Thursday, August 27, 2020
Life In Christ Essays - Latter Day Saint Movement, Christianity
Life In Christ I haven't generally been who I am presently. That appears to be somewhat trifling, as nobody ever may be, in any case, by this I imply that I am a totally unique animal. Brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you about it. I was not, as a rule (and the individuals who knew me at that point will think I ought to have forgotten about this qualifier), a very much tempered kid. I was consistently on the post to get as well as could be expected for myself and stick anyone who stuck me. I comprehended what I needed to do in all things; to be specific to intrigue the same number of individuals as conceivable. At that point, when I was around eight years of age, I accomplished something other than what's expected. I had been in chapel from the time I could be conveyed, and had missed church benefits just for fire, starvation, or disorder that shielded me from moving. My folks were Christians, and I found out about God from at an early stage. I knew for a couple of years that I wasn't living as I should, and it annoyed me. I comprehended what I needed to do to be spared. One morning in chapel, I concluded the time had come. During the message, I discreetly sleepy of the proclaiming, and implored God. I asked Him, as I had been instructed, to pardon me for my awful life, and to come and live with me. That same morning, I imparted the choice to the congregation and with my family. I was absolved the next week. You'd think I'd learn, even at that age. Indeed, as young men do, I kind of floated away. I went for quite a while placing God in His corner of my life and by and large returning to my old ways. Still tempermental, still after my own finishes. I was pestered by this for, I surmise, around six years. At last, I got the possibility that I expected to make things right. While I'd thought about it for quite a long time, I at last was definitive enough to do it at a congregation camp. After a moving lesson, I went off alone and asked. This time I was more established, and in unlimited authority of my considerations. I conversed with God and disclosed to Him that I knew there was a ton about me that expected to change. I requested that he take me back, following quite a while of wandering from a committment that was at first made by one as well youthful to get it. Furthermore, say thanks to God, He did. From that point forward, there has been a exceptional change in me. A ton of it might be discounted by certain individuals who saw it as just growing up, however I was nearer to it than anybody, and I can pinpoint the second it occurred. Presently I live for God. I do flop still. I'm not flawless by any implies (once more, the individuals who realize me can shoulder observer). However, I am another animal, alive both now and perpetually in Christ.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Military Corporate Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Military Corporate Culture - Essay Example Gatherings assume a huge job in an officer persuasive angle. In these gatherings, the individuals will endeavor to develop ways that will guarantee the achievement of the gathering. For example, it is important to imagine new procedures that are equipped for guaranteeing triumph. These gatherings go about as family to the warrior and will induce remedial measures at whatever point important. These bonds made in the gatherings are adequate to spur the gathering. As a pioneer, it is indispensable to empower the production of these gatherings and go along with them. As confirm previously, most demonstrations of valor done by officers are ascribed to the working and union of these gatherings. In a gathering, one is certain that partners watch over you while you do likewise to them.Rewarding people after progressive finishing of a relegated obligation is considered as a rousing variable in empowering ceaseless endeavor of assignments. Prizes have been ceaselessly been used to constantly s upport positive conduct and attitude. There are a few different ways that can be utilized to remunerate fruitful troopers. Affirmation, rewards, rank advancements and grants are valuable. In any case, discipline for baseless conduct ought to never be disregarded. Military code of morals directs the conduct and lead of the military. These code of morals are explicitly illuminated in the Department of Defense Regulations 5500,7-R. Part 2 of these guidelines explicitly harps on the norms of moral leads and is aimed at all the security divisions and work force.
Government impact on the Cherokee nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Government sway on the Cherokee country - Essay Example The government of the United States has consistently followed approaches towards the Cherokee that were in the government’s wellbeing, once in a while supporting the gathering yet more regularly abusing them, though neighborhood governments were all around battled against the Cherokee Nation and permitted their butcher. John Ehle in his Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation portrays the contact between the Cherokee, other local clans, the United States government and other European gatherings from the center of the eighteenth century through the nineteenth century. He utilizes an account approach, endeavoring to associate the peruser to the content by drawing out the character of recorded individuals. Along these lines it peruses somewhere between an authentic fiction and a work of true to life, with components of detail that would be conceivable to gather from chronicled archives, for example, a specific individual having â€Å"soft hair, rather than the I dian’s increasingly coarse, straight hair†1 followed quickly by genuine and verifiable data about the dialects and vernaculars spoken by the Cherokee people.2 It attempts to adopt a decent strategy, investing however much energy as could reasonably be expected concentrating on both the Cherokee and American perspectives, yet infrequently enjoys components of generalizing, delineating all Cherokee men as tall, pleased warriors or magical shamans, for example, expelling a great deal of the mankind that would associate the peruser to the subjects of the book. This book utilizes essential sources, giving long in content citations to significant reports and occasions, going from presidential decrees to diary passages of individuals associated with those occasions. It additionally works admirably weaving chronicled data and data about Cherokee culture and practice all through its account structure, both engaging and advising in equivalent measure. Ehle likewise utilizes endno tes to include further verifiable clarification and framework wellsprings of data; a full book index gives magnificent material to additionally perusing just as understanding which components of Ehle’s work are finished recorded realities and which have been expounded upon by the writer. The connection between the United States Federal government and the Cherokee countries moved radically between the 1776 and the center of the nineteenth century, as a rule contingent upon the manner in which the Cherokee could be valuable or abused by the administration. As Ehle calls attention to, individuals from the early government â€Å"fully planned to honor†both Cherokee land claims and any arrangements that the Cherokees made with the government.3 In situations where white Americans damaged the privileges of Cherokee individuals, the central government reacted commandingly; in one case in 1792, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson marked a presidential decree offering a comp ensation of â€Å"five hundred dollars†for the trepidation of a gathering of white Americans who â€Å"invaded, consumed and obliterated a town having a place with the Cherokee Nation.†4 When these measures demonstrated not exactly totally effective, military officials were in the long run used to capture individuals who had assaulted a Cherokee bunch at a harmony meeting (alongside the Federal government staff remaining with them).5 Clearly, the US central government once had the job of safeguarding the Cherokee’s against the government’s own kin and pilgrims, connected with the Cherokee natio
Friday, August 21, 2020
