucrative option. We will focus on window display to attract passersby. Target Market Segment Strategy In our target market, we will mainly focus on the â€Å"wedding group† since they will spend the most per order. We expect that the â€Å"parties† and the ‘†individual buyer† group will make up a smaller portion of our customers. We are specifically filling the speciality cakes needs of the â€Å"wedding group†, so we expect the most business from this group. Industry Analysis Sunshine Bakery competes in the Food Services Industry. In addition to competing with other specialized cakes bakeries, it competes with all restaurants, delis, bakeries and supermarkets for a share of its customers’ food expense. Sunshine is most concerned with competitors who differentiate their products and services with a creative and arty focus. Because this group is so large, Sunshine has chosen to limit its analysis to other specialized cakes bakeries. Competition and Buying Patterns Currently there are two bakeries in town that provide specialized cakes: Cupcakes from Heaven Strengths: Stocks freshly baked cupcakes and cakes. Well-  established bakery in town. Sells cakes in local grocery stores. Weaknesses: Does not provide a wide selection of flavours. Furthermore the texture and flavor of their cakes is very dense and lacks zest. Life is Beautiful Patisserie Strengths: Makes cakes and brownies every day. Will make custom-ordered non- gluten cakes. Weaknesses: Does not produce a wide selection or large quantity of cupcakes. Their main focus is traditional flavour large cakes. Strategy and Implementation Summary Our strategy focuses on serving a niche market with quality goods. We are determined to become a part of the community—an establishment that becomes as much of the community as a church or local grocery store. To achieve these goals, we will provide the following: Friendly, neighbourhood-feel atmosphere Quality baked goods for everyone to enjoy at a fair price Visually attractive cakes and cupcakes Coffee sales will be higher in winter months, and for summer months sales of sodas Competitive Edge Our competitive edge is our quality of goods. We use only products of the highest quality that create incredible feathery cakes that can’t be matched. We also focus mainly on whimsical and modern flavours and designs. The other bakeries in town focus on traditional flavours. Sales Strategy Our strategy focuses on building a customer base by providing good customer experience. With the addition of the coffee bar and lunch menu in early spring, we hope to have customers make the bakery their one-stop destination for breakfast or lunch. In the summer, when we open the outdoor patio, more and more customers will make the bakery a destination for their lunches more often since the atmosphere will be so pleasing. Sales Forecast Our sales forecast assumes the following changes: Cake sales in the summer months will be slightly higher since the wedding season is at its peak during summer months. Coffee sales will increase  during winter months. Please insert a Sales forecast graph here, indicating the projected sales for 12 months. Management Summary Merlin Hull is the founder of Sunshine Bakery. She brings to the bakery her experience as a baker and as an entrepreneur. She has worked as a baker for over 10 years including two years as an apprentice in a well-known Paris patisserie. As a teenager she helped her parents at the family’s general store, both in sales and marketing. For her last two years at her family’s store, she was the general employee manager. Her duties at the bakery will include employee hiring and training, head baker and store management. Robert Morgan has run his own successful CPA consulting firm for 15 years. His duties will include the bookkeeping, inventory management and stock fulfilment. Marlene Hendricks runs her own PR company and will be assisting the Sunshine Bakery in its marketing campaigns on a part-time basis.