Chance within the play Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Chance inside the play Romeo and Juliet Essay George Aberto once said above whatever else, destiny is the thing that unites sweethearts. In Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet, destiny, possibility, and happenstance are exceedingly critical to the turn of events and inevitably the finish of this disaster. Without these three firmly related topics the play would not have had the option to make it out of the main demonstration. These topics are urgent to the advancement of the play and there are numerous occurrences where this is extremely self-evident. These subjects have an influence in the fight between the Capulets and the Montagues, the greeting of Romeo to the ball, and the passing of the two sweethearts, Romeo and Juliet. For whatever length of time that the two families, The Capulets and The Montagues, can recollect that, they have both been at war with one another and held an antiquated resentment (Prologue). The reason and objective of this quarrel is never uncovered in this manner it must be accepted through the Prologue that their disdain is exclusively founded on convention from past ages. This quarrel is obvious inside the primary line of Act 1 Scene 1 where Sampson, a hireling of the Capulet family says that he won't convey coals (1.1.1). He says this in conversing with another worker, Gregory, about how he won't be mortified by a Montague hireling. This permits the crowd to see the significance of the quarrel between the Capulets and the Montagues. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, meet and begin to look all starry eyed at the ball in Act 1 Scene 5. This is obvious in Romeos exchange O, she doth show the lights to consume splendid! /It appears she hangs upon the cheek of night/Like a rich gem in an Ethiops ear. (1.5.46-48). It is chance that Romeos genuine affection happens to be a piece of the family he was raised to loathe. Romeo knows that Juliet is a Capulet yet Juliet doesn't know that Romeo is a Montague and despite the fact that the fight between the families is existent, destiny follows through to its logical end and permits enough time for Juliet to begin to look all starry eyed at Romeo. In this way, once Juliet discovers that Romeo is a Montague, she has just gone gaga for Romeo and she can't turn around now. This is one of the most significant instances of destiny in the play in such a case that she had realized that Romeo was a Montague she would have never sought after a relationship with him and the remainder of the play would have never turned out the manner in which it had. Romeo and Juliets relationship starts at the Capulets house during the ballâ without Juliet realizing that Romeo is a Montague despite the fact that the destiny associated with getting This show on the road to the ball is similarly as significant as Juliet not realizing Romeos last name in such a case that Romeo would not have gone to the ball then he would have never met Juliet and begun to look all starry eyed at her. Everything begins with one of the Capulets workers in the avenues of Verona with a rundown of the various visitors which are welcome to the ball. This rundown contains the names Mercutio, Tybalt, and Rosaline among others. The hireling which is given the rundown can't peruse and this is another case of destiny in light of the fact that once Benvolio discovers that Rosaline will be at the ball he concludes that him and Romeo will join in. Benvolio needs to Compare her face with some that I will show/And I will make thee think they swan a crow. Implying that he will carry Romeo to the ball to show that a correlation of Rosaline with different young ladies will have any kind of effect and perhaps soothe his bitterness and love for Rosaline. This is additionally destiny in such a case that Rosaline was not welcomed, Benvolio didnt make an arrangement, and on the off chance that the hireling would have had the option to peruse, at that point Romeo would have never been welcomed and he would have never met Juliet. The gathering of the two darlings is significant in spite of the fact that the demise of the two sweethearts is presumably one of the most significant jobs destiny plays in the play. The primary occurrence where destiny makes its imprint paving the way to the demise of the two sweethearts, Romeo and Juliet, is the point at which the Prince expels Romeo from the city of Verona for the passing of Tybalt. The Prince responds to the circumstance by saying that for that offense/Immediately we do oust him henceforth. This gets the show on the road with the occasions that will prompt the two sweethearts demise. After Romeo escapes on the proposal of Benovlio, Romeo ends up hanging out in Friar Laurances Cell and afterward in Mantua. The following occasion which destiny is associated with is the possibility of Juliet faking her passing so she isn't required to wed Paris. Monk Laurence devises an arrangement which he tells Juliet in Scene 1 of Act 4 as they are both talking in the Friars cell . He advises her to: Hold, at that point; return home, be joyful, give assent To wed Paris: Wednesday is to-morrow: To-morrow night look that thou lie alone; Let not thy nurture lie with thee in thy chamber: Take thou this vial, being then in bed, Furthermore, this refined alcohol drink thou off, (4.1. 91-96) These lines clarify all that she should do so she doesn't need to wed Paris and can be with Romeo rather, despite the fact that he has neglected to reveal to her a certain something. That one thing is that the Friar has not advised Juliet to disclose to Romeo that she is proceeding with this arrangement, faking her passing. Minister Laurence understands this and sends Friar John to give Romeo, who is covering up in Mantua, the message of his arrangement. What occurs next is an ideal case of possibility and fortuitous event. Directly as Friar John is planning to convey the message an episode of the Plague happens in the city of Verona and Friar John couldn't send it,here it is once more,-/Nor get a dispatcher to bring it thee,/So frightful were they of disease (5.2.14-16). In this way this makes Romeo not get the message of the Friars plan however rather he gets updates on Juliets demise so it at that point turns into a race to the tomb, in which Juliet was set, to bring Romeo from se eing Juliet to an abrupt halt. So Friar Laurence Now should I to the landmark alone; Within three hours will reasonable Juliet wake(5.2.25-27) . Destinies second last appearance in the play happens Romeo shows up at the tomb first, before the Friar, and he sees Juliet, his affection, dead. On the off chance that the Friar would have shown up first, Romeo and Juliet would have never executed themselves and they would have had the option to live respectively yet that was not the case and it prompted the self destruction of the two darlings. The last debut of destiny happens after the darlings passing and it is the finish of the quarrel between the two families. It was destiny for the sweethearts to kick the bucket and resolve this fight. Destiny, Chance, and Coincidence have an incredibly essential impact of the improvement of the play just as the consummation and without them the play would have turned out anything like it had and it would have never gottenâ out of Act 1. The fight between the Capulets and the Montagues, Romeos greeting to the ball, and the demise of the two star-crossed sweethearts which prompted the finish of the quarrel between the two families are largely instances of how destiny had the option to influence the improvement of the story so it would prompt the passing of Romeo and Juliet, For never was an account of more misfortune/Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
How Using College Essay Examples Can Help You With Your Writing
How Using College Essay Examples Can Help You With Your WritingWhen it comes to writing an essay, college essay examples can prove very helpful. These are a great way to gain insight into the style and format of the style of an essay that is perfect for your student's needs. In this short article, I'm going to cover some tips and ideas you can use when using college essay examples to help you with your own college writing.Many people these days know about the different uses for essays. These essays not only allow for the writing of informative pieces but also provide a great resource for communication. For this reason, many colleges prefer them. However, for many students, their first experience with essays is usually coming from the perspective of teachers in many forms.Most of the time, people's opinions are left up to the reader. A lot of them do not have the right frame of mind or even the idea of writing something like this. Because of this, they often resort to plagiarism. This is why you should use different essay examples, to help you out with the writing of your own essay.Because they are used by different people, these essay examples should be different from each other. This way, you can familiarize yourself with the different styles and help you to write your own. As a student, I was amazed at the different styles that were used by teachers and what I learned was so much easier than that. The best part is that the student writing about an essay will know where the style stops and the essay begins.Another important thing to note about essay examples is that most of them focus on the style of the sentence and the content within. That means, one essay may focus on the writing style, while another one discusses the content and how to use it. This makes it easier for the student to write from the same point of view as the teacher and allow them to learn how to organize their own writing to make it easy to understand.By using different essay examples, a st udent will also be able to get a little inspiration of how they can write their own piece. Although the style of writing is the same, the final product will be different because of the introduction, the conclusion, and other features of the essay. With this being said, by using essay examples, a student will know how to structure their own essay, which can be beneficial when the time comes to submit it for submission.The last tip that I want to share with you is that most of the time, students do not think about the title of their own piece. Therefore, it's the title that matters the most. Because a teacher doesn't like the title, the title of the essay doesn't matter to the student. So, the next time you're writing your own college essay, ask yourself what your title should be.By using essay examples and other writing tips, students can benefit greatly from using essay examples. They can improve their own writing skills and also use them to help them complete assignments. So, get o ut there and start writing!
Friday, June 26, 2020
Prominent German Philosopher - Free Essay Example
Karl Marx, a prominent German philosopher, author, and economist in the 19th century, was a key contributor to the field of sociology through his explorations, research, and discoveries. As an author, some of his most important works include The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. These writings inspired generations of political leaders. Although, largely shunned and rejected by peers of his generation, Marx was able to successfully forge his own path in developing theories that helped explain the nature of human societys development. The distinctive quality that separated Marx from other theorist was the fact that he placed so much emphasis on the economic structure and how it affected the rest of society from a materialistic point of view. Marx directly shaped how we view the relationships between economics, politics, anthropology and sociology; hence Marxism. Marx brought forth a few ideas to the world, among them include how culture and class play meaningful parts in society. The fundamental concept of Karl Marx was the longstanding concern of social classes (broadly rich and poor worker and owner) are in conflict. Marxs theories about society argue that all societys progress through the discussion of class struggle. He was disapproving of the current socio-economic model of society, capitalism, which he referred to it as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, believing it to be operated by the wealthy middle and upper classes solely for their own benefit, and predicted that it would naturally result in internal tensions which would contribute to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system, socialism. Additionally, Marxs theories on economics include: labor theory value, surplus value, surplus product, and exploitation. In Marxian theory, production means the generation of value. Like this, economic development is the process of more value generating, labor generates value. However, high level of production is possible through further accumulation of capital and technological advancement. Ultimately, class conflicts climb. Labor conflicts start and there is class uprising. Sooner or later, there is a collapse of capitalism and rise of socialism. Furthermore, Marx asserts that economic forces in society can be exploitive and destructive, instead of purely competitive and productive. As a notable contributor to conflict theory, Marx argued that culture served to defend inequality. The ruling class produce a culture that upholds their well-being, whilst repressing the interests of the proletariat. His renowned quote to this meaning is that Religion is the opium of the people. Marx believed that the engine of history was the clash amongst groups of people with diverging economic interests and thus the economy determined the cultural superstructure of values and ideologies. It should be noted, that throughout his travels in Europe, Marx saw much of poverty and inequality plaguing human society. Within the laboring class, or proletariat, and the ruling class, or bourgeoisie, discrepancies in the forms of resources, economic power, political influence was all too apparent among the two classes. According to Marx, the ruling class maximized their economic power through methods of exploitation against the laboring class. These methods included paying laborers significantly less than what was owed, extending their working hours in ill suitable working conditions, and by seizing all profits earned from production instead of properly distributing them. Through this method of capitalization, the wealthy became even richer and the poor became even poorer. From this revelation, Marx formed a sociological perspective known as conflict theory that sought to explain that capitalisms growing presence was due to strife involving the ruling and working classes. In summary, Karl Marx was one of the most influential people of his era. He changed the way people looked at societies and changed the world with his writings, theories, and way of thought. Sociological theories give us contrasting viewpoints with which to examine our social world. A perspective is simply a way of observing the world. A theory is a set of interconnecting principles created to explain a phenomenon; it provides us with a perspective. Sociological theories allow us to interpret and predict the world we live in. Sociology consist of three main theoretical perspectives: the functionalist perspective, the conflict perspective, and the symbolic interactionist perspective (or simply the micro view). Each perspective presents a range of explanations about the social world and human nature. As stated in the functionalist perspective of sociology, each facet of society is interdependent and is partly responsible for societys stability and functioning. The functionalist perspective is rooted mostly in the works of Emile Durkheim. According to functionalism, society is a system of interconnected components that act in harmony to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for the masses. For instance, if crime was non-existent, the jobs relating to lawyers, policemen, forensics scientists etc., would also not exist, this would result in high rates of unemployment. Another example of functionalism is that the ideal life in America during the 50s would mean that men and women have each their own set of tasks to accomplish, each complimenting the other so that men would make money and women would care for the household. Furthermore, functionalists believe that society is held together by social consensus, in which members of the society agree upon, and work together to achieve, what is best for society. This differs from the other two major sociological perspectives: symbolic interactionalism, which focuses on how people act according to their understanding of the meaning of the world they live in, and conflict theory, which focuses on the negative nature of society. As previously stated, the functionalist perspective views society as composed of different parts working together. Conversely, the conflict perspective views society as composed of different groups and interest competing for power and resources. The conflict perspective explains various aspects of our social world by examining which group of people have power and benefit from a social setup. For example, race conflict approach which is a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories. This includes White Privilege which refers to the countless social advantages, benefits, and courtesies that come with being a member of the dominant race, such as a clerk not following you around in a store or not having people cross the street at night to avoid you. The basis of the conflict perspective can be drawn back to the notable works of Karl Marx. Marx asserts that all societies go through periods of economic development. As societies evolve from agricultural to industrial, concern over meeting survival needs is replaced by concern over making a profit. Industrialization leads to the development of two classes of people: the bourgeoisie, or the owners of the means of production; and the proletariat, or the workers who earn wages. Lastly, the symbolic interactionist perspective of sociology views society as a product of everyday social interactions of individuals. Symbolic interactionists also study how the meaning of objects, events, and behaviors comes from the interpretation people give them, with interpretations varying from one group to another. Both the functionalist and the conflict perspectives are concerned with how broad aspects of society, such as institutions and large social groups, influence the social world. This level of sociological analysis is referred to as macro sociology: It looks at the big picture of society and suggests how social problems are affected at the institutional level. Micro sociology, another level of sociological analysis, is concerned with the social psychological dynamics of individuals interacting in small groups.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sexuality Paper - 4057 Words
Sexuality Project Taylor Tarpey Sociology 345 30 July 2012 In today’s society, we as men and women are burdened with a double standard of how one’s sex life is supposed to go. We hear from our friends and family, from churches and neighbors, that sex is something you do with the person you love and trust, someone who you are going to share the rest of your life with. Sex comes with marriage, and with marriage comes a promise that you will remain with this one person â€Å"’til death do us part.†But this is no longer the case, as people all over the world are having sex way before marriage. We develop attractions to the people we see in school or in the workplace, and we date each other, and in other cases, we â€Å"hook up.†This is†¦show more content†¦You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! Sexuality Survey Created by Taylor Tarpey This is a survey to develop an idea of the sexual connotations between men and women and the number of sex partners they have had as well as how both sexes feel about it in today’s society. The survey asks a total of 8 questions and each question should be answered as honestly as possible. This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated in the class of Sociology 345: Sociology of Sexuality. Please Circle: I am a: Male Female My age is: d Please write a short response based on your personal feelings, experiences, and opinions. You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! 1. Have you ever altered the number of sex partners you have had to avoid being judged? Why or why not? 2. How does it make you feel to hear that men in society today are perceived as â€Å"better†or â€Å"manly†or â€Å"pimps†if they have a high number of sex partners, and that women are perceived as â€Å"sluts†or â€Å"whores†or â€Å"easy†if they have a high number of sex partners? 3. How do you protect yourself from these connotations? 4. In your opinion, what does the number of sex partners a man or a woman has meanShow MoreRelatedScholary vs. Popular Media Focus on Sexuality Paper1556 Words  | 7 PagesSCHOLARY VS. POPULAR MEDIA FOCUS ON SEXUALITY PAPER By: Akirra It’s a Quick Way to Get What You Want†: A Formative Exportation of HIV Risk Among Urban Massachusetts Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) Who Attend Sex Parties was an article retrieved from the AIDS Patient Care and STD Journal it was published in October of 2010. The authors of this article are Matthew J. Mimiaga, Sari L. Reisner, Sean Bland, Kevin Cranston, Deborah Isenberg, Maura A. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeths Responsibility for...
Witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeths Responsibility for Macbeth’s Downfall Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth shows the downfall of a wrongfully crowned king. But his downfall is not solely due to himself. There are other characters in the play that are part of his downfall. If it weren’t for them, the play would not work. They are part of a chain, one leading to another. The play would not have ended in the same manner, even if one of these characters hadn’t played their part. They all affect each other and Macbeth’s tragic end is the outcome. The first set of characters that affect Macbeth and begin the chain are the witches. From the very first scene we can see that they want Macbeth’s end to be a†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"3rd Witch: All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!†This has not happened yet. They leave Macbeth to interpret the greetings himself. They do not address Macbeth again until they hail him before they mysteriously vanish. But the witches know what the outcome of what they said would be because apparently witches were able to predict the future. Witches purportedly, had their powers as a result of selling their souls to the devil. This means that the witches know the outcome and affect Macbeth in the right way to lead him to thinking about murder, kings and power. Their plan works and as seen soon after in a conversation with Banquo, is implying that murder is going through Macbeth’s mind, and we can see this when Macbeth says â€Å" My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical†, Not only do the witches spur on his want to be king but condemn Banquo by telling him, â€Å"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none†, meaning his heirs will be kings. Later on in the play Macbeth sets his mind back to this moment, when on the throne, which makes him think that Banquo is a threat as his heirs will be Macbeth’s successor. This idea, along with the fact that Banquo knew about the witches and Macbeth’s thoughts on murder, leads to Macbeth wanting Banquo dead. Even though the witches’ greetings affect Macbeth and lead to the murder of Duncan and Banquo, they do not actuallyShow MoreRelatedMacbeth and His Downfall1613 Words  | 7 PagesDiscuss Macbeth’s Ruin... People and decisions can greatly affect the outcome of a persons life determining whether the outcome will be successful or disastrous. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, there are two factors that contributed to Macbeths ruin. One of them being more to blame: The influential character of Lady Macbeth displaying temptation towards Macbeth, or Macbeths own ambitious and insecure nature. There are questions whether Macbeths downfall might have displayed more for his own blameRead More MacBeth is Responsible for His Downfall Essay690 Words  | 3 PagesMacBeth is Responsible for His Downfall  There were many wrongs committed in MacBeth. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Is Within Malaysia Public Universities Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2778 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Abstract This research aimed to investigate the factors in the brand personality of within Malaysia public university, and the relationship between the satisfaction of the existing international students in the universities and the factors in the brand personality of the universities. Employing the Explanatory factor analysis five factors had been found to exist in the brand personality of the universities. The five factors are agreeableness, enterprise, competence, chic and ruthless. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Is Within Malaysia Public Universities Business Essay" essay for you Create order Out of the five factors, agreeableness and ruthless had been found to be positively related to the satisfaction of the students while chic had been found to be negatively related to the satisfaction of the students. Keywords: Brand personality, satisfaction and university Is within Malaysia Public Universities Brand Personality an Antecedent to the Satisfaction of their Existing International Students? Introduction The announcement that 100,000 international students should be attracted to Malaysia by 2010 as Malaysians goal to fulfill part of its plan to become an education hub had been made by the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi(The Malaysian Insider, 2009). However, in the quest to achieve the goal, the importance of retaining good reputations with the existing international students must not be forgotten. The reason is they have the marketing power known as words of mouth that could affect the decision of future potential international students whether to study in Malaysia or not. Words of mouth is a term originally coined to describe the activity of orally passing information from one person to one person. However, the term is now broaden by including not only face to face communication but also any type of human communication such as telephone, email and text messaging. (Wikipedia, 2009). According to Grewal, Cline Davies (2003), individuals are more inclined to believ e word of mouths than more formal forms of promotion methods since the receiver of word-of-mouth referrals tends to believe that the communicator is speaking honestly and is unlikely to have an ulterior motive. The effects of the words of mouth is paramount to education line of business since previous researches reveal that it essentially has a bigger impact on the buying decisions of people aged between 18 to 34, and 35 to 54 (Effect on word- of- mouth marketing on your branding strategy, 2009) that capture the ages when people normally spend their life studying in higher learning institute. The words of mouth is a double -edged sword; positive words of mouth works to the advantage of universities, while negative words of mouth works to the disadvantage of universities. Positive words of mouth occurs when international students communicate the good experiences they have had with any particular university in Malaysia to future potential international students. In contrast, negative words of mouth occurs when international students communicate the bad experiences they have had with any particular university in Malaysia to future potential international students. The effect of the two types of words of mouth on any product or service providers has been found to be asymmetrical (Yu, 2007). Negative words of mouth is more influential compared to positive words of mouth. The last two sentences in the last paragraph suggest the importance for universities in Malaysia to encourage the existing international students to engage in the activity of positive words of mouth, while simultaneously discourage them to engage in the activity of negative words of mouth. This could be done by creating and delivering values to the existing international students. Value to the existing international students is a function of satisfying their requirements in relation to the cost of studying in any particular university in Malaysia. Kijek (2007) highlighted that instruments of val ue creation could be defined along two dimensions, that is, price that is connected with cost leadership and non price that is connected with differentiation. Since the number of university within Malaysia has been increasing that increase the intensity of competitions between the universities within Malaysia, it is believed that the public universities should compete not on the price dimension but on the differentiation dimension. Since Twitchell (2005) argued that universities live or die based on brand recognition, this research wishes to focus on differentiation dimension based on branding as instruments of value creation or satisfaction creation to the existing international students. The statement made by Maehle (2008) that implies developing brand personality is a pertinent factor for the success of a brand belonging to any particular university as it helps to differentiate the brand from the brands of the other universities, develop the emotional aspects of a brand and augme nt the personal meaning of the university brand to students provided the basis for this research to narrow down brand personality as the dimension of branding that this research suspects to have relationship with the satisfaction of the existing international students. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between Malaysia public university brand personality and the satisfaction of the university existing international students. This paper consists of four sections. The details of the construct brand personality and construct satisfaction which are used in this research are elaborated in section 2, the methodology employed in this research is described in section 3, the results of the research are exhibited in section 4, while the discussion and conclusion are covered in section 5. 2.0 Literature Reviews The definition of brand personality has been developed by Aaker (1997) as the set of human characteristics associated with a brand. Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophisitication, and ruggedness are the five different dimensions or five orthogonal factors developed by Aaker(1997) to scale brand personality. 42 items loaded on the five orthogonal factors: 11 items loaded on sincerity, nine items on competency, six items on sophistications, 11 items on excitement and five items on ruggedness. There have been several attempts to test (e.g. Davies, 2001) and to develop the scale (e.g. Davies, 2004, Davies 2006). Davies et al., (2001) discovered from their findings that the Aaker Scale is more reliable for employees than for customers, thus, they sermon that an effort to develop brand personality scale that the same brand personality scale could be used to assess brand personality from the view of employees and from the view of customers is worth pursuing. As a result, another brand personality scale was developed by Davies (2004) that overcomes the weakness just mentioned. Nevertheless, the brand personality scale developed by Davies (2004) was not a perfect scale in the sense that it is only valid and reliable for certain organisation only. Consequently, another brand personality scale that is free from the abovementioned flaw, and with facets and items as depicted in Table 2.1 was constructed by Davies et. al (2006). Table 2.1 Brand personality scale as developed by Davies et. al 2006 Factor Facet Items Agreeableness Warmth Friendly, pleasant, open, straightforward  Empathy Concerned, reassuring, supportive, agreeable  Integrity Honest, sincere, trustworthy, socially responsible Enterprise Modernity Cool, trendy, young  Adventure Imaginative, up-to-date, exciting, innovative Boldness Extrovert, daring Table 2.1 Continued Brand personality scale as developed by Davies et. al 2006 Factor Facet Items Competence Conscientiousness Reliable, secure, hardworking  Drive Ambitious, achievement oriented, leading  Technocracy Technical, corporate Chic Elegance Charming, stylish, elegant  Prestige Prestigious, exclusive, refined  Snobbery Snobby, elitist Ruthless Egotism Arrogant, aggressive, selfish  Dominance Inward-looking, authoritarian, controlling Satisfaction has been defined in various ways. The most definitive source sees it as similar to the way service quality is defined; the difference between what we expect and what we receive (Oliver, 1997). This research, however, is not concerned with satisfaction of the existing international students due to a single incident or aspect but the way such students emotionally feel about the university in general. The importance of such concern is undeniable since positive emotions had been said by Liljander Strandvik (1997) to lead one to share the positive experience with others, while negative emotions may result in complaining behavior. Consequently, the definition of satisfaction as being the overall emotional image of the university as perceived by the international students is adopted in this research. Liljander and Strandvik (1997) had actually developed a comprehensive emotional scale that includes seven emotional at tributes: (1) happy, (2) hopeful, (3) positively surprised, (4) angry, (5) depressed, (6) guilty, and (7) humiliated. Of which, happy, hopeful, and positively surprised are positive emotions, while angry, depressed, guilty, and humiliated are negative emotions. White and Yu (2005) in their study had included two additional items representing two additional negative emotions which are regret, and disappointment. Reputation (emotional image) and customer satisfaction have been seen as interlinked (Anderson Sullivan, 1993; Anderson and Fornell, 1994 p. 253; Andreassen Lindestad 1998, p. 82). Indeed, it has been formally postulated that image (emotional feeling of customers toward an organisation) drives customer satisfaction ( Davies, 2003 p.179 ) which provides the this research with its theoretical framework that university brand personality is the antecedent to satisfaction of its existing international students. 3.0 Methodology The data was collected via questionnaires that due to cost constraint were distributed to the Malaysia Institute of Technology University and the National University of Malaysia. The former university was selected to represent non research based public university in Malaysia while the latter university was chosen to represent research based public university in Malaysia. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: Part 1-University brand personality, part 2-Customer satisfaction, while part 3 respondent profile. Six points Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (6) was employed as the measurement scale on the 49 personality items that were used to measure university brand personality, and on the nine items that were utilised to measure satisfaction of the existing international students. Convenient sampling approach that had been deployed in this study provided a sample of size 228 in which 43.86 percent of them were gathered from the Malaysia Instit ute of Technology University whereas 56.14 percent of them were gathered from the National University of Malaysia. Explanatory Factor Analysis will be done on the 49 items purported to measure the brand personality construct. The extracted factors from the Explanatory Factor Analysis done on the items will be further used as the exogenous variables in a multiple regression model that utilised satisfaction as the endogenous variable. The factor loading cut-off point of measurement variables was 0.4. The reliability of data was measured using Cronbachs alpha. 4.0 Results 4.1 Descriptive analysis 70 percent of the respondents were male while the remaining 30 percent of them were female. 42.7 percent of the respondents aged around 21 to 25 years, 33.6 percent aged around 26 to 30 years, 20 percent aged around 31 to 35 years, 1.8 percent aged around 36 to 40 years, and another 1.8 percent aged above 40 years. 24.5 percent of the respondents had enrolled in post grade programme while 75.5 percent had enrolled in undergraduate programme. 43.6 percent of the respondents are from art streams whilst 56.3 percent of the respondents are from science stream. Table 4.1 shows that majority of the respondents are Iranian followed by Libyan, Yemenis, Indonesian and Iraqi an. Table 4.1 Nationality of the respondents Nationality Frequency Percentage (%) Iran 104 47.3 Libya 24 10.9 Yemen 24 10.9 Indonesia 14 6.4 Iraq 12 5.5 Mauritius 6 2.7 Sudan 6 2.7 Pakistan 4 1.8 Brunei 4 1.8 Table 4.1 Continued Nationality of the respondents Nationality Frequency Percentage (%) Afghanistan 4 1.8 Saudi Arabia 4 1.8 Germany 4 1.8 Bangladesh 2 .9 Jordan 2 .9 Kenya 2 .9 Nigeria 2 .9 Somalia 2 .9 Total 220 100.0 4.2 Explanatory factor analysis As depicted in table 4.2, the explanatory factor analysis extracted five dimensions or factors of brand personality where 58.86 percent of the variance in the set of variables used to measure brand personality is explained by the five dimensions or factors. The KMO value is 0.5 just meeting the recommended minimum value of 0.5 (Malhotra, 2004, p. 561) and the Bartletts Test of Sphericity (Bartlett, 1954) reached statistical significant supporting the factorability of the correlation matrix. Table 4.2 Brand Personality No. Factor 1 Agreeableness Factor Loading 3 Open 0.776 5 Concerned 0.725 1 Friendly 0.709 4 Straightforward 0.695 2 Pleasant 0.683 19 Innovative 0.647 Table 4.2 Continued Brand Personality No. Factor 1 Agreeableness Factor Loading 18 Exciting 0.622 8 Agreeable 0.596 11 Trustworthy 0.580 9 Honest 0.566 31 Stylish 0.557 7 Supportive 0.544 12 Socially responsible 0.542 6 Reassuring 0.494 10 Sincerity 0.478 17 Up-to-date 0.464 Conbachs Alpha 0.938 No. Factor 2 Competence Factor Loading 24 Hardworking 0.780 23 Secure 0.734 26 Achievement oriented 0.716 28 Technical 0.704 27 Leading 0.704 25 Ambitious 0.686 29 Corporate 0.677 22 Reliable 0.645 30 Charming 0.579 32 Elegant 0.484 21 Daring 0.427 Cronbachs Alpha 0.886 Table 4.2 Continued Brand Personality No. Factor 3 Chic Factor Loading 20 Extrovert 0.405 33 Prestigious 0.401 Cronbachs Alpha 0.521 No. Factor 4 Enterprise Factor Loading 14 Trendy 0.747 15 Young 0.724 13 Cool 0.712 16 Imaginative 0.595 Cronbachs Alpha 0.804 No. Factor 5 Ruthlessness Factor Loading 42 Authoritarian 0.643 43 Controlling 0.612 Cronbachs Alpha 0.721 As could be observed from table 4.2, the Cronbachs Alpha for all the five factors are well above 0.3 that is the minimum acceptable level of reliability ( Nunally, 1958). 4.3 Multiple regression analysis Multiple regression was ran to examine whether there were any significant linear relationship between endogenous variable satisfaction of the existing international students and a set of exogenous variable which consisted of the five dimensions or factors identified from the prior explanatory factor analysis. The results are demonstrated in the following table 4.3. For the enter method multiple regression, based on the level of significant of F statistic which is smaller than 0.05, it could be concluded that the overall multiple regression model was significance which meant there was at least a significant linear relationship between the satisfaction of the existing international students and the five exogenous variables. Table 4.3 Multiple Regression (Enter Method) Exogenous variables Constant Agreeableness Competence Chic Enterprise Ruthlessness Endogenous variable Satisfaction 25.940** 0.154* -0.074 -1.012** -0.159 1.391** *Significance at 0.05 using t-test **Significance at 0.01 using t-test Model F test: 11.596 (ÃÆ' Â = 0.000) Adjusted R squared = 0.232 Referring to the adjusted R squared, 23.4 percent of the variation in the satisfaction of the existing international students was explained by the variation in the enter method of multiple regression model. It was also found that only three out of the five exogenous variables had coefficients that were each statistically different from zero. The positive coefficient of agreeableness and the positive coefficient of ruthlessness suggested that higher degree of agreeableness and higher degree of ruthlessness each led to higher satisfaction of the existing international students. On the other hand, the negative coefficient of chic implied that higher degree of chic led to lower satisfaction of the existing international students. It is interesting to note that, since competence and enterprise was each individually statistically insignificant at the 5 percent level, it seemed that each of them has no statistically discernible effect on satisfaction in the existing international students. 5.0 Discussions, implications and conclusions Although five factors in brand personality which is similar to the number of factors that had been found by Davies et. al (2006) were extracted in this research, there appeared to be a slight different between this research and Davies in term of items that belong to each of the five factors in brand personality. Nevertheless, by observing the majority of items that belong to each of the five factors in brand personality, the fact mentioned in the last sentence did not deter this research from naming the five factors similar to the name that were given to the five factors in brand personality that had been extracted by Davies et. al (2006). The results also suggest that agreeableness and ruthlessness are positively related to the satisfaction of the existing international students, while chic is negatively related to their satisfaction. The discovered positive relationship between agreeableness and satisfaction of the existing international students implies that the student s want to believe that the university is on their side, they will be not ripped off, and what it said in the brochure or website of the university will be fully delivered to them. Public universities within Malaysia must also follow-up with the students to determine their satisfaction level, and must respond promptly whenever negative feedback is sought. The universities handling skills need also be excellent. The universities must take initiative, approaching students not in a way that implies that the universities have been through, and suffered from a highly packaged training programme but because the universities like dealing with international students. In short, the universities have to project themselves as international students minded university. The results that ruthlessness is positively related to the satisfaction of the existing international students suggests that the students favour university that know where it stands because the management of the university is cl ear, positive, and certain in what they want. The result also propels the idea that the students favour university that has good implementation of its system. In other words, a university with such personality is seen as more systematic than its competitors, which is furthered seen as the strength of the university. The negative relationship between chic and the satisfaction of the existing international students that had been found in this research mean that the students dislike university that manage its external image as being up-market. This could be due to the belief of the students that developing such image will incur cost, and the cost will eventually be absorbed into the fees that they would have to pay. It also seems that the students would only appreciate high quality items in items that are pertinent to their grade such as knowledgeable and experienced lecturers, uninterrupted high speed internet service, excellent library services and indusive lecture hall, but not g lazy mosaic floor. This research would means if the within Malaysia public universities would like to attract international students, the universities must ingrain agreeableness and ruthless in their personality but to avoid the presence of chic in their personality.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Democracy Is The Best Form Of Government - 1428 Words
Chirong Jiang Justin Rohrer Comparative Politics July 6, 2015 Democratic Utopia It has been said by Sir Winston Churchill that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. In other words, democracy is the best form of government for now. But he also implied, that democracy itself is not flawless, it is only better than all the other political forms. In fact, there are a lot of problems that democracy is not able to fix. For example, the balance and the efficiency of government of the state is the most debatable one. Democracy means that a government is â€Å"made of the people, by the people and for the people†. People’s choices and opinions need to be represented, or else the existence of democratic institutions will be meaningless. But one cannot burn the candle at both ends. One could only achieve full representations at the expense of efficiency. Thus, at what extend to make a choice between representation and efficiency becomes an obstacle for every democratic government. I personally believe, that the best political form we can have so far is the democratic institutions of the United States: Presidential regime type, SMDP electoral system, pluralist for interest group representation and federal constitutions To start with, a Presidential regime type contains three branches: a legislative branch, an executive branch and a judicial branch. Each of these three branches holds different accountability and has separate power from oneShow MoreRelatedDemocracy Is the Best Form of Government.2424 Words  | 10 PagesDemocracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equallyâ€â€either directly or through elected representativesâ€â€in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. 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Cell Phone Use While Driving - 1503 Words
â€Å"Imagine traveling on the roadway behind a vehicle swerving back and forth over the lines or driving at very inconsistent speeds. You wonder what could possibly be causing the driver to drive so erratically. Is the driver drunk? Is the driver preoccupied with eating his or her lunch? Is the driver busy attending children in the backseat? Once you pull along the side you realize that was not the case, instead you notice the driver has a cellular telephone up to her or his ear chatting away, or even worse you pass and see the driver holding a phone texting, you pass by and you feel so discussed.†(Noder, Shannon L., 2010) Cell phones are among the most popular electronic devices used in the US, especially while conducting a motor vehicle. Cell phone use while driving has become very popular among the past years; we hear about it more frequently, do you know what can happen to you when you use an electronic device while driving? Cellphone use while driving may include, textin g phone calls, gps and networking, those are all actions done while driving, this should be stopped, cell phone use while driving should be banned in the US. An effort to increase overall roadway safety continues to rise as the number of motor vehicle inquires and fatalities of car crashes continue. As the roadway danger of cell phone use while driving continue to rise there are less and effective policies to deter their use while behind the wheel. Cellphone use while driving also producesShow MoreRelatedUse Of Cell Phones While Driving860 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur while a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers believe theyRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving990 Words  | 4 Pages Cell phones are integral to people’s lives in Canada because they are vital communication and entertainment tools. However, the use of cell phones has remained contentious, because texting and talking on the phone are associated with distracted driving. Distracted driving is, â€Å"defined as the diversion of attention away from activities critical for safe driving toward a competing activity†(Klauer, Guo, Simons-Morton, Ouimet, Lee Dingus, 2013, p. 55). Although distracted driving is also associatedRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving1114 Words  | 5 PagesToday, we use our cell phones for just about anything and everything to include; texting, talking to our loved ones, and connecting with the rest of the world via social media. Cell phones have become a natural way of life to where we pick up our phones and use them like second nature. However, the dangers present themselves when we get behind the wheel of a car and carry these habits of cell phone addictions with us. If all states ban the use of cell phones while driving, then there would be a reducedRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1817 Words  | 8 Pagesknowledge that the use of cell phones while driving decreases driver awareness and overall road safety, and in response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have prohibited the use of handheld devices. However, there are no laws banning hands free cell phone usage, despite research claiming hands free devices are just as dangerous handheld devices. But, does their usage distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving? The followingRead MoreUse of Cell Phones While Driving824 Words  | 4 PagesIf you are driving at 55mph for 5 seconds in that amount of time you could cros s a football field. People don’t understand how dangerous distracted driving really is. All states should have some sort of legal parameters of what happens when you get caught using your cell phone while driving. People should get a stronger/ harsher punishment for the use of a cellular device while driving. People are way more impaired when you are distracted and driving than you are drinking and driving. The problemRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1843 Words  | 8 Pagesknown that the use of cell phones while driving decreases driver awareness and overall road safety, and in response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have prohibited the use of handheld devices. However, there are no laws banning hands free cell phone usage, despite research claiming hands free devices are just as dangerous handheld devices, but does their usage distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving? The followingRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1509 Words  | 7 PagesSeveral states have enacted laws banning the use of cell phones while driving; an indication of the type of society America has become. These laws were put in place not only to keep drivers from taking phone calls, but also to deter them from posting their latest tweet or commenting on their friend’s latest picture. Social medi a is so ingrained in society today that many are unable to entertain a world that is devoid of such technology. With usage at an all-time high, the psychological effects ofRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving Essay1816 Words  | 8 PagesThe study was attempting to determine the thoughts and behaviors that African American freshman college students in regards to cellphone use while driving. They wanted to know how the students thought cellphones (independent variable) impact driving skills (dependent variable). Research suggests that cellphone use correlates to higher likelihood of accidents. The study used 331 (195 females and 136 males) freshman students who held a driver’s license. The students were then given a questionnaireRead More Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words  | 5 Pagesoften. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phone s that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch ofRead MoreStop the Use of Cell Phones While Driving854 Words  | 4 Pages13 2013 Many people driving don’t know that they can be so many wrongs they can be doing without realizing it. Plenty talk on the phone while driving, drink, text and drive. A lot of people even innocent people as well have had accidents involving one of those. Out of the three there has been one that has become more common, and it’s only increasing if people don’t put a stop to it themselves. A usage of a cell phone should not be displayed at any point while driving. It can wait many have had
Electronics Essay Research Paper The invention of free essay sample
Electronicss Essay, Research Paper The innovation of the microprocessor in 1971 was a immense milepost that finally changed everyone? s mundane lives. This innovation enabled the universe to have a personal computing machine in their place every bit good as their office. Peoples were able to work more expeditiously and increasingly with these new electronic devices. Electronicss today provides the universe with an infinite sum of information at a much faster velocity than that information would of all time hold been available before. The American populace is dependent on the use of many electronics in their lives such as the telecasting, sound receiving systems, and amplifiers to remain updated on global issues. Electronicss besides provide a superior tool for patterned advance in the concern universe today. Business people rely on electronics to pass on with each other faster and to hive away and rapidly form huge sums of indispensable informations. Electronicss are bettering at a blindingly fast rate. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronics Essay Research Paper The invention of or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The newest engineering from five old ages ago is literally disused today. Electronicss are besides being used for new intents continuously. The Internet, or World Wide Web, is a comparatively new construct of being? on-line? . This new undertaking has opened a illimitable figure of doors for our society. Now anyone can utilize the Internet to pass on with anybody else in the universe a batch faster and cheaper. Cellular phones have besides appeared late in the electronic universe. These devices allow a individual to be reached from practically anyplace. With cellular phones a individual can, from so on, be in communicating tungsten ith the universe no affair where they go. For the following coevals, electronics will surely offer new yet simpler engineering available to the general populace. Home references and phone Numberss will be replaced with Internet references. Business people will be able to hold entree to tools such as picture conferencing and such in their places. The workplace will finally go disused. Transportation vehicles will be dominated by electric autos as natural gas supplies decline around the Earth. New processs for making power will be found and utilized. The current and approaching progresss in engineering will make a steady rise of the patterned advance of the mundane life experience. I plan to inscribe in a really esteemed university after high school and major in electrical technology. I plan to lend my clip during my surveies toward new possible designs of electronics and engineering. I realize that advanced heads are the anchor of the way engineering will take and, cognizing this, I will run into up to the challenges and technological walls now confronting us and try to mount over these obstructions. The increasing function of engineering in our lives is more incredible than anything imagined antecedently. I will utilize my accomplishments as an electrical applied scientist to aid make new, undreamed possibilities come true for the benefit of the following coevals. The bound in engineering with electronics today is non based on what rush our computing machines run at or how little our phones can be ; it is based on how innovative the heads of the persons behind the engineering are.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How do the characters of Lady Macbeth and Napoleon change in Macbeth and Animal Farm free essay sample
The two texts ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell and ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare both witness change in their characters and ideas. Both Lady Macbeth and Napoleon, two key characters in both of the texts, begin as egotistical, greedy and avaricious. Driven by their cupidity and lust for leadership and power, both characters seek change, but change in very different ways. In this essay, I will be analysing why both the characters seek to change themselves and how they change. I will also examine the psychological effects of a fake public person, the change in the characters’ language and the unnatural elements of their change and their historical and social connotations. Firstly, why do the characters of Lady Macbeth and Napoleon desire change? Both of the characters begin in relatively similar positions of power in their respective hierarchies, Lady Macbeth as the wife of a thane and Napoleon as a pig (therefore ‘naturally’ reasonably high in the social status of the farm). We will write a custom essay sample on How do the characters of Lady Macbeth and Napoleon change in Macbeth and Animal Farm? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One common factor of Napoleon’s and Lady Macbeth’s personalities is their overwhelming ambition, but their other causes for change differ. Lady Macbeth desires the crown above all else, and wishes to escape the constraints of the sexual prejudices of the Jacobean era and to command a country, not just her husband Macbeth. Evidence of her avarice for power is made evident very soon after her introduction, when she calls upon the Devil: ‘†Unsex me here†¦ Come to my woman’s breasts and take my milk for gall†’. Lady Macbeth is asking to be ‘unsexed’, stripped of all her female qualities, and the fact she relies upon the Devil to incite masculinity upon her signifies her consuming passion for power. ‘Milk’ is also a giver of life, what a child is fed with and nurtured with when they are young, and Lady Macbeth is asking for hers to be replaced with ‘gall’, a poison, so that the loving qualities of her self, such as the ability to raise a child, are thwarted and poisoned with evil. Lady Macbeth desires this change so that she can become the leader she believes her husband, who is ‘†too full o’th’milk of human kindness†’, can never be. Napoleon, on the other hand, does not face the problem of discrimination amongst the other animals; he changes solely to rule in an attempt to quench his insatiable greed, and for the sake of monopoly over the farm and the other animals. Orwell does not supply us with the kind of evidence as Shakespeare does of Napoleon’s drive and desire for change, as ‘Animal Farm’ is told from a narrator’s perspective with no soliloquies about the characters’ nature as in Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’, but Napoleon’s theft of the fresh cow milk and his adoption of the dogs for their ‘education’ are good early indicators of Napoleon’s will for change and power. Lady Macbeth and Napoleon both pursue change through differing, and at times unnatural, means. Lady Macbeth begins her change, and her gradual descent into madness, after she partakes in the murder of King Duncan and becomes a regicide and looks towards the paranormal for the characteristics she must exemplify. Lady Macbeth is maliciously decisive in her plans to murder the King. She describes the entrance of Duncan under her battlements as ‘fatal’, and the highest treason is committed under her battlements by her wish that night. Murder changes people’s perceptions of the world, and Lady Macbeth is no different, almost immediately after the killing of Duncan, Lady Macbeth shows her first signs of weakness. She is paranoid about whether or not Macbeth actually carried out the deed, and she herself did not carry out the regicide, hinting at a human conscience and guilt hindering her: ‘†Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t†’. Lady Macbeth also wishes to change herself into a ‘perfect leader’ by making herself supposedly incapable of feeling regret, sympathy or empathy, by looking to Hell. ‘†Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts†¦ Fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty†’. The fact Lady Macbeth refers to her head as a ‘crown’ signifies how she is undergoing this change for the purpose of attaining power. Shakespeare’s use of imperatives for Lady Macbeth’s speech, such as demanding the paranormal to ‘come’, highlights the commanding overtones of her language and personality early on in the play. She is also asking to be ‘filled’ with the ‘direst cruelty’, immersed completely in malevolence so that she can change herself into strong leader. Napoleon is a very capricious character, changing his opinions and ideas on a whim for his own benefit. He is disinterested in the welfare of Animal Farm and its inhabitants, Napoleon only changes history, uses Squealer to enhance his own public persona with fictitious tales of heroism, and perverts the ideology of Animalism to assist the pigs and himself in their course of atrocities for total dictatorship. An example of this is when Napoleon uses Snowball as a scapegoat to avoid admitting to his own failures. When their windmill falls prey to violent weather as a result of Napoleon’s poor planning of how strong the windmill should be, Napoleon incriminates Snowball, escaping the blame himself. ‘â€Å"Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL! †he suddenly roared in a voice of thunder’. Napoleon terrifies the other animals, with his menace and his physicality as a ‘large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar’, and roaring ‘in a voice of thunder’ strikes fear into the animals, fear that forces them into the belief that Snowball is a traitor and an enemy. Lord Acton once stated that ‘Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Napoleon is corrupted by an unfaltering greed from the beginning, and his fundamental nature and megalomania do not change throughout the novella. Napoleon only changes to become a more detestable and powerful character, and evolve the same dictatorial character as Jones, arguably worse. Napoleon’s ‘absolute corruption’ occurs when he adopts human-like qualities, and changes to become a man. The language of both Lady Macbeth and Napoleon changes throughout ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Animal Farm’, but the importance of language to them changes in opposite directions. Shakespeare began with Lady Macbeth speaking in a poetic but aggressive and demanding fashion, using lots of imagery and similes to convey her points. It is through language and the power of persuasion that Lady Macbeth usurps power, coaxing Macbeth into the murder of Duncan. When formulating a plan to encourage Macbeth to seize the ‘golden round’, Lady Macbeth states that she will ‘â€Å"chastise (Macbeth) with the valour of (her) tongue†’. To ‘chastise’ means to berate, as Lady Macbeth often does with Macbeth, questioning his masculinity (‘â€Å"Are you a man? †’). The use of the adjective ‘valour’ to describe her tongue suggests that her language is courageous, courageous in the battle to convince Macbeth to subside to his ambition and commit regicide. It is a battle Lady Macbeth wins. Initially, Lady Macbeth commands eloquence and enticing speech. Near the start of the play, she is criticising Macbeth’s manhood once more over the impedance of his conscience in keeping to an agreement to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth uses graphic imagery to try and instil envy in Macbeth of her lack remorse: ‘â€Å"How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me, I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck’s my nipple from his boneless gums and dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn†’. The contrasting nature of this quote, starting with an image of new life and love in a baby feeding from a mother and finishing with a violent scene of wicked murder, strikes not only surprise but fear in the reader and most likely Macbeth. Phrases such as ‘boneless gums’ denature into something gruesome and powerful, and is a use of imagery, contorting the appearance of boneless gums in the reader’s mind into something disturbing. Lady Macbeth’s ability to frighten and disturb a listener with her speech signifies how powerful her language is at the start of the play, but her language dwindles and changes in its power as her guilt pulls her into insanity. In the last brief scene Lady Macbeth is exposed to the audience, she has lost all of the attractive and powerful qualities of her speech. For example, unaware of the presence of a doctor and a nurse in her room, Lady Macbeth exclaims: ‘â€Å"To bed, to bed: there’s knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come†¦ to bed, to bed, to bed†’. Her language is littered with punctuation, such as commas, colons and repetition, and it makes her lines jagged, mostly monosyllabic and almost incoherent. Structurally, Lady Macbeth also speaks only in sentences by the end of the play (as do the doctor and the nurse), and this is contrary to the poetic stanzas she boasted at the start of the play. This indicates her change from somebody articulate, intelligent and eloquent into a person who is guilt-ridden and consumed by her conscience. Lady Macbeth loses all her power in language as she changes and falls from grace. In comparison to Lady Macbeth, Napoleon’s power through the use of language changes only for the better of his tyrannical regime. A lot of the security of Napoleon’s position at the helm of Animal Farm is due to the propagating of his fellow pig Squealer. Although it is Squealer’s language, the power-driven opportunities it provides for Napoleon change and widen as his command over the animals through Squealer’s speech expands. It is made apparent from as early as Chapter 2 that Squealer will be a useful tool for consolidating power, described as a ‘brilliant talker’ and that he can turn ‘black into white’ with his words, as he often does by excusing the pigs’ ‘black’ desires with allegedly rational justification for them. The powers of persuasion are as useful to Squealer and Napoleon as it is to Lady Macbeth at the start of both texts, however persuasion is essential to Napoleon’s rule even at the end of the novella. Squealer’s speeches often entail lots of persuasive devices, as exemplified by his response to disapproval of the other animals of the pigs taking all of the milk and apples. ‘â€Å"You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? †’ Squealer uses rhetorical questions many times in his speeches, and his choice of words, such as ‘I hope’, attempts to instil guilt in the animals for even suggesting that the pigs were acting out of ‘selfishness and privilege’. Squealer uses evidence and ‘figures’ to support points, and the imposing threat of the return of Mr Jones to exploit the animal’s docility and lack of intelligence even at the end of the novella, as Orwell indicates by stating the ‘animals believed every word’. Napoleon and Squealer retain their abilities of persuasion and power over the farm after their change into human beings, but Lady Macbeth’s persuasive language deserts her. Napoleon himself tricked the inhabitants of Animal Farm into thinking that Animal Farm was still what the animals had rebelled for and dreamed of through language, by addressing the other animals as ‘Comrades’, suggesting equality and companionship (‘No creature called any other animal ‘Master’. All animals were equal. ’), when in fact Animal Farm emulates the exact opposite of equality. Napoleon changes his approach to using the word ‘Comrade’, stating in the final chapter that addressing others as comrades ‘was to be suppressed’. The abolition of the term symbolises the change on Animal Farm. By the end of the novella, Napoleon is too powerful for the animals; they do not threaten his position on the throne, and language is no longer needed to brainwash ‘The Manor Farm’ any more. In truth, though, language is not needed at all by Napoleon. Napoleon rules Animal Farm through terror and petrifies every animal under his reign. He is introduced, as mentioned previously, as a ‘large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar’, and Napoleon’s brooding presence and psychopathic traits add weight to his frightening nature. The only aspect of the animals’ obvious terror in the face of Napoleon that changes is that it becomes more apparent. Napoleon commands ‘huge dogs’ and attends public executions, where ‘traitors’ are forced into admitting false crimes to have the dogs ‘promptly (tear) their throats out’. Napoleon’s use of fear tactics does not change, nor does his lack of speech, and he forces the farm into submission towards the change of Animalism he spearheads on Animal Farm as it reverts back to ‘The Manor Farm’. While Lady Macbeth is punished for her sins, Napoleon goes on unscathed in his attainment of absolute power. Napoleon commits atrocities, murders other innocent animals and morphs into a human being, perverting every rule of Animalism. Napoleon even commits arguably the greatest sin and becomes an almost God-like figure on Animal Farm, as shown by the poem ‘Comrade Napoleon’ (Napoleon’s Omniscience and Omni-benevolence suggested by the quote ‘Thou watchest over all’. His Omnipotence is also proposed at when Napoleon is referred to as the ‘sun’, the giver of all life, like God). The lack of divine retribution or change in Napoleon’s sanity or mentality hints at the fact there is no God in Animal Farm, there is no justice for the wicked. This could be referred to when Orwell wrote his novella. Napoleon is the manifestation of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin as a pig in ‘Animal Farm’, and Stalin managed to build a global superpower with Soviet Russia at the time when Orwell was writing through the murder of millions of his own people. Stalin never truly suffered an end that compensated for the heinous crimes he committed, and neither does Napoleon.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Sample Scholarship Essay About Yourself
Sample Scholarship Essay About YourselfA sample scholarship essay about yourself can help you know how to present a compelling, self-explanatory and life-affirming essay. It can help you to identify the personal and professional interests, skills and hobbies that would help you stand out from the crowd of applicants who are eligible for this scholarship. You should then ensure that your essay contains not only a connection with your particular circumstance, but also make it as unique as possible. This makes it easier for you to choose a writing style that will work best for you.Do not forget to include in your scholarship essay that it is not only about yourself. It is important that you never forget that this essay is not meant to provide the details of what you have done in the past, but also how you would go about doing it in the future. In order to make it unique, you need to differentiate yourself from others in this essay. Your scholarship essay will make it a little easier for you to make your own style statement, which may be different from other applicants who have applied for this scholarship.Make sure that you do not limit your research on what you should include in your scholarship essay. Remember that you are not only writing about yourself, but are writing about others as well. You need to identify their hopes, dreams and expectations that they hold for themselves and for the future. This will help you to create a unique personal essay about them that people would want to read.It is a good idea to ask for help from a mentor in order to better understand the scholarship requirements and writing style. Asking for help is also a great way to show your concern for others' sake. The teacher or a mentor can help you understand the length of the essay and also assist you to determine the kind of style you would like to use.Sometimes, a personal essay can seem like an unnecessary burden. On the contrary, it is actually a step towards making your scholarsh ip application more successful. When you write it, you need to provide details and information that are specific to the area of study and/or field of interest that you are applying for.If you are in a profession and you need information regarding the value of an MBA, for example, you must provide the details that pertain to that specific career path. If you are interested in a part-time job, you need to give details on how it fits your lifestyle. You must give details of the positive and negative aspects about your current job and the organization that you work for. This will help you to gain insight into the motivation behind your choice and to find out what others think of your work ethic and work ethics.When writing an essay, make sure that you are not putting it on the back burner and that you use it to gain good use out of it. When you write a good sample essay about yourself, it can help you gain insight into your preferences that would help you to formulate your own opinion, which may differ from the others that apply for the same scholarship. This will help you to find a style that suits you and your personality.
